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Ride Results

Ride Results for:
Western States Trail Ride - The Tevis Cup
West Region Manager: Chuck Stalley 07/29/2023 94 starting, 61 finishing 100 miles Winner: Treasured Moments ridden by Jeremy Reynolds in 13:14 BC:
ridden by in , points
1 M 13:14 Jeremy Reynolds on Treasured Moments 450/450
2 L 13:22 Gabriela Blakeley on LLC Pyros Choice 450/375
3 F 13:30 Jenna Harrison on Lily Creek Kong / *R*
4 L 13:59 Sanoma Blakeley on SS Calypsos Cardamom 375/300
5 L 14:03 Dante LaPierre on MS Dennie MHF 330/270
6 F 14:10 Haley Moquin on MV Im Hot N Bothered 375/240
7 F 14:10 Kim Moquin on Okbas Finale 330/210
8 M 14:16 Mark Montgomery on MM Gus 375/195
9 L 14:16 Heather Reynolds on Supersonic Zell 300/180
10 F 14:16 Mollie Quiroz on Chndakasexpress7 300/165
11 L 14:18 Suzanne Hayes on Al Marah Triple Speed 270/150
12 F 15:12 Reyna Mero on Chndakas Eklipse SWA 270/150
13 F 15:41 Kaylei Perry on Followyourdreamm 240/150
14 L 15:45 Melissa Montgomery on MV Guns \'N\' Roses 240/150
15 Y 15:45 Caroline de Bourbon on MV Masterful 450/150
16 F 16:02 Michele Roush Rowe on Slim 210/150
17 L 16:39 Kassandra DiMaggio on WT Bezarif 210/150
18 M 16:39 Andrew Mayo on One Sun 330/150
19 H 18:50 John Stevens on Lil Dude AA 450/150
20 F 19:05 Mary Jane Fridley on Mustang Magic SRA 195/150
21 H 19:19 Hal Hall on Direct 375/150
22 L 19:19 Jessica Middleton on SVR Mercury Rising 195/150
23 J 19:19 Tierney Beloberk on Highh Treason 330/
24 M 19:19 Kelly Williams Stehman on RTR I Be Pfast 300/150
25 N 19:58 Kay Lockwood on West Wind Dragon / *R*
26 F 19:58 Colton Medeiros on SMR Filouette 180/150
27 F 20:12 Lisa Schneider on FV Amazing Farwa 165/150
28 F 20:12 Kristine Hartman on Count On Tessie Flyin 150/150
29 L 20:12 Rachel Miura on Theodore the Wonder Horse, Lord of the Mountains 180/150
30 M 20:19 Krystyna Eischens on Chips Diamond Rehalla 270/150
31 L 20:55 Mallori Farrell (Spilker) on Red Hero 165/150
32 N 20:55 Wojciech Heliasz on Chuck Norris / *R*
33 L 20:55 Alexandra Lewis on Alexander Hamilton 150/150
34 F 20:55 Carmen Jackson on NVF Technicolor Vision 150/150
35 L 20:56 Michelle Mullins on Dancing Boy 150/150
36 H 20:59 Ken Campbell on MM Cody 330/150
37 F 21:01 Melissa Ribley on Ever Ready 150/150
38 H 21:01 Robert Ribley on Chipofftheoleblock 300/150
39 M 21:01 Cheryl Van Deusen on RR Qwik 240/150
40 H 21:01 Carl Kimbler on Skye's Honor 270/150
41 N 21:01 Giuseppe Ducci on RR Gogh Gogh Gadget / *R*
42 Y 21:01 Vanessa Erickson on Riyaaz Dezjon 375/150
43 J 21:01 Lila Reeder on BES Belle Pepper 210/
44 F 21:01 Tahlia Franke on Highh Visibility3 / *R*
45 N 21:01 Trish Smith on Sparta / *R*
46 F 21:21 Ashley Sansome on RRF\'s Diamond Smuggler 150/150
47 H 21:21 Steve Kohlmann on Ghost 240/150
48 L 21:26 Cathy Bartusek on OT Dymonite RSI 150/150
49 M 21:26 Preston Ketcherside on Houdini 210/150
50 L 21:27 Sara Anderson on BPR Jasmine Blu 150/150
51 L 21:27 Nance Ann Worman on Gold N Diva 150/150
52 M 21:27 Alexandra Collier on JM Gibbs 195/150
53 F 21:31 Audra Cook on Seven 150/150
54 L 21:31 Juleen Feazell on Khaleesi 150/150
55 F 21:32 Lynn Atcheson on Texas Bandit 150/150
56 L 21:36 Erin Glassman on PS Rushcreek Bonanza 150/150
57 N 21:37 Charles Gauci on PS Trakara River / *R*
58 H 21:37 Terry Zygalinski on Charlie 210/150
59 J 21:45 Kinley Thunehorst on Danney Joe's Prime Time Lady 150/
60 L 21:45 Sarah Arthur on Nevada 150/150
61 M 21:55 Katrin Levermann on GE Danex 180/150
L Michaela Andrews on TA Christel
L Rannveig Aamodt on Jhessabell
RO Niki Beck on Majestic Cloudy Boy
SF Tosha Buker on MV Krypton
L Wasch Blakeley on RA Ares Bey
L Gwen Boland on SCA Mirror Image
L Kelsey Kimbler Ebach on HV Cimmarons Goliath
L Samantha Ellis on Leno
L Sarah Gray on Ena WSF *R*
RO Brandy Ferganchick on Siklingur from Cornell
RO Melissa Harris on Solar Flame
L Susannah Jones on Eli Jones
L Erica Hollen on Sir Atlas
L Phyllis Keller on Curious George
L Susan Kramer on WMA Bandy The Clown
L JayaMae Kaur on Shadow's Stormy April
L Jeanette Mero on WMA Rio Bravo
RO Garry Weis on Bey Andreas *R*
L Ilan Dvir on MM Woodrow *R*
M David Laws on Che'ole
L Justin Loewen on Par Devant
L Tristan Mero on Ozark Kaolena SWA *R*
L Annette Phillips on Johnny
L Gayle Muench on Blue Hearrt
L Lori Oleson on Rushcreek Fargo
L Nicola Thorne on RR Super Cool
M Diane Stevens on FV Ibn's Aulani
L Christoph Schork on GE VA Blizzard of Ozz
M Cory Soltau on Keep On Dreamin *H*
L Heather Wilkerson on Perzzia
L Alisija Zabavska on DA Luciano
L Shyla Williams on BES Soumra Bint Karah
RO Mary Vredenburg on Jeconiah
The data in this website originates from the AERC National Office. Updates can and do occur. The official record source is the AERC National Office.

Information dated from Dec. 1, 1995 forward is complete. Endurance records from 1984-1995 can be considered relatively accurate. At present, Limited Distance records begin with Dec. 1, 1995. There is no ride data on-line prior to Dec.1, 1984.


* – for items with an asterisk, the individuals should contact the AERC according to the instructions and timeframes in the Endurance News.
R == RiderID missing
H == HorseID missing
W == WeightDivision missing or unknown


Please do not send questions concerning the results or reporting of errors to either Mike Maul or Russ Humphrey. We only translate the info from that sent to us by the AERC.

You need to contact the AERC if you feel there is an error in the ride results.

These results are unofficial. The official ride results appear in the Endurance News.


Points / Dues note: The points above will not reflect your actual points in the office records unless you have paid your AERC dues by Feb. 1. These represent only what they would have been if all dues have been paid. If you have any questions as to whether your dues are current – contact the AERC office at 530-823-2260 or e-mail office@aerc.org.


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