AERC Membership Recognition

Membership recognition begins with your very first completed ride, as per rule 6.3, “All riders who successfully complete the ride must receive a completion award.”


AERC offers a variety of annual and lifetime achievement awards, which are described in detail below.

AERC National Championship: 50 Mile and 100 Mile Championship Ride. Please contact office for current qualification criteria and location.


National Mileage Championship and National Limited Distance Mileage Championship: Listed are the top-mileage senior and junior champions for both endurance and LD. The National Mileage Championship honors the top 10 senior and top 5 junior rider and horse teams with the most miles accrued during one season. This award is based solely on mileage. The National LD Mileage Championship is based solely on mileage (25-35 mile rides). Honors the top 3 Senior and top 3 Junior rider/horse teams with the most miles accrued during one season.


National Best Condition Award: The National Best Condition award is presented to the horse who has earned the most Best Condition points during the ride season (any number of riders). Top ten placements are awarded.


National Limited Distance Best Condition Award: Coming in 2019!


National 100 Mile Award: Honoring the  Top Ten  Senior horse/rider teams with the most points accumulated on one day rides of 100 miles or more.


Junior National 100 Mile Award: Honoring the  top five Junior riders  completing at least two one-day 100-mile rides in the ride season, based on mileage only.


Kathy Brunjes Young Rider Award: Top 10 high-mileage senior riders between the ages of 14 to 21 on any number of equines who have met the minimum mileage requirement of 300 miles.


Jim Jones Stallion Award: Honoring the stallion with the most miles completed during the ride season (any number of riders). Top 10 stallions awarded.


War Mare Award: Based on the most overall placing points accrued by the same mare/rider team during one season (Seniors only).


Bob and Julie Suhr Husband and Wife Team Award: Honoring the top 10 husband/wife teams with the most points accumulated on any number of horses. If one spouse has less mileage, his/her total must be at least one-third of the total miles for the team. 10 plaques awarded.


Bill Thornburgh Family Award Award: Honoring the family with the most miles completed. A family is father and/or mother and one or more dependent children. The only rides that count toward this competition are those where at least one parent and one child start a distance at an event on the same day; example – a parent could start the 100 and a child the LD at an event offering both. If either is pulled, the miles for the finisher will be counted. Miles for a dependent are included up until the 21st birthday but not after. The first place family receives a keepsake plaque and are engraved onto the perpetual trophy. Top 10 families acknowledged.


Bill Stuckey Award: Honoring the rider 65 years of age or older who completed the greatest number of miles (any number of horses). One placing acknowledged. Keepsake plaque awarded and engraved onto the perpetual trophy.


Pioneer Award: For most points on a multi-day event [3-5 days (150 miles or more)]. Per event, qualification is a cumulative score horse and rider team.  All days of the ride must be completed to receive points. Three placements awarded per division including juniors. Sponsored by Belesemo Arabian Ranch.

Hall of Fame: Two categories – Equine and Member – honor lifetime achievements by recognizing outstanding performances or outstanding contributions to the sport or to AERC. Nominations are made by ballots submitted by members to the Hall of Fame Committee. This award is kept secret until the annual Awards Banquet.


Pard’ners Award: Rider and horse perform together as a mutually bonded team. Rider and horse engender a spirit of friendship, enthusiasm and championship that makes those around them glad to have attended the ride. However competitive they may be, good sportsmanship remains their first priority. Horse and rider take care of each other. Together horse and rider personify the prevailing and abiding goal of AERC “To Finish is to Win.” This award was established in honor of the late Mae Schlegel. Selection is made by nomination and announced at annual Awards Banquet. Recipient receives keepsake plaque and name of horse and rider engraved onto perpetual trophy.


Perfect Ten Award (Equine Only): Created in 1997 and sponsored by Joe Long, past president, former SE director, and member of the Hall of Fame. Must have completed 10 years, 10,000 miles, 10 first place finishes and 10 best conditions. Award item to be announced.


Ann Parr Trails Preservation Award: This award, first given in 2012, honors the member who has worked tirelessly for equine trails. This award may not be given every year.


AERC Volunteer Service Award: This award is established to honor an AERC member who has devoted an extraordinary amount of volunteer effort, time and service on behalf of the AERC for many years. This award may not be given every year. The recipient shall receive a keepsake plaque of such quality as to underscore the value placed on volunteer efforts by members of the AERC.

Decade Teams. The Decade Team recognizes those equine and rider teams who completed at least one endurance ride (50 miles or more) each year for 10 years.


Double Decade Teams. Honors equine/rider endurance teams who have competed together for 20 years.


Equine Longevity Awards. Pins are presented each year to owners of equines who have competed at least 50 miles per year for 10 years (endurance and/or limited distance), and again at 15, 20 and 25 years. This link shows the latest equines to be honored.


Century Club. This distinction is reserved for those riders and equines whose ages total at least 100 when they participate in an AERC endurance or limited distance ride.

Regional Awards are those earned by riders from each of AERC’s regions. Regional Points Championship standings are based in riders in each region earning the most Weight Division and Overall points (includes Seniors not placing in a weight division).

Within the Senior Division (over 16 years of age) there are 4 weight divisions:

Featherweight: combined body weight and tack is 160 lbs or below.
Lightweight: combined body weight and tack is 161 to 185 lbs.
Middleweight: combined body weight and tack is 186 to 210 lbs.
Heavyweight: combined body weight and tack is 211 lbs or higher.

Scoring: Calculated on a single horse and rider team. Each rider receives 2 sets of points; one for placement in their weight division and one for overall finish line placement. Due to each region having a varying membership count, the ranking is based on the top 5% of a region’s membership.

Some regions will have a greater number of weight division placements, while all regions will have a top 10 overall placement. Some riders will score only enough points to place top ten in the regional overall standings but fail to score enough to place within their weight division. This occurrence is reported as “Senior not placing in a weight division”. Riders placing in their weight division and/or overall will receive an award jacket.

Junior Division: A junior rider is under the age of 16 as of the first day of the AERC ride season (December 1st). A junior rider must ride in the company of a sponsor who is 21 years of age or older (see Section 10 of AERC Rule Book). Juniors receive points per mile only and are not considered for overall placements. All regions will list top 3 juniors. Each making the list at year end will be receiving an award jacket.

Regional Limited Distance Mileage Championship: The regional LD mileage awards are for those riders who have accumulated at least 200 limited distance miles on one horse for seniors (150 limited distance miles for juniors). These awards are for the top seven senior riders and top three junior riders (regardless of ties) in each region who have accumulated the minimum number of limited distance miles on one horse. The actual award will be the same given that year to the regional high point endurance riders receiving weight division awards.

Rider Mileage Championship: Top 2 seniors and 1 junior with the greatest endurance-distance mileage accrued in that season are chosen as that region’s mileage champions. A rider may ride up to 2 horses. This achievement is listed on their award jacket.

Regional Best Condition: Honoring the top 5 horses winning Best Condition throughout the season. Points are awarded on a per mile basis, not vet scores. See Section 9.4 of the AERC Rule Book for an explanation of the point system. Best Condition points are not applied toward the overall point system.

Regional Limited Distance – Best Condition: Honoring the top 5 horses winning Best Condition throughout the season in 25-35 mile rides. Points are awarded on a per mile basis, not vet scores. Best Condition points are not applied toward the overall point system.

Rider Mileage Program: Upon completion of 250 miles, riders receive a Rider Mileage patch and a 250 mile chevron. Additional chevrons are awarded at 500, 750, and 1000 miles and at each additional 1000 miles. Riders achieving these mileage plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News.

Equine Mileage Program: Horses will receive a medallion for each 1000 miles completed. Plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News.

Limited Distance Program: Upon completion of 250 miles of Limited Distance Rides, riders receive a Limited Distance Rider Mileage patch and a 250 mile chevron. Additional chevrons are awarded at 500, 750, and 1000 miles and at each additional 1000 miles. Riders achieving these plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News.

Limited Distance Equine Mileage Program: Upon completion of each 500 miles in Limited Distance sanctioned rides, the equine will be awarded a medallion. Plateaus are acknowledged in Endurance News.

Note: Upon payment of a research fee (subject to changes) members may recover mileage for AERC sanctioned rides completed prior to joining. Restored mileage does apply to your career totals. Applications to receive this credit can be obtained through the AERC office.

Miles continue to accumulate as long as an individual remains a current AERC member. Should membership lapse, rides completed while the individual is a non-member will not be credited. Upon renewal, mileage will resume accumulating as of renewal date. Miles completed during the non-member period can be reclaimed upon payment of research fee.

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