American Endurance Ride Conference


held in Kansas City, Missouri

August 21, 2004


President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m.  Present for the meeting:  Vice President Susan Kasemeyer, Secretary Jan Jeffers , Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Jan Stevens, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland, Roger Taylor, Nick Warhol, Barney Fleming, Howard Kent, Stagg Newman, Vonita Bowers, Jim Baldwin, Connie Caudill, John Parke,  Robert Ribley.and Executive Director Kathleen Henkel.  Absent:  Mike Maul, Dane Frazier, Stan Eichelberger, Bob Morris, and Maggy Price.


National Championship Committee:  Committee Co-Chair Robert Ribley asked Terry Woolley Howe to give a status report on the upcoming 2004 ride.  Terry advised entries are down but there is plenty of time before the ride and she is certain numbers will increase.  There was a fire recently in the area of the trails, however, no damage occurred.  All plans moving forward on schedule regarding this season’s ride.

Jan Stevens advised the 2005 ride dates have been set, with the 100 miler-taking place on June 10th and the 50 on June 12th.  Jan further advised things are progressing smoothly regarding the ride, including the fact that all FEI fees have been paid.

Robert Ribley further advised the committee is looking at options for 2006 forward.

Convention Committee:  Robert Ribley, Committee Chair, advised plans for the 2005 convention to be held at the Nugget in Sparks, NV are progressing smoothly.  The committee is attempting to line up some new speakers per wishes of the membership. 

The Nugget submitted a proposal to host the 2007 convention and the committee gives its approval.

Motion from committee:  The committee recommends the Board accept the Nugget’s proposal to host the 2007 convention.  Motion passes.

The Board requested Committee Chair Robert Ribley to make contact with Susan Garlinghouse DVM regarding her one-day clinic and also inquire about her status as a seminar speaker.

President Tomlinson advised he requested Kathleen to contact current AERC sponsors, committee chairs, and other interested parties to garner additional questionnaire questions prior to the midyear meeting.  Response has been minimal.  Input requested from the Board regarding the questionnaire with anticipation of a final draft to be forwarded for review soon.  Nick Warhol volunteered to take over chairmanship of the Questionnaire Committee.  President Tomlinson requested Nick to work with the current members of the committee. 

Ride Managers Committee:  Connie Caudill advised the video is complete and the office has copies in DVD and VHS format.  Each Board member should be in receipt of a copy.  Additional copies are available in the office at a cost of $10 each.  Connie thanked all the committee members and individuals from the Vet, Education and RM committees that contributed to making the video a success.

Roger Taylor advised he would like to see a “new rider briefing” that can be sent to beginners in the sport.  President Tomlinson requested any such requests be forwarded to the Education Committee.

Veterinary Committee:  Jim Baldwin, chair, invited discussion on the two motions from committee currently before the Board for a vote, the rider card rule proposal and the two vet rule.  Rider card rule motion is as follows:  “All sanctioned endurance rides must use an AERC approved rider card. If an equine is treated, pulled or withdrawn, the original rider card will be sent to the AERC office with the ride results. The information on the card will be available to both the rider and the AERC Board of Directors or its involved committees. The card should be used in its entirety, so all data can be reviewed by the rider or AERC’s Board of Directors or its involved committees should the need for review be necessary.”

Two vet rule motion is as follows:  “2.1 The ride must employ at least two veterinarians whose services will be exclusive to the event, pre-ride, during the event and post ride. In rare instances the sanctioning director may grant a waiver to allow a ride to employ one veterinarian if the ride cannot support two veterinarians. If a waiver is granted, a treatment facility must be available within a reasonable distance from the ride in the event an equine needs veterinary treatment. At least one veterinarian must be at the ride site for at least one hour after the last equine crosses the finish line or has returned to ride camp.”

Rider card rule motion amended by Vonita Bowers, seconded by Susan Kasemeyer, to remove the sentence “If an equine is treated, pulled or withdrawn, the original rider card will be sent to the AERC office with the ride results.”  The motion now reads: “All sanctioned endurance rides must use an AERC approved rider card. The information on the card will be available to both the rider and the AERC Board of Directors or its involved committees. The card should be used in its entirety, so all data can be reviewed by the rider or AERC’s Board of Directors or its involved committees should the need for review be necessary.”   Motion as amended passed.   

After extended discussion of the rider card motion, it was moved by Stagg Newman and seconded to delay implementation of this motion.  Roll call vote as follows:  12 Yes and 8 No – Susan Kasemeyer No; Terry Woolley Howe Yes; Vonita Bowers No; Mike Jaffe Yes; Roberta Harms Yes; Connie Caudill No; Jan Stevens No; Howard Kent No; Patti Pizzo No; Gail Williams Yes; John Parke Yes; Duane Barnett No; Randy Eiland Yes; Roger Taylor Yes; Nick Warhol Yes; Jan Jeffers Yes; Jim Baldwin No; Barney Fleming Yes; Stagg Newman Yes; Robert Ribley Yes.  Motion to delay passed.  President Tomlinson announced the Education, Ride Managers, Legal, Rules and Veterinary Committees now have a better idea of the direction in which this issue should turn and it will be discussed at the meeting in March.

Jim Baldwin presented the motion pertaining to the two vet rule from committee.  Bob Morris amended the two vet rule and the amended motion was accepted by committee and the motion now reads as follows:

“2.1 The ride must employ at least two veterinarians whose services will be exclusive to the event, pre-ride, during the event and post ride. In rare instances the sanctioning director may grant a waiver to allow a ride to employ one veterinarian if the ride cannot support two veterinarians. This must be supported in writing at the time of sanctioning and submitted to the Board of Directors for their information.  If a waiver is granted, a treatment facility must be available within a reasonable distance from the ride in the event an equine needs veterinary treatment and must be so stated and identified at the time of sanctioning.  At least one veterinarian must be at the ride site for at least one hour after the last equine crosses the finish line or has returned to ride camp.”  15 No/5 Yes and zero abstentions.  Motion fails.

Legal Committee:  John Parke advised the Doublejoy contract has been completed and it is out for signature. 

Liability release language was discussed relating to all facets of AERC.  Release language could be listed on each ride application, but that was rejected as it would be difficult to insure uniformity.  A consideration was also given to placing  the release in the AERC Bylaws, however Bylaws are the operating rules of the organization, not the place for agreements by members.  The last place for release language is the membership application and each member would be required to sign.  John will work further on this issue and report at a future meeting.

Limited Distance Committee:  Terry Woolley Howe, Chair, presented two motions from committee.  Motion #1 relative to Year-end Regional Mileage Limited Distance awards:  The committee recommends a 150-mile minimum requirement and must be on one horse. This award will be awarded to the top seven senior limited distance riders and the top three junior limited distance riders in each region who have met the minimum requirements. The award presented to be the same as the award presented the regional high point awards in the endurance division. The minimum mileage requirement for this award will be reviewed by this committee in the future to determine if there should be a change in the minimum requirement.  Motion passed.


Motion #2 relative to National Limited Distance Best Condition awards:  The committee recommends this should be awarded to the top three placers, with no distinction between junior and senior riders, garnering a minimum of at least two Best Conditions.  Motion passed.

Finance Committee:  Chair Terry Woolley Howe invited discussion regarding the budget and also advised the committee recommends moving excess AERC funds, approximately $200,000 held in various money market and checking accounts, into the AERC Wachovia Securities account for the purpose of purchasing a CD Ladder consisting of 4 CDs. These CDs would have staggered maturities and be in the initial amount of $50,000 each. One CD having the maturity of 3 months, one for 6 months, one for 9 months and one CD for 12 months. This allows funds to come due every 3 months and be transferable into the AERC checking account if needed for cash flow. This process will be continued as excess funds accumulate in order to stagger CDs monthly.  

Trails Grants Committee:  Mike Jaffe, Chair, presented the following motion from committee:  The committee recommends the Board accept the Vinzant trails grant request near Tallahassee FL with funding in the amount of $4,200, requesting $2,800 be allocated from the 2004 budget and the remaining $1,400 be budgeted during  2005.


**A trails grant request has been proposed for the Vinzant trails near Tallahassee, Florida. The proposal is by ride manager Susan Wilson and assistant ride manager Jill Hough who, being optimistic, are in the process of requesting sanctioning of an endurance ride called the Lost Posse Run 35/50 (with a 15-mile fun ride) on these trails for March 19, 2005.

The goals of the grant are threefold:
     1. Start camp improvements this September which involves clearing a many-acre area.
     2. Also starting this fall, they will replace and improve trail marking throughout 33 miles of Vinzant riding trails.
     3. Improve trail safety by adding water depth-measuring aluminum markers at all the water crossings. The water is very dark and does not allow the rider to estimate the depth. This will also clearly delineate the crossing.

The total funding request for this project is $4,200. The project is scheduled to start this fall so $2,800 is requested from this year's budget (2004).  Motion passed.


 Research Grants Committee:  Chair Bob Morris was not able to attend the meeting and committee member Barney Fleming fielded questions from the Board on the 2 projects currently underway, one headed by Dr. Harold Schott at Michigan State University and the other at the University of Pennsylvania.  Barney advised AERC is not currently recognized as someone that is searched out to provide funding for research.  Barney advised no proposals are currently on the table and he requested Board members to spread the word in an attempt to seek additional proposals for consideration by the committee. 


Past Presidents Committee:  Stagg Newman presented two motions from committee as follows:  Motion #1:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the AERC BOD adopts the vision statement developed by the Past Presidents Committee as follows:  ‘To be the preeminent authority and leader in developing and promoting the sport and pastime of endurance riding in the United States, Canada and throughout the world.’ “  Motion passed with Jim Baldwin abstaining.

Motion #2:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the AERC BOD adopts the Mission Statement developed by the Past Presidents Committee as follows: ‘To promote the sport of endurance riding and to encourage and enforce the safe use of horses in demonstrating their endurance abilities in a natural setting through the development, use and preservation of trails. Further, AERC’s Mission is to maintain horse and ride records of event competition and completion’s, to record and provide awards to outstanding horses and riders, to ensure that all sanctioned events are conducted in a safe, fair and consistent manner, and to actively promote and conduct educational efforts and research projects that will foster a high level of safety and enjoyment for all horses and riders. The above is to be accomplished with the understanding that goals for the rider must be meshed with the abilities of the horse. Part of AERC’s mission is to attract and reward members who act to insure the highest priority for their horses’ immediate and long-term physical and emotional health and well-being.’”  Motion passed with 4 abstentions, Patti Pizzo, Jan Stevens, Roberta Harms, and Connie Caudill.

It was revealed by a straw vote that it is the desire of the Board to continue a long-term planning process and to plan a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.  A meeting will take place at the convention, dedicating at least 3 hours of time solely to this issue during one of the Board convention meetings in Sparks, NV.  The Past Presidents committee plus volunteers are requested to get a long-term plan together for the Board to discuss during the meeting.  John Parke advised he would like to conduct a workshop with the membership so their input can be included in the plan.

Junior Committee:  Chair Jan Stevens requested a straw vote regarding whether or not there is support for the spirit of an award that recognizes junior riders for their trail accomplishments in finishing 100-mile rides.  Straw vote results favorable regarding the award and Jan will explore options in this regard with the members of the committee and report at a future meeting.

Insurance Committee:  Chair Roger Taylor presented information regarding the many companies his committee contacted regarding quotes for ride liability insurance for the coming year.  Equisure appears to meet all of AERC’s needs.

Motion from committee:  The committee recommends AERC fund the policy for 2005 for liability insurance.  Board members that have been ride managers during the last 12 months or in the coming 12 months did not vote on this motion:  8 yes, 2 no – 10 abstentions.  Motion passes. 

The budget passed, with the Board directing it be re-tooled to show the set-aside funds as separate line items.  $1500 of the Trails Budget is requested for the legal defense fund of the Back Country Horsemen.  Kathleen was instructed to contact CPA Omar Bardales for his opinion regarding this donation and its effect on AERC’s 501H status. 

Board members requested to complete a conflict of interest statement and send it to Kathleen at your earliest convenience.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Jan Jeffers, Secretary