Ride Results Filter

Ride Results

Ride Results for:
American River Classic
West Region Manager: Joby Souza 04/22/2023 47 starting, 44 finishing 50 miles Winner: MM Woodrow ridden by Melissa Montgomery in 05:04 BC: MM Woodrow
ridden by Melissa Montgomery in 05:04, 547 points
1 L 05:04 Melissa Montgomery on MM Woodrow 150/137.5 BC
1 M 05:04 Mark Montgomery on MM Gus 150/137.5
3 M 05:40 Jeremy Reynolds on Caramija 125/110
4 F 05:47 Journey Atwood on QMR Wild Fire 150/100
5 M 06:06 Alicia Boyd on WMA Balerina 110/90
6 H 06:12 Ken Campbell on MM Cody 150/80
7 F 06:14 Jeanette Mero on Ozark Kaolena SWA 125/70
8 F 06:14 Reyna Mero on Chndakas Eklipse SWA 110/65
9 L 07:02 Kassandra DiMaggio on WT Bezarif 125/60
10 L 07:08 Lori Oleson on Rushcreek Fargo 110/55
11 L 07:08 Becky Spencer on Bezooka 100/50
12 F 07:38 Kristine Hartman on Count On Tessie Flyin 100/50
13 Y 07:38 Mollie Quiroz on Chndakasexpress7 150/50
14 H 07:44 Steve Kohlmann on Ghost 125/50
15 Y 07:48 Phoebe Mae Cowlin on Patrick's Fire 125/50
16 F 07:48 Carolyn Latham on Mojave Blaze 90/50
17 L 08:09 Cynthia A. Oster on Bey Andreas 90/50
18 M 08:10 Brenda Benkly on Legacy AA 100/50
19 L 08:20 Emilee Hanson on Psaxs Dream Tone / *R*
20 L 08:24 Leahe Daby on SFF Ace's Queen of Heart's 70/50
21 L 08:24 Michelle Mullins on Dancing Boy 65/50
22 L 08:24 Crysta Turnage on Bravos DCA 60/50
23 J 08:29 Jax Beloberk on Golly Brae Brae 150/
24 Y 08:29 Gwen Boland on Highh Visibility3 110/50
25 F 08:29 Samantha Ellis on Leno 80/50
26 Y 08:29 Vanessa Erickson on Riyaaz Dezjon 100/50
27 J 08:29 Lila Reeder on BES Belle Pepper 110/
28 J 08:36 Ryan Ellis on PSR Karahty Kid 90/
29 J 08:36 Kendall Groth on Expression VO 70/
30 L 08:36 Katie Bianchi-Kreeger on SCA Mirror Image 55/50
31 J 08:36 Mayce Belle Kreeger on Little Bit of Starlight 60/
32 L 08:50 Karen Stilwell on MV Krypton 50/50
33 J 08:50 Stella Stilwell on VA Beychelle 50/
34 H 09:02 Billy Williams on Jasper 110/50
35 M 09:06 Jacob Cukjati on Niwots Dark Sun 90/50
36 J 09:06 Leah Rose on Luna 50/
37 J 09:19 Lyla Bradley on JM Gibbs 50/
38 J 09:19 Lilianna Garcia on RTR I Be Pfast 50/
39 F 09:19 Katie Salci on Rho Sham Beau 70/50
40 M 09:19 Kelly Williams Stehman on Rohan DBP 80/50
41 M 09:33 Courtney Knoch on JB Zodiac 70/50
42 H 09:33 Erasmo Sauceda on Washoe Zephyr 100/50
43 F 09:35 Audra Cook on Seven 65/50
44 M 09:35 Preston Ketcherside on Houdini 65/50
L Ryder Bowling on Sweet Tea *R*
RO Searls Indigo on Aspen Glow *RH*
L Isabelle Watson on SVR Mercury Rising
The data in this website originates from the AERC National Office. Updates can and do occur. The official record source is the AERC National Office.

Information dated from Dec. 1, 1995 forward is complete. Endurance records from 1984-1995 can be considered relatively accurate. At present, Limited Distance records begin with Dec. 1, 1995. There is no ride data on-line prior to Dec.1, 1984.


* – for items with an asterisk, the individuals should contact the AERC according to the instructions and timeframes in the Endurance News.
R == RiderID missing
H == HorseID missing
W == WeightDivision missing or unknown


Please do not send questions concerning the results or reporting of errors to either Mike Maul or Russ Humphrey. We only translate the info from that sent to us by the AERC.

You need to contact the AERC if you feel there is an error in the ride results.

These results are unofficial. The official ride results appear in the Endurance News.


Points / Dues note: The points above will not reflect your actual points in the office records unless you have paid your AERC dues by Feb. 1. These represent only what they would have been if all dues have been paid. If you have any questions as to whether your dues are current – contact the AERC office at 530-823-2260 or e-mail office@aerc.org.


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