Ride Results Filter

Ride Results

Ride Results for:
Bill Thornburgh & AHA Reg. II Championships
Pacific Southwest Region Manager: Daniel Brown 10/28/2023 23 starting, 17 finishing 50 miles Winner: WHR LimiTed Edition ridden by Lilia Lucero in 05:10 BC: Par Devant
ridden by Justin Loewen in 05:13, 767 points
1 L 05:10 Lilia Lucero on WHR LimiTed Edition 150/150
2 F 05:10 Anastasia Savini on ALittle Too Much CH 150/125
3 H 05:13 Justin Loewen on Par Devant 150/110 BC
4 L 05:13 Sabine Theurer-Barajas on Par Ammour 125/100
5 F 06:02 Kerrie Tuley on WP Aurdacious 125/90
6 H 06:04 Scott Lucas on Stanley 125/80
7 M 06:04 Rachael Hamby on Rivera 150/70
8 F 07:14 Lisa Schneider on Paco 110/65
9 H 08:55 Todd Urban on Thunder 110/60
10 M 09:02 Dave Rabe on Cheys Cocamoe Joe 125/55
11 L 09:04 Donna DuBois on My Werners Equinox 110/50
12 F 09:06 Cynthia Landis on Tango 100/50
13 L 09:16 Susan Williams on Suns Bedazzled 100/50
13 M 09:16 Callie Thornburgh on Cimmeron PA 110/50
13 H 09:16 William Davis on DJB Vega 100/50
16 F 09:54 Kris Amantia on MM Hershey 85/50
16 F 09:54 Heidi M. Helly on Optimas Prime 85/50
L Nina Bomar on Om El Eshan
M Suzanne Ford Huff on SD Proof of Energczy
M Melissa Harris on Solar Flame
RO-L Carolyn Hock on SX Whisper
RO Rebecca Stone on SD Zenyara *R*
L Brandon Swierk on Kiva
The data in this website originates from the AERC National Office. Updates can and do occur. The official record source is the AERC National Office.

Information dated from Dec. 1, 1995 forward is complete. Endurance records from 1984-1995 can be considered relatively accurate. At present, Limited Distance records begin with Dec. 1, 1995. There is no ride data on-line prior to Dec.1, 1984.


* – for items with an asterisk, the individuals should contact the AERC according to the instructions and timeframes in the Endurance News.
R == RiderID missing
H == HorseID missing
W == WeightDivision missing or unknown


Please do not send questions concerning the results or reporting of errors to either Mike Maul or Russ Humphrey. We only translate the info from that sent to us by the AERC.

You need to contact the AERC if you feel there is an error in the ride results.

These results are unofficial. The official ride results appear in the Endurance News.


Points / Dues note: The points above will not reflect your actual points in the office records unless you have paid your AERC dues by Feb. 1. These represent only what they would have been if all dues have been paid. If you have any questions as to whether your dues are current – contact the AERC office at 530-823-2260 or e-mail office@aerc.org.


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