American Endurance Ride Conference


held via telephone conference call

January 9, 2005


The meeting was called to order by President Stagg Newman at 6:00 p.m.  Also on the line for the call: Jan Jeffers, Secretary, Treasurer Patti Pizzo,  Vonita Bowers, Mike Jaffe,  Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Howard Kent, Stan Eichelberger, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, Terry Woolley-Howe, John Parke, Susan Kasemeyer, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland, Roger Taylor, Nick Warhol, Barney Fleming, Jerry Fruth, Laura Hayes, Robert Ribley, Dinah Rojek, Mike Tomlinson, and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.


Absent – Roberta Harms, Mike Maul     


New Board members on the Call are:  Barry Waitte, Joe Schoech,  Susan Horne, Tom Dean, Jennifer Nice, Jeff Trinkle.  Absent –Joyce Mocilan 



Housekeeping and Old Business


Approval of minutes from December Conference call meeting. Two corrections: Excusal of board members should conclude with “motion carries.” Under discussion of Megan Davis ride should say “Susan offered her another date.” Motion to approve minutes by R. Ribley, seconded by D. Rojek – motion carries.


Motion by R. Taylor, seconded by J. Fruth to excuse  BoD members unable to attend – Mike Maul and Roberta Harms.  Motion carries.


Update on Membership Numbers and Renewals – Kathleen Henkel

Last year – 3,634 members entered into the system. Currently - 3,386 who have joined/renewed; however, still have 300-350 more to add to the current number which gives us 50 more members than we had last year at this time.  


Schedule for convention arrival and departure – S. Newman

BOD meeting will start at 6 p.m. and dinner and discussion regarding expectations for officers by J. Parke.  Prior to that there will be voluntary sessions for new/current board members – Sue Taylor - finances and understanding financial sheets, J. Parke -  new board member obligations and procedures.  Session will begin at 3:00 p.m.  For Sunday’s BoD meeting, plan on staying until 1 p.m.


New Business


Sanctioning Committee -  Vonita Bowers -   Special sanctioning approvals.

No sanctioning issues. 


AERC International Committee – Kathy Brunjes

Written Report (See attached) – no action required.


Competition Committee – Duane Barnett and Gail Williams

D. Barnett wants to hold off on Medallion Proposal until the February 23rd BoD meeting in San Antonio.  This proposal would add extra recognition to the mileage medallion 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 miles if they have done a certain number of 100 mile rides.  The recognition would be added to their mileage certificate, possibly engrave on back of medallions and possibly a page in the yearbook. There would be no financial impact with this proposal. If possible will put an article in the next EN.   D. Barnett will contact 100 mile riders who have only ridden one or two 100 milers in their endurance career. 


Education Committee – D. Rojek and S. Kasemeyer

D. Rojek – The committee has articles in every EN from a variety of committee members from all parts of the country.  The next article will be on crew bags.  New committee member, Dr. Ken Marsella, will do an article about case studies he has done.  Will appear in the spring.  There is a Q&A online that members can write into. Write-ins are coming in from all over the world.


Motion from committee to link Karen Chaton’s web page titled “Useful Web Links Related to Endurance and Rider Education” to the AERC Web Page with an appropriate disclaimer stating this is not official AERC information.  After some discussion it was concluded that the link is already on the AERC New Members Resource page.  The Education Committee will check with the Technical Committee regarding placing the entire website on the AERC website and if there would be any technical issues.  


The Education Committee has had some input with regard to hiring Deb Bennett as a convention speaker. 


The committee is at the collection stages of clinic materials including, including obtaining permission for articles as well as pictures and videos with no cost involved.   Some of the committee members have been attending the new rider briefing in various parts of the country to try to develop materials to have a new rider briefing online. 


Changes and additions to the website have been done with the help of the office and Technical Committee.


A member offered to donate a portion of the proceeds for her book to the Education Committee.  She is now an official sponsor of AERC. 


The mentor part of the website has been updated recently.  D. Rojek would like to update the Education Committee charter to include the mentor program as part of its responsibility.  D. Rojek will come back to the board with a proposal.


Request board members, especially regional board members, to give some thought to who might be the liaison for their region.  The job will entail knowing a lot of people regionally.  When the time comes the liaison will know people in their region who would be willing and able to give clinics in a classroom setting for new riders.


The committee is in the process of updating handbook and finishing the bibliography and exploring the possibility of adding to a Wikipedia (an online encyclopedia about endurance). 


S. Newman vision would be that every ride would have a new rider briefing and it would be people who are passionate about the sport.


J. Parke does a PowerPoint new rider briefing at rides and he is willing to share this information with Education Committee. 


Limited Distance Committee – Terry Wooley Howe

Proposal that minimum mileage requirement for Limited Distance riders receiving a regional year end award be increased to 300 miles in the senior division and 200 miles in the junior division.  The change to go into effect in the current ride season.  Note that this is a minimum mileage requirement.  Awards will still only go to the top finishers as currently defined but no awards to even these finishers will be given if minimum mileage requirements are not met.


After discussion the proposal was tabled to Thursday evening (2/23/2006) at Convention in terms of a final motion. 


The LD Committee will make recommendations for comparable award for year end LD.  The motion circulated for the February Conference Call (2/6/2006) and  voted on at the Convention board meeting – Thursday evening (2/23/2006).   


Proposal on Handling of Underage Equines – Mike Maul

Deferred to February conference call.  Proposal would automate warning letters, removal from ride completions, etc. for underage horses for first violation.  Details will be sent out before the meeting.


Federal Equine ID Role – B. Fleming

B. Fleming reported on what  the working is involved in and at this time wishes to get off the committee, Equine Species working group.   Does the board have enough information to decide if AERC wants to continue to participate.  B. Fleming does not see a compelling reason for the AERC to continue on this committee.  If a board member would be willing to serve on this committee at their own expense, the board would entertain that.  B. Fleming has until January 17th to answer the group regarding a replacement. 


Other New Business


The budget issue for trail master classes was left off the agenda for the January conference call.  All board members received the budget electronically.  D. Rojek asked why are there four different categories for trails in the budget?  E-mail answer will be sent out by P. Pizzo. 


(Executive Session begins at 6:53 p.m.)


Motion to adjourn the meeting by J. Parke, seconded by S. Kasemeyer  (meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm PST).

Respectfully submitted,



Jan Jeffers




In an effort to encourage participation in 100 mile rides as well as recognize and make a statement about the significance of 100 mile rides to our organization.


Proposal would be an addition to our current mileage achievement program.


There would not be any retroactive recognition in the initiation of this proposal. The recognition or awarding of these "medallions" will be available to horses not yet having reached the 1000, 2000, or 3000 mile level.


Horses reaching 1000 miles and having completed 2 x 100 mile one day rides would receive a bronze star recognition.


Horses reaching 2000 miles and having completed 4 x 100 mile rides would receive a silver star recognition.


Horses reaching 3000 miles and having completed 6 x 100 mile rides would receive a gold star recognition.


AERC already sends out certificates of recognition when a horse reaches the mileage levels. The bronze/silver/gold recognition could simply be added onto the certificates.


In addition it is proposed that a section could be added to the yearbook recognizing horses who have reached these levels of achievement.


The above should not cost AERC anything other that additional record keeping. We can check with the tech committee on this.


One question is--Are the proposed # of 100's adequate?



AERC-I Committee

December 27, 2005


Conference Call meeting December 27, 2005

Attendance:            Kathy Brunjes, Chair

                        Mark Dial, Vice-Chair

Tom Johnson, Nat’l Chef d’Equipe

Stagg Newman, AERC President

Mike Tomlinson, AERC Past-Pres., USEF Technical Comm.

Sue Phillips, Grace Ramsay - Central                      

                        Betty Baker, Treasurer, Julie Bullock - East

                        Holly Ulyate – Mountain

                        Michele Roush, Carol Giles – PacNorth

                        Tinker Hart – PacSouth

                        Amanda Taylor, Recording Secretary

Absent:                       Linda Strelnik - Mountain

Teresa Cross - PacSouth

Susan Kasemeyer, AERC Liaison and Educ.Comm

Jennifer Nice, Electronic Newsletter Editor

                        Russell Broussard, Advisor

Art Priesz, USEF High Performance

Mary Lutz, USEF Endurance Director


Items Discussed:  For informational purposes only – no action required by AERC BoD.

1.      Committee spent majority of conference call on planning for the Convention.

-         Kathy will send a template for committee members to indicate times they will help with booth coverage;  the committee will use the celebrity stand ups again this year and raffle stand ups at the end of the convention; Betty will send out the website for committee members to choose from;

-         Kathy needs to verify with Robert and/or Kathleen the time slot during the Trade Show when Tom Johnson will present the Aachen, Germany 2005 pre-ride slide show; 

-         Kathy and Mary are in the process of contacting panel participants;

-         Amanda is working on the NAEC medalists slide presentation that will be used during Regional Awards (Friday);

-         USEF Committee meetings are scheduled for Sunday morning;

-         Kathy verified that the AERC-I committee will conduct its business meeting on Saturday morning (9:00 am) prior to the panel presentation;

-         Kathy will check on possible shipping destinations for the AERC-I merchandise, rather than shipping and paying storage/holding of the merchandise prior to the convention; Kathy will coordinate shipping or merchandise with Mary (where merchandise is currently being stored free of charge).

2.      Much of the meeting was devoted to discussion of the recent Junior and Young Riders World Endurance Championships (ages 14-21), held in Bahrain on December 17.  The course was 120 km, with 127 starting riders from 30 countries; the United States had one entry.  Much discussion that our Federation did not get the information out to potential entries or advertise this event in a timely manner, resulting in lack of time to organize a team of young riders from the U.S.  Different ideas on how to prevent this in the future were listed, with the conclusion that AERC-I will form a subcommittee that can look into ways to identify what is necessary to promote and organize a junior national team in the future.  Mark, Michele, Grace, Betty and Kathy agreed to work on this subcommittee.  The first order of business will be to set up better communication channels with USEF and the FEI for dates of future events and contact information.

- of note:  Mark and Grace reported that the event had great trails, well marked and groomed, with much promotion of the young riders throughout the pre-and-post ride events.  The young riders were well cared for with full accommodations once in Bahrain.  The Championships will be held in Argentina in 2006.

3.      Tom Johnson reported on the National Team Training event, held in California December 9-11.  23 nominees attended the clinic, with clinicians Becky Hart and Robin Groves; two spring clinics have been tentatively set for the first weekend of March (Arizona) and the second weekend of March (Florida).

4.      Tom and Kathy will contact the clinicians from the California training clinic, asking for a report for the International column of the EN.