American Endurance Ride Conference


held via telephone conference call

December 6, 2004



President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.  Also on the line for the call:  Vice President Susan Kasemeyer, Secretary Jan Jeffers, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Howard Kent, Stan Eichelberger, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, John Parke, Duane Barnett, Roger Taylor, Nick Warhol, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Mike Maul, Stagg Newman, Robert Ribley and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.  Absent:  Randy Eiland and Maggy Price.


It was moved by Roger Taylor and seconded by Bob Morris to excuse Randy Eiland (family reasons) from this evening’s call.  Motion passed.


Approval of the November 1, 2004 meeting minutes was postponed until the January 3, 2005, meeting.


Committee reports from the Convention, National Championship, and Technical committees were accepted as written.


It was moved by John Parke and seconded by Stan Eichelberger to accept the appointment of Laura Hayes as Chair of the Horse Welfare Committee.  Motion passed.


Special Sanction request regarding the Mt. Charleston Challenge 3-day ride was presented by Sanctioning Committee Chair Vonita Bowers.  Mt. Charleston is a 3-day ride to be held on September 23 (55 miler), September 24 (50 miler) and September 25 (30 & 50 miler) 2005, with Claire Toomey listed as ride manager and Barney Fleming as head vet.  Pacific Southwest regional sanctioning director Terry Woolley Howe has already approved the ride.  This is the 2nd year for this ride.  Motion passed.


The Kilpoola Kaper Pioneer I, II, & III, April 30, 2005 through May 2, 2005 (30/50, 30/55 & 30/50) with an introductory ride each day, in the NW region with Don Boscher listed as ride manager for this Osoyoos, British Columbia first year ride, with Gene Nance as head vet.  Northwest regional sanctioning director Gail Williams has already approved the ride.  Motion passed.


The sanction request for the Western States Trail Foundation’s Tevis Cup ride will be discussed during the January conference call.


Motion from Patti Pizzo – I move the AERC directors be reimbursed for expenses they incur attending the midyear and year-end meetings. A reimbursement check of not more than $400 per meeting would be issued to each board member attending the meeting to help defray travel, and lodging expenses. Receipts would be turned in to the office. For those members driving to the meeting actual mileage would be reimbursed at $.30 per mile. If sharing a ride only one driving expense would be reimbursed. This will begin with the March 2005 Board Meeting and include only Board members attending in person all of the sessions. An incoming Board member and the outgoing Board member at the year-end meeting would split the $400.00.  Cost to AERC $20,800.00.  After discussion, the motion amended to read:  AERC directors be reimbursed $500 for the midyear meeting and $500 for the annual convention meeting, a maximum of $1,000 per year for expenses only based on actual receipts presented to the office, not to include any meals or libations, travel and lodging only to be covered.  Roll call vote:  Susan Kasemeyer Yes; Jan Jeffers Yes; Terry Woolley Howe Yes; Vonita Bowers Yes; Mike Jaffe Yes; Roberta Harms Yes; Connie Caudill Abstain; Jan Stevens Yes; Howard Kent No; Stan Eichelberger Yes; Patti Pizzo Yes; Gail Williams Yes; Bob Morris Abstain; John H. Parke Yes; Duane Barnett Yes; Roger W. Taylor Yes; Nick Warhol Yes; Jim Baldwin No; Barney Fleming Yes; Dane Frazier No; Mike Maul Abstain; Stagg Newman Yes; Robert Ribley Yes.   17 Yes votes; 3 No votes; 3 Abstain.  Motion passed.




Motion from the Insurance Committee:  The insurance committee moves that it be recommended to all introductory ride (fun and clinic) participants that they be members of AERC for liability insurance coverage.  Also, AERC will offer those participants day membership at the reduced rate of $1.  This will be effective December 1, 2004 to coincide with the new Equisure liability insurance policy.  Motion passed.



Motion from the Junior Committee presented from committee by Chair Jan Stevens as follows:  The AERC National 100 Mile Award shall add five additional placings to be titled, Junior National 100 Mile Award.  The Junior National 100 Mile Award shall have five placings and to be eligible for this award the recipient must have completed at least two one day 100 mile rides in the ride season.  The placings will not be based on a bonus point system but on mileage only.  The Juniors shall be ranked in order, according to the total number of one day 100 mile rides completed in the ride season.  As an example, a Junior with 5 one day 100 mile rides in the ride season shall have 500 mileage points regardless of their actual placing in the event, a junior with 4 one day 100 mile rides in the ride season shall have 400 mileage points regardless of placing in the event and so on.  ** In the case of a tie in mileage (that results in more than 5 Juniors being eligible for placing in the Junior National Mile Award) all will be recognized.  \

**example:  1st place has 500 miles, 2nd place has 400 miles, 3rd has 300 miles and 6 Juniors have 200 miles, then AERC will recognize a tie for 4th place between the 6 Juniors.  Motion passed.



Motion from Research Grants Committee to approve the 3 proposed projects as follows:  “Plasma concentrations of orally administered dantrolene sodium in horses following various periods of fasting” from Oklahoma State asking for funding of $17,860.  From Virginia Tech, proposal #2 involves a request for $16,500 for a study of “Do risks of potassium supplementation depend on speed?”  The 3rd proposal from the University of Wisconsin “Are horses responsible for invasive plants in the eastern United States?, requesting $21,528.  After discussion, project approvals have been deferred until the January conference call.



Questionnaire Committee – Nick Warhol advised the questionnaire will appear in the January issue of the magazine and will be forwarded to those members with email capabilities at the time of mailing the January magazine.  Mike Maul will assist Nick with the email blast of the surveys. The internet vendor needs to be contacted regarding license purchases before the end of December to save AERC 25% of the costs involved.



Jan Stevens advised the new Rock Springs ride manager and Howard Kent will meet with the BLM Rock Springs Office personnel in approximately a week (Dec. 13th or 14th) to discuss trail ideas with an August date in mind for the ride.   Jan further advised there will be another ride in Cody, Wyoming during the first week of June and the BLM will be donating a horse for raffle at the new ride.



President Tomlinson advised the Federal Land Management Relations Ad Hoc Committee issue will appear on the agenda of the January 3rd meeting.


John Parke requested photos of regional rides be sent directly to him at for use during his regional awards presentation.


Next meeting is January 3, 2005, 6 pm Pacific Time.







Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Jan Jeffers, Secretary

Committee Reports


Convention Committee

Robert Ribley, Chairman



The schedule for the 2005 convention in March is as follows:



Veterinary CE                        8:00 am - 2:00 pm

New Board Member Forum   3:00 pm - 5:00 pm  (All board members encouraged to attend)

Board Dinner                         5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Board Meeting                       6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Long Range Planning             8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Hot Topics                            7:00 am - 8:15 am

Dr. Gayle Eckert                   8:30 am - 10:00 am

Veterinary Panel                   10:15 am - 12:00

Lunch Break                         12:00 - 1:00 pm

Junior Panel                           1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Dr. Ken Marcella                   2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Trail Savvy Panel                  4:15 pm- 5:45 pm

Regional Awards                   6:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Dance                                     8:00 pm - ???


Hot Topics                             7:00 am - 8:00 am

Trails Talk                             8:15 am - 10:15 am

General Session                 10:30 am - 12:30 pm (and yes, I will be on time this year)

Lunch                                 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Susan Garlinghouse             1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Gene Ovenick, Hoof Care    3:15 pm  - 4:15 pm

Equine Hoof Panel               4:15 pm - 5:30 pm

AERC Awards  Banquet      6:30 pm


Board Meeting                      7:00 a.m.


Reminder:  All committee chairs are to send in their requests for committee meeting day/time.  If none is requested, a day/time will be assigned. All committees are required to meet.


National Championship Committee

Connie Caudill/Robert Ribley, Co-Chairs



1) The committee is still reviewing and considering rides for the 2006 NC ride.


2) The 2005 dual sanctioned AERC/FEI NC ride may be a selection ride for the international riders.


Technical Committee

Mike Maul, Chairman



The office server has been upgraded in terms of both software and hardware to provide more reliable operation and protection from hackers. Problems were being seen and external access for service had become difficult.

All three of the office PC's have been upgraded to Dell platforms running Windows XP pro and the office staff seems to like them.  The systems are Pentium 4s with 512M of RAM and 80G hard drives.  The newer operating system will be useful for remote troubleshooting if needed.

Backup issues are still being considered.