101 Orange St, Suite A-1
Auburn, CA 95603
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Calendar News:
In light of the cancellation of the 2025 AERC National Championship ride, that was to be held at the Biltmore Estate, the National Championship Committee recommended canceling the National Championship for the 2025 ride season. While some ride managers showed interest in hosting it this year, the Committee determined it was unfair to those unaware of the opportunity, and that the short timeframe would not allow sufficient preparation for a true National Championship ride. The Board unanimously agreed.
Going forward, the plan is to solicit ride managers on the eastern side of the US for the 2026 event. The Committee will present results by mid-summer, providing ample time for promotion and planning for the 2026 event.
Tahoe Rim Ride is cancelled for 2025. From the Ride Manager: “We recently learned that there will be major trail closures for a year in the Spooner Lake Backcountry for dam and water pipeline replacements. About 50% of the Tahoe Rim Ride trails will be impacted with these closures. We have decided to make a difficult decision to cancel the NASTR Tahoe Rim Ride for 2025. For more information about the trail closures go to www.parks.nv.gov. We will be back for 2026 on July 25, 2026.”
Veterinary News:
Passed at the November 2024 AERC Board of Directors Meeting: Two motions from the Veterinary Committee to add two items to the Prohibited Treatments section:
• Nasal strips such as “Flair Strips”
• Nebulization of any type