American Endurance Ride Conference


held via telephone conference call

September 13, 2004


President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.  Also on the line for the call:  Vice President Susan Kasemeyer, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, Randy Eiland, Roger Taylor, Jim Baldwin, Dane Frazier, Robert Ribley, Howard Kent, John Parke, Mike Maul, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Stan Eichelberger, Barney Fleming, and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.  Absent:  Secretary Jan Jeffers, Duane Barnett, Nick Warhol, Stagg Newman and Maggy Price.


It was moved to excuse Vonita Bowers from the July 12, 2004 meeting; Robert Ribley and Vonita Bowers from the August 2, 2004 meeting; Stan Eichelberger, Bob Morris, Maggy Price, Mike Maul and Dane Frazier from the midyear meeting on August 21, 2004, and Nick Warhol, Stagg Newman and Jan Jeffers from this call, September 13, 2004.


It was moved by Susan Kasemeyer and seconded by Roger Taylor to excuse all of the above directors.  Motion passed. 


It was moved by Robert Ribley and seconded by Vonita Bowers to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2004 meeting as written.  Motion passed.


It was moved by Stan Eichelberger and seconded by Bob Morris to accept the minutes of the August 2, 2004 meeting as written.  Motion passed.


Bob Morris reported the proposed Rule 16 should have been discussed during the midyear meeting, but did not make the schedule.  Proposed Rule 16 reads as follows:


 “Proposed Rule 16.0 NEW RULES, CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS The preceding Rules and Regulations were promulgated by the American Endurance Ride Conference Directors, based on the experience over the years, and done in the best interests of the sport and equine welfare. It is acknowledged that any set of rules is a dynamic document and will be modified by current experience. To limit, and direct those modifications, and to assure that there is deep thought behind every new or modified rule; we set forth the following procedures to be the exclusive method for such changes.

            1. Emergency Rule Change - Something that must be changed immediately to:

                        a) Improve the safety or welfare of the horses or other participants; or

                        b) Improves the perception of the sport; or

                        c) Eliminates a possible legal problem

                        Emergency is not for convenience. The emergency must be established. Serious injury, or eminent failure or potential legal ramifications must apply. Realizing that such emergencies are the result of improper planning this type of rule change could be eliminated.

            2.  Standard Rule Change - 99% of the rule changes.

                        Standard Rule Changes must be printed in Endurance News the January or

            July immediately preceding the Board meeting at which they are to be voted upon.

            3.  New Rule

                        New rules must be promulgated by the appropriate committees.

                        Every designated Committee shall review the proposed Rule Change and     

            make a recommendation of either “Approved”, “Rejected with Comments”, or         “No Comment”. The official action of the Committees shall be included in the

            Minutes of the Committee meetings.


            Rule Changes shall be available on the AERC Website in the same form as

            published in the Endurance News once submitted for publication.


            All proposed Regular Rule Changes will be voted upon by the Board at a regularly

            scheduled meeting. The Committee recommendations will be considered by the

            Board prior to consideration of each Rule Change’s approval.


            All Proposed New Rules and Rule Changes submitted to the Board must include:

            1) The EXACT wording of the proposed change, including what is to be struck,

                        moved, deleted, renumbered, etc., and the exact wording of the revised

                        rule to be published in the AERC Rules and Regulations

            2) The financial impact

            3) The affective date, retroactive, immediate, or start of next ride year

            4) The recommendations of all committees, including comments

            5) Be presented in final written form


            The AERC Rules and Regulations will be published each November prior to the next competitive season so that all members will be aware of all rule changes.


The proposed rule was published in the May issue of the magazine and received no feedback. 


John Parke advised this is well put together however, should appear as a “how to do” rules.  It should be adopted as a practice we adopt or should be put in the bylaws.  


President Tomlinson advised the original intention for this was to provide a means for the members to initiate a rule change or addition. 


Randy Eiland suggested revamping the proposed rule issue and placing it inside the cover of the rules.  Vonita Bowers expressed concern that members do not understand the process of making a rule change.  She feels members need to know how to go about putting an idea before the board.  Vonita suggested printing this in front of the rulebook as well. 


President Tomlinson requested Bob Morris to make some changes and formulate the idea to appear in the rules booklet in either the front or the back, that to be clarified at a future meeting by the board. 


Roger Taylor advised the board of information received from Bob Walsh and the Creelman Agency requesting additional insurance premiums, advising AERC had “used up” the annual premium amount and Bob Walsh proposed AERC would be billed for August, September, October and November an amount totaling approximately $11,000 additional premium dollars.  After much discussion, it was determined Bob Walsh had been submitting improper invoices to Markel regarding ride days.  The policy currently in effect is an “auditable” policy with additional days costing $156 per day.  According to our calculations, an additional 19 days can fairly be added to the policy, for a total of $2,964, taking the insurance coverage from Creelman through November 1, 2004.  As of closing time today, 9/13/04, Markel has not yet agreed to this amount.   When the policy was put in place with the Creelman Agency it was the understanding of the Insurance Committee that the rate of premium paid at the time of inception of the policy was a flat rate to cover all AERC rides so the additional premium request was not anticipated.  The Insurance Committee has discussed coverage to begin on a new policy with Equisure to begin prior to December 1, 2004 if necessary.  The office is obtaining hard copies of the standard policy from Equisure and will forward to the board upon request.  A summary of the policy will be furnished to everyone on the board. Certificates of insurance will be included in the new policy at no extra charge.  John Parke requested a copy of the policy to peruse before voting on acceptance during the October meeting. John will review and advise.  The old policy was based on data of the previous year regarding ride days and AERC purchased insurance for every ride, even if ride management purchased their own insurance – rides are up by 10%.  $29,331.70 is the total cost for the Equisure policy for a 12-month premium. 


Nick Warhol was unable to attend this meeting, however, forwarded Information regarding the questionnaire to the board via email.  Roger Taylor moved only voting information be forwarded to the membership with ballots and the questionnaire should be sent to the membership separately.  Seconded by Vonita Bowers.  Motion passed.  


More information needed from Nick regarding the mailing.  Nick Warhol will report at a future meeting.


John Parke requested the meeting go into Executive Session at this point for discussion of current legal matters.


Meeting resumes – Susan Kasemeyer advised there are flooding problems with the Biltmore/Mountain Hopes Fall Fling ride slated for 9/25/04 and a date change is in the works – they may be required to change to November 20, 2004.  The November date is open and the board supports this change if done for the safety and welfare of all riders and horses.


Terry Woolley Howe advised there are approximately 40 entries in the 100 and 60-70 in the 50 so far, with entries still arriving.


Jan Stevens provided information to the board regarding the Rock Springs ride via email advising the ride manager has bowed out of the position of ride manager and a new manager is needed following differences in opinion between Ken, Jerry Fruth, and the BLM.  A date has not yet been set for the ride.  Howard Kent has agreed to contact Ken Lake regarding this ride and the possibility of Ken again taking on the management position.  Howard will report at a later meeting.  President Tomlinson advised he would intercede and speak to Jerry Fruth regarding this issue.


Meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathleen A. Henkel, Secretary Pro Tem

In the absence of Jan Jeffers