National 100 Mile Champions

The top horse/rider team with the most overall points accumulated on one-day rides of 100 miles.

Year Equine Name Rider Name Miles Points
2024 MV Guns ‘N’ Roses Melissa Montgomery 300 1350
2023 Belesema Sapphire Meg Sleeper, VMD 300 1298
2022 Poete Holly R. Corcoran 400 1515
2021 GE VA Blizzard of Ozz Christoph Schork 300 1120
2020 (not awarded)
2019 Bethany GreyC+// Gerald Cummings 600 1447
2018 Kourageus Hope Hannah Johnson 500 1582
2017 Bethany GreyC+/ Gerald Cummings 500 1548
2016 GE Pistol Annie Christoph Schork 400 1410
2015 Second Wind Soldier Richard Stedman 400 1125
2014 Cashin In Nicki Meuten 500 1867
2013 Jumpin’ Jax Ruth Anne Everett 500 1660
2012 Chi-Hi Stephen Rojek 500 1630
2011 Raazyl Cha+/ Debra Ivey 700 2830
2010 Elliptic Samantha Sandler 300 1360
2009 LV Integrity Joyce Sousa 500 1890
2008 King Ali Gold Valerie Kanavy 300 1350
2007 Ben Kim Fuess 600 1890
2006 Chase The Wind AH Suzanne Ford Huff 500 1680
2005 Pygmalion Kathryn Downs 500 1905
2004 Smokerise Finally Stephen Rojek 900 1715
2003 Mommesin Alexandra Luck 400 1500
2002 LV Integrity Joyce Sousa 500 1980
2001 Bearcat O’Reilly Valerie Kanavy 400 1605
2000 HK Contender Gail F. Zeck 600 1830
1999 SR Sharree Karen Binns-DiCamillo 600 2048
1998 Wameco Cynthia Bell 500 1545
1997 Karazanns Karisma+/ Betsy Reeves 700 2160
1996-tie Charbiel Melissa Crain 400 1605
1996-tie KJ Destination Shirley Delsart 400 1605
1995 Jim Bob Joyce Sousa 800 2265
1994 Pieraz (Cash) Valerie Kanavy 600 2550
1993 Vali-Hifazeyna Debra Ivey 600 2070
1992 Ramegwa Drubin Stagg Newman 900 3825
1991 Whoa Jack Sandy Olinger 800 2475
1990 Vali-Hifazeyna Debra Ivey 800 1950
1989 JK Fa Sherif John DiPietra 600 1600
1988 Astro Aries Les Carr 1505 2026.5
1987 Bodashious Dude Les Carr 1500 2350
1986 Kahlil Khai Joe Long 1000 1940
1985 Amir Nezraff+ Nina Warren 400 1190
1984 Seeker Wanda Myers 1650
1983 Amir Nezraff+ Nina Warren 1820
1982 Ser Well Lurina Dancer 1760
1981 Pride Habibi Marney Nance 1590
1980 Champagne Arlene Morris 600
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