AERC’s State Trails Advocates are working for equine trails across the United States. Read about what’s happening in the latest report:
2022 AERC State Trails Reports.
Here are the prior year reports: 2021 AERC State Trails Reports.
Recommended Best Practices for Managing Stock Use Sites at Developed Campgrounds: From the USDA, this White Paper is designed to raise awareness of the use of campgrounds and campsites designed for stock use by non-stock users, highlight associated safety concerns, and recommend best practices for managing horse campgrounds and campsites to better serve the public.
Non-Horse Parties in Horse Camping Areas: The Back Country Horse Association and its allies developed a Horse Camp Incident Report form for members to capture and record incidents where parties without stock are occupying Forest Service equestrian campsites — link to the Online Horse Camp Incident Form.
USFS Five Year Permits: Here’s a how-to guide for ride managers to assist you to get a permit to hold your ride on Forest Service land. Click for the Five-Year Permit Information Sheet.
Environmental Planning and Compliance, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture/Forest Service
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), from the U.S. Department of the Interior
Link to ‘A Citizen’s Guide to NEPA’
Link to ‘Planning and NEPA in the BLM’
Meeting with a legislator or land manager? Be sure to read these Tips for Meeting with Legislators and Land Managers from Trails and Land Management Co-Chair Monica Chapman. The information included in this letter will help you prepare for a successful meeting.
Sustaining Equestrian Trails for the Future, an article reprinted form Equestrian Land Conservation Resource, is filled with great suggestions. Click here for the two-page PDF of this important article.
Video: Trails Etiquette Video from — a 9-minute introduction to trails etiquette for equestrians, bicyclists and trail runners.
Know of other great videos? Share the link with Trails Committee Co-Chair Monica Chapman.
Trail work with pack animals: Thanks to AERC Trail Master Robert Sydnor for this summary of the PCTA’s Working with Packers and Packstock field course.