American Endurance Ride Conference


held via telephone conference call

July 12, 2004



President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.  Also on the line for the call:  Vice President Susan Kasemeyer, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland, Roger Taylor, Nick Warhol, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Mike Maul, Stagg Newman, Maggy Price, and Executive Director Kathleen Henkel.  Absent:  Secretary Jan Jeffers, Vonita Bowers, Howard Kent, Stan Eichelberger, John Parke, and Robert Ribley.


It was moved by Barney Fleming and seconded by Roger Taylor to excuse Board members Stan Eichelberger, Robert Ribley and Howard Kent from this call.  Motion passed.


It was moved by Barney Fleming and seconded by Maggy Price to accept as written the minutes of the conference call meeting held June 7, 2004.  Motion passed.


It was moved by Roger Taylor and seconded by Barney Fleming to accept the committee reports submitted for this call.  Committee reports received:  Convention, Education, Insurance, Media, Research Grants, Ride Managers, Technical.  Motion to accept committee reports passed.


Special Sanction approvals - In the absence of Special Sanctioning Chair Vonita Bowers, Jan Stevens presented the ride she will manage, the Fun in the Sun Pioneer, (two 3-day back to back Pioneer Rides) 2/28/05–3/2/05, and 3/3/05-3/5/05, with distances of 50/25 55/25 50/25 and 55/25 50/25 55/25 respectively. Jan Stevens will be the ride manager of this SE Region ride. Connie Caudill moved and Barney Fleming seconded to approve sanctioning of this ride. Motion passed with one abstention, Jan Stevens.

Gambler’s Special Pioneer, second year running as a pioneer with Claire Toomey as ride manager, PS Region, 3 days, 55/50/35 and a 50 on the last day. Terry Woolley Howe moved and it was seconded by Jan Stevens to approve sanctioning of this ride. Motion passed.

Roberta Harms requested approval of the Midwest Mountain Quest Pioneer ride, slated for 10/1-3/04, a 55/50/50.  Elinore Tonsor is listed as the ride manager.  In Vonita Bowers absence, it was moved by Barney Fleming and seconded by Roger Taylor that the ride be approved conditionally by the board pending contact between Roberta Harms and Vonita Bowers, to obtain final approval of this ride from Vonita Bowers.  Motion passed. 

Mike Maul advised a contract regarding purchase of the Doublejoy site has been written by John Parke’s colleague and forwarded to the Technical Committee and Russ Humphrey.  After perusal by the Technical Committee and Russ Humphrey, the contract was returned to John Parke’s office for final editing. Mike Maul is awaiting receipt of the finished contract from John Parke’s office.

Mike Maul informed the Board the Technical Committee is looking into upgrading the office computer systems, with installation handled by a local company.  It is anticipated one computer will be upgraded first to afford time to check new software compatibility.

Connie Caudill advised she spoke to Jim Baldwin and he advised he preferred to discuss his items, the two vet rule and rider card retention at the Midyear Board Meeting.  Connie Caudill moved and Mike Maul seconded to table discussion of the two vet rule and the rider card issue to the midyear meeting.  Motion passed.


Questionnaire progress - Mike Tomlinson advised he was in receipt of email from Stan Eichelberger regarding the questionnaire and Stan advised things were progressing smoothly and a draft should be ready for Board input by the next meeting.

Bob Morris advised no comments were received relative to the article published in the May issue of the magazine regarding Rule 16.  Rule 16 will be presented during the Midyear Meeting.

Jim Baldwin advised the three equine deaths reported have been forwarded to the Vet Committee for review and reports will be sent to the Board in the near future.  President Tomlinson requested Jim Baldwin to delegate to the Vet Committee the job of writing up the final equine death reports from the Western States Trail Foundation 100 mile ride from last season.

Terry Woolley Howe advised budget requests from all Committee Chairs are due by August 1st.

Stagg Newman advised there is renewed interest in putting on ride clinics and he requests his fellow directors to try and contact folks in their regions to get more clinics going.  Materials are available - contact Stagg.

Kathleen was instructed to forward the convention contract proposal from the Nugget for 2007 to the Board, with voting regarding approval/disapproval to take place during the next meeting.

Mike Tomlinson advised the USEF recently had their midyear meeting and things are moving along great with a new hunter/jumper organization just approved.

Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Henkel, Secretary Protem

In the absence of Jan Jeffers

Committee Reports

Convention, 7/1/04

Submitted by Robert Ribley, Chair

The convention committee has received the proposal from the Nugget for the 2007 AERC convention.  All comments have been positive, none negative.   Therefore, we the committee would recommend signing on with the Nugget for 2007.


Education, 7/8/04

Submitted by Stagg Newman, Co-Chair

In the April report the Education Committee agreed that Ann Coffield would lead the effort ofr new rider education and Stagg Newman and Maggie Price would lead the development of education for the experienced riders.  To support this we have increased the number of educational columns in EN with more columns oriented towards improving the competitive performance.

Ann developed a one-day clinic, particularly aimed at new and less experienced riders.  This clinic was conducted at the Oconee ride in Georgia in June and included presentations by experienced riders and vets.   The EC will work to sponsor similar clinics around the country.  

Stagg developed a “mini-clinic” entitled “To Finish a One-Day 100 Is to Really Win” and presented this at the Liberty Run ride in May and the Old Dominion in June.  This clinic gives keys to successfully completing a 100 as well as any endurance ride.  The EC will also work to sponsor similar clinics around the country.

Volunteers are needed in each region of the country.  The EC would like the regional directors to suggest people in their regions who would be willing to sponsor these clinics.  We can then furnish this people with the material we have developed and support them in conducting the clinics.


Insurance, 7/7/04

Submitted by Roger Taylor, Chair

The committee continues to acquire quotes and is anticipating presentation at the midyear meeting.

As of today’s date, 58 events have utilized the insurance, with $5520 collected.


Media, 7/3/04

Submitted by Genie Stewart-Spears, Chair

Bobbie Lieberman: I have a Tevis Cup Preview coming out in the Los Angeles Times Outdoors section in mid-July. This feature consists of a full page horse-and-rider endurance team photo decked out with the latest high tech gear from GPS unit to temp gauge to shock-absorbing horse shoes, stirrups and flexible panel saddle. (I coordinated the shoot and was the wrangler for all of the gear). The staff photo is spectacular and puts our sport in a very positive light. I will forward a copy to the AERC office when it comes out.
Photographer Lynne Glazer and I will be teaming up to cover the Tevis for Endurance News and possibly the LA Times.
Genie Stewart-Spears: I am finishing up the Biltmore Ride story and will have the Old Dominion Ride story into Endurance News and Arabian Horse World by the end of July. I will also be attending the AHA and Canadian Endurance Championship/AHA/FEI competitions on July 30 and August 2 and will be reporting on these events for Endurance News and Arabian Horse World.
Angie McGhee: Endurance News just published the "Horseflies" story, and I sent them "The Heart Monitor" which they said they'd probably save a month or two since they had a ton.
No report from Linda Sherrill, Tricia Booker, Stephanie Teeter or Pamela Burton.


Research Grant, 6/28/04

Submitted by Bob Morris, Chair

The Research Grants Committee reports that both current grants are in active progress and gathering information from rides. We have put out feelers for additional grants.
Post Ride Statistical Reports are being submitted at about 50% of actual. These are required by our Rules.  Sanctioning Directors have been advised as to what rides are
negligent and their assistance requested.


Ride Managers, 6/30/04

Submitted by Connie Caudill, Chair

The veterinarian video is finished! The final cost is $7,200. This was paid for with joint effort and cooperation between the Veterinarian, Educational and Ride Manager's committees. This has been an enormous undertaking with exceptional results. We believe this video will be a benefit to the new ride vet as well as a great review to all experienced ride vets. We also believe it will be a great educational tool to all riders both experienced and inexperienced.
Each BOD member should receive a copy before the mid year BOD meeting, please take the time to review it. We will initially make 100 VHS videos and 300 DVD's. The cost to AERC will be $3.50 for the VHS Tapes and $4.50 for the DVD's. The RM committee would like to have a video sent free of charge to:
  A. Each new veterinarian member as they join.
  B. Any veterinarian (both member and non member) or veterinarian school upon    request.
  C. All current RM's. (Limit 1 per manager)
Our advice is to have the video available to anyone for a reasonable fee that would cover cost and shipping. (Approximately $10.00)
The RM Committee voted to not approve the two vet rule proposal. We feel that each ride needs to be evaluated on an individual case basis and the sanctioning director would handle the situation. We think this should be a guideline and not a rule as many things come up unknowingly when organizing an endurance ride. We feel each ride should have at least two vets when looking at the welfare of the horses involved when a treatment might arise.  Aside from that it will make for a more efficiently run ride.
The current Ride Managers Handbook recommendation says:
"Depending on the nature of your trail, number and types of vet checks and accessibility, one vet per 15 - 25 horses is suggested. A minimum of two is suggested on all rides, since one may be called upon for a treatment situation and be unable to provide veterinary control."
The RM Committee would like to see all rides using rider cards and encourage all ride managers to use them. We do feel the rider cards should be used and filled out in their entirety. However at this time we are deeply divided on the decision to incorporate this as a rule and cannot come to a conclusion. Most felt that mailing the cards into AERC may be an unnecessary burden on the ride manager at this time. (knowing that sometimes situations come up that the card is not always on hand for one reason or another and wanting to be assured that the returned rider cards will be looked at and needed).


Technical, 7/8/04

Submitted by Mike Maul, Chair

The first draft of the Doublejoy contract was developed by Jennifer Tice - a staff member of John Parke's firm on June 18.  This has been discussed by the Tech Committee and feedback obtained from Russ Humphrey.
All Tech Committee and Russ Humphrey feedback was provided to John Parke on June 24 and the committee is waiting for a response.