Ride Manager Forms

Ride managers are vital to the sport of endurance riding as endurance riding would not exist without ride managers! You are to be commended for making it possible for riders to participate in the sport.

If you are a first-time ride manager, please consider contacting a member of the Ride Managers Committee to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. These dedicated ride managers are happy to share their knowledge with you and help make your ride as successful as possible. You may also wish to join the AERC Ride Managers Facebook group.

Below are the materials necessary to get you started, to put on a ride, and to report your results to the AERC office.

Once your sanction has been approved by your regional sanctioning director and entered into the database at the AERC office, you will receive a confirmation email. Check it over to be sure all information is complete.

The email will also include an order form for you to request forms for ride results, etc. (If it’s your first time, check the “send me the full packet” box.) If you have any questions, please contact the office by phone: 866-271-2372.

NEW! To apply for funds from the new 100-Mile Ride Managers Fund to offset costs of putting on 100-mile rides, fill out this Application Form.

AERC Ride Managers Handbook: This is a useful manual for all ride managers. To receive a printed booklet by mail, phone the office (866-271-2372).


Ride Entry Form: Feel free to check out other ride entry forms in the ride calendar for ideas, or view this Sample Ride Entry form.


Ride Flyer/Entry: Send your ride flyer/entry in PDF (preferred) or Word to endurancenews@aerc.org and it will be linked to the popular AERC online calendar.


You will receive an order form with your ride confirmation email. You may email, fax (530-823-2260), mail or call in your order for AERC rule books, ride result and BC forms, etc. If you wish, you may download a Ride Manager Order Form. Most all forms are also available under the Forms for Your Ride tab, below.


California Ride Managers: California’s Equine Medication Monitoring Program (EMMP) is online. Please click for California Department of Food & Agriculture drug testing program information. (Please note that the California drug testing fee was raised to $14 per horse as of 6/1/22.)


Budgeting Template for Ride Managers: Thanks to Mollie Krumlaw-Smith for sharing this RM Budgeting Excel file, useful for planning a budget for your ride. Download the file and save as a template, then plug in your own numbers.


Publicity: A little work on your part can go a long way! We highly recommend creating a Facebook page for your ride and posting updates regarding planning, registration, and photos. This will get people excited for your ride, and is a great way to reach potential riders. Share your page and posts on your local endurance groups Facebook pages, as well as on the AERC Facebook page.  You can also create a website (and link it on your Facebook page) or showcase photos on an Instagram account.


Also, send out notices and stories about your upcoming ride to your local newspaper, regional horse publications, and maybe even local radio and TV stations. A sample press release follows, but use your imagination! You can focus on one or more riders and their past accomplishments, cover trail information or the historic nature of your ride. Steph Teeter has put together a list of publications and their contact information — use this to find the best place to get the word out. If you have any other publications to add to the list, write to Steph at steph@endurance.net. Here’s the list!


Sample Press Release in Word file or a PDF document — Send an article about your ride to local newspapers or regional horse publications. Here’s a sample press release to help you get started.


Hosting A Ride and Tie: The webinar for ride managers can be useful to you — incentives may be available for ride managers who add a Ride and Tie event to their AERC ride.


Ride Change RequestUse this form if a change is needed to your ride date, location, distance, etc.


Member and Equine AERC Numbers: Look up a member or equine to find their AERC number. Log in, then click on Ride Manager in the Navigation box. Use the Member/Horse Lookup to search for individual members. If the member number is red, that person is not a current member.

You can also access the Paid Member List, searchable by Region or for the entire membership. You can click View to have the list show up in your browser, or click the Download CSV option to download the list. What you see are all current members, in numerical order.


Current Member List: Use your member login, then to go Member Home and Ride Managers. Then click “Paid Member List” to print or save a list of all current AERC members. You may search by region.

To request a Certificate of Insurance: Please fill out the Request for Certificate of Insurance form. Fax, email, or mail the form to Equisure, Inc. (information at bottom of form). The form can be printed and filled out by hand, or you can fill it out on the computer (except for the signature) and then print it to send to Equisure. Note: If you email (info@equisure-inc.com) the form to Equisure, please be sure that you have signed the form by hand (not typed your signature or generated it electronically).


Be sure to choose whether you will need Proof of Insurance or Additional Insured:


Proof of insurance: the landowner/facility will receive a certificate showing that AERC has insurance. A copy of the same certificate will also be sent to the ride manager and a copy to AERC.


Additional Insured: the landowner/facility will be added as additional insured and if a loss should occur AERC would share their insurance limit with the landowner/facility designated.


Please read the certificate of insurance form carefully, as landowners are not automatically covered under AERC’s ride liability insurance and you must be certain to include their name and mailing address so they receive proper coverage for the ride. They may have special wording regarding the land involved and it is important to include that information on the certificate request form. Some landowners may require only proof of insurance and that information must also be indicated on the form.

Certified AERC Control Judges (Note: These are veterinarians who have passed the AERC examination, but may not be current members.)


Regional Control Judge list is available by logging in, then going to the Ride Management tab and then the Regional Vet list. (Note: This list will include veterinarians who do not do control judging.


Guidelines for Judging AERC Endurance Competitions (vet handbook), updated 2016


Control Veterinarian Videos: This informative video is a great review for current control judges, a teaching tool for new control judges, and helpful for ride managers and riders to learn what to expect at control checks.  You can view the 3-part video on our YouTube page.

AERC Rider Cards (updated for 2015 with body condition scoring for the pre-ride exam, and space for recording four quadrants of gut sounds):


Rider Card 1. A one-sided form with room for two vet checks as well as the pre-ride and post-finish exams.


Rider Card 2. This 2-sided form is most like the previous rider card. It can be copied and cut into a square shape. Includes room for six ride checks.


Rider Card 3. A one-sided form with room for six vet checks as well as the pre-ride and post-finish exams.


Rider Card 4. A two-sided form (front and back) to print 2-up – each card is 5.5″ x 8.5″.


NEW! From West Region ride manager Tami Rougeau, a custom Excel spreadsheet that will help you with ride management and rider tracking from entry to upload to AERC. A very useful tool!



Timer Sheet for use on ride day


Finish Line Form


Best Condition Form


Best Condition Form – Instructions


Excel Form for calculating Best Condition (thanks to Mollie Krumlaw-Smith)


Membership Registration form so riders can join/renew at the ride (and avoid paying the $20 day member fee).


Online Equine Registration Form


New Rider Briefing outline


Day Member Contact Information Form

SafeSport: Each AERC ride in the U.S., beginning in the 2020 ride season, must have a designated SafeSport ride management representative who has passed the SafeSport online training prior to the ride. The AERC office must have proof of SafeSport training before the ride occurs. (Reimbursement is available for one management team representative per ride.)


LINK: Click SafeSport Information to learn about general information and to sign up for online SafeSport training.

It’s here! AERC’s brand-new Offline Ride Results.


Here is a PDF to explain the process, step by step: AERC Offline Ride Results How-To (PDF)
How-to videos to explain the AERC Offline Ride Results tool, step by step: Click here (video tutorials)


  • Enter just the rider and horse ID and website populates names (can load entries before ride day)
  • Enter BC scores and program calculates the total BC score and winner – even in the field
  • Website calculates placings
  • Website flags riders who are not current with dues or not AERC members
  • Easy way to enter Intro Riders’ contact information
  • Program calculates fees, including Day Members and Intro Rider fees


And, because we’re AERC, there are a couple options for you:
  1. Enter individual results
  2. Import results from a pre-programmed xlsx file

There are a variety of ways to send in your ride results. The new AERC Offline Ride Results (above) is developed to integrate seamlessly with the AERC website. Alternatively, digital or paper files can be sent to the AERC office, and we’ll be happy to assist with file uploads and data entry.  Contact the AERC office if you have any questions about reporting your ride results.


Ride Results Reporting Form – Page 1 (the paper form!)


Ride Results Reporting Form – Page 2 (for additional entries on the paper form)


BC Reporting Form – Instructions – paper format


BC Reporting Form – paper format


NEW! From West Region ride manager Tami Rougeau, a custom Excel spreadsheet that will help you with ride management and rider tracking from entry to upload to AERC. A very useful tool!

Equine Ride Injury/Treatment Report (for Control Judges) — previously known as the Post-Ride Statistical Report


Post-Ride Rider Survey to be completed by riders if their equine experienced lameness or metabolic problems related to the ride


Online Ride Evaluation form – for riders to share their feedback on rides

Interested in hosting an AERC National Championships ride? Fill out one of these application forms and send it to the National Championship Committee chair. Prefer to fill out the form on computer? Select the first one, which is a Word document that you can fill in on your computer, then send via email. If you want to print out the form and mail it in, click on the PDF form.


National Championship Application (PDF)

We encourage all ride managers to reach out to companies for assistance via sponsorship and/or donations. Many companies are very generous. As a ride manager, you can promote their donation via social media, your ride website, placing their name and logo in a prominent place at the ride, etc. Below are some links for exclusive AERC ride management discounts for ride prizes. Many other companies not listed below offer donations and discounts as well.


Riding Warehouse: Offering 20% off select items for ride prizes. Contact donations@ridingwarehouse.com to learn more.


Distance Depot:  Contact info@thedistancedepot.com for special details regarding finish award options


Red Gorilla: Offering 30% off ride prizes for AERC ride managers: AERC Red Gorilla Ride Manager Discount.


Performx: Free Heartrate Monitors for use for PnR purposes at rides and 20% discount on heart rate monitor prizes. Contact marcplindsay@performexsupps.com.

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