AERC’s premier event is the annual National Championships, which celebrate the sport of endurance riding at the chosen ride venue, which varies from region to region each year.
101 Orange St, Suite A-1
Auburn, CA 95603
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AERC’s premier event is the annual National Championships, which celebrate the sport of endurance riding at the chosen ride venue, which varies from region to region each year.
2025 AERC National Championships
In light of the cancellation of the 2025 AERC National Championship ride, that was to be held at the Biltmore Estate, the National Championship Committee recommended canceling the National Championship for the 2025 ride season. While some ride managers showed interest in hosting it this year, the Committee determined it was unfair to those unaware of the opportunity, and that the short timeframe would not allow sufficient preparation for a true National Championship ride. The Board unanimously agreed.
Going forward, the plan is to solicit ride managers on the eastern side of the US for the 2026 event. The Committee will present results by mid-summer, providing ample time for promotion and planning for the 2026 event.
Qualifications for the National Championship Rides:
All entrants must be current full members of AERC.
All riders must ride in their declared weight division.
50-mile AERC National Championship:
• Horse: 300 AERC lifetime miles (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
• Rider: 300 AERC lifetime miles (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
• 100 AERC miles together as a team (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
100-mile AERC National Championship:
• Horse: 500 AERC lifetime miles (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
• Rider: 500 AERC lifetime miles (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
• One 1-day 100-mile AERC ride together as a team OR a two-day 100 mile ride OR two back-to-back 50 mile rides
Alternate 100-mile AERC National Championship Qualification:
• Horse/Rider, as a team, have completed 1,000 AERC lifetime miles (50 miles or more, no LD miles)
Alternate 50-mile OR 100-mile AERC National Championship Qualification:
• Horse/Rider, as a team, are listed in the overall Top 10 of their AERC Region in the year preceding the AERC National Championship Ride.
To view your Ride History, click here or phone the AERC office (866) 271-2372.