Thursday, February 26, 2004, Reno, Nevada



The meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by President C. Mike Tomlinson.  Also present:  Vice President Mike Maul, Secretary Jan Jeffers, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Margie Burton, Connie Caudill, Dean Jackson, Jan Stevens, Stan Eichelberger, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, John H. Parke, Susan Kasemeyer, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland (via telephone conference line), Roger W. Taylor, Maryben Stover, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Stagg Newman, Maggy Price, Robert Ribley, and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.


Minutes of the February 3, 2004 conference call were approved as written.


Dane Frazier moved and it was seconded to excuse Louise Riedel and Stephanie Teeter, both unable to attend this meeting.


It was moved by Barney Fleming and seconded by Jan Jeffers to change the ride date of the Mt. Charleston Challenge, Pacific Southwest Region, from September 26-28, 2004 to September 24-26, 2004.


Mike Maul presented the following motion from the Technical Committee:  “It is moved that AERC take ownership of the software that provides the AERC ride calendar, rider/horse history, point standings, ride results annual statistics, and all associated replication scripts. This would include documentation of the software.”  Financial impact:  $10K-2004 budget, $10K-2005 budget.  Motion passed.


Mike Maul presented the following motion relative to the Canadian ride exchange reimbursement program tested during the 2003 ride season:  “It is moved that AERC continue the Canadian ride exchange reimbursement for the year 2004 ride season given that the trial in 2003 proved successful”.  Motion passed.


Gail Williams presented the following motion from the Limited Distance Committee:  “Change Rule L9 as it currently reads: ‘An award may be available for the horse judged to be in the Best Condition” to read ‘An award will be available for the horse judged to be in the best condition”.  A change of one word from may to will, with the change effective at the beginning of the 2005 ride season.  Motion passed.


Discussion relative to blanket liability releases was tabled until the Sunday meeting.


Dean Jackson, Awards Committee Chair, presented information relative to two additional awards, the Mule Award, consisting of a blanket and plaque each year and the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors high mileage horse award.  Dean advised the award will be based on limited distance and endurance miles, but will exclude multi-day rides.  Motion passed.


The office advised the 2004 yearbook will be a complete history of  all rider and horse mileage throughout AERC’s history, and thereafter, beginning with 2005, the yearbook will become an annual, comprising only the accomplishments of active riders and horses during that ride season. 


The 2004 budget as presented by Finance Chair Terry Woolley Howe was voted upon and accepted by the Board.  A copy of  the budget is included in the corporate minute book housed in the National Office.


Roger Taylor, chair of the Insurance Committee, advised that the committee would be seeking bids for AERC’s ride insurance during the month of August, with anticipated return of the bids during the month of September.  Bid data will be furnished to the Board at that time.  A written report will be submitted to the Board in the near future by the committee.


The committee reiterated that the March 1, 2004 deadline for submission of proof of prior insurance was rescinded during the February 3, 2004 conference call for the 2004 ride season only, and further, if insurance is obtained from another agency, AERC does not have to be listed as an additional insured. 


Discussion of the $17,000 grant currently before the Research Grants Committee presented by Dr. Harold Schott and his team at the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, entitled “Why Do Endurance Horses Fail to Finish” was tabled until Sunday to afford additional time for discussion.


Jim Baldwin, chair of the Veterinary Committee, advised that no positives have been found relative to the drug testing reported upon thus far for the 2004 season.  The CEU course on Friday will involve discussions pertinent to random selection of rides and riders for testing and a report will follow at the Sunday meeting.


Stagg Newman reported on the meetings of the Past Presidents Committee regarding long range planning for AERC.  Members within the committee have been assigned categories on which to report, such as financial components, education, vet control and treatment, etc.  A detailed report will be presented during the Sunday meeting.


Stagg, co-chair of the Education Committee advised the committee has been working on several key issues, mainly what is the best way to disseminate information to those that need it regarding endurance riding.  The committee is looking at direct mailing, the website, seminars, and Endurance News as a means of information dissemination.


Stan Eichelberger presented the following motion:  “I move that the AERC directors be reimbursed for expenses they incur attending the midyear meeting and that this is retroactive for the meeting held on 10/11/03 in Reno, Nevada.  A reimbursement check of $750 would be issued to each board member attending the meeting to help defray travel, lodging, and meal expenses.  The issuance of these checks is to be handled by the AERC administrative staff in a timely manner.  This motion would replace any per diem motion now in effect for the midyear meeting.”   The motion was seconded by Maryben Stover. 


Moved by Connie Caudill and seconded by Roger Taylor to table discussion of this motion until the Sunday meeting.  Motion to table failed.


Discussion ensued and it was decided a questionnaire be included in the April issue of the magazine regarding the desires of the membership with respect to board member expense reimbursement.  Terry Woolley Howe and Stan Eichelberger volunteered to author the questionnaire, will advise the Board of the questions during the Sunday meeting and will submit to the office for publication in the April magazine.  The original motion was deferred until the midyear meeting.


Stephanie Teeter, unable to attend the meeting in Reno, presented the following two motions for inclusion in the Thursday agenda:  Motion #1:  “Whereas many AERC Board members have expressed a desire to maintain the existing Directors-only email list ( as a private forum for discussion of issues; Whereas the current use of the Directors-only list contains announcements, meeting notifications and corporate business discussions which I believe should be available to all AERC members, I move that AERC establish a second email list ( which shall remain closed to non-Board members, but which shall be available to members via a daily read-only archive.”  Motion seconded by Maggy Price.  Motion failed with Maryben Stover abstaining.


“Motion #2:  Whereas the current use of the Directors-only email list ( contains announcements, meeting notifications and corporate business discussions which I believe should be available to all AERC members; I move that this list shall be available to members via a daily read-only archive”.  Motion seconded by Jan Jeffers.  Motion failed.


President Tomlinson thanked the Board for all their hard work. 


Meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m.


Respectfully submitted



Jan Jeffers, Secretary




Saturday February 28, 2004

Reno, Nevada


President C. Mike Tomlinson called the general session meeting of the membership to order at 8:36 a.m.  Also present:  Susan Kasemeyer, Jan Jeffers, Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Howard Kent, Stan Eichelberger, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, John H. Parke, Duane Barnett, Roger W. Taylor, Nick Warhol, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Mike Maul, Stagg Newman, Maggy Price and Robert Ribley.


President Tomlinson welcomed those present and opened the floor for nominations from the Board of Directors for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


C. Mike Tomlinson ran unopposed for the office of President, as did Jan Jeffers for the office of Secretary and Terry Woolley Howe for the office of Treasurer.  They were elected by acclamation.


Mike Maul and Susan Kasemeyer were nominated for the office of Vice President, with Susan Kasemeyer securing more votes.


The slate of officers for the 2004 ride year is as follows:  C. Mike Tomlinson, President, Susan Kasemeyer, Vice President, Jan Jeffers, Secretary, and Terry Woolley Howe, Treasurer.


President Tomlinson briefly addressed those present and opened the floor to a question/answer session between the Board of Directors and members.


Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Jan Jeffers, Secretary




Sunday, February 29, 2004, Reno, Nevada


President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 7:11 a.m.  Jim Remillard, Past Presidents Committee, was introduced and a Power Point presentation was given setting forth the extensive work done by the committee with respect to AERC currently and strategic planning for the future.   Also presented, 3 motions from the committee, as follows: 


Motion #1:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the AERC BOD adopts the vision statement developed by the Past Presidents’ Committee, as follows: “To be the preeminent authority and leader in developing and promoting the sport and pastime of endurance riding in the United States, Canada and throughout the world.”


Motion #2:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the AERC BOD adopts the Mission Statement developed by the Past Presidents Committee, as follows: “To promote the sport of endurance riding and to encourage and enforce the safe use of horses in demonstrating their endurance abilities in a natural setting through the development, use and preservation of trails. Further, AERC’s Mission is to maintain horse and rider records of event competition and completion’s, to record and provide awards to outstanding horses and riders, to ensure that all sanctioned events are conducted in a safe, fair and consistent manner, and to actively promote and conduct educational efforts and research projects that will foster a high level of safety and enjoyment for all horses and riders. The above is to be accomplished with the understanding that goals for the rider must be meshed with the abilities of the horse. Part of AERC’s mission is to attract and reward members who act to insure the highest priority for their horses’ immediate and long-term physical and emotional health and well-being.”


Susan Kasemeyer moved and Stan Eichelberger seconded, to table Motion #1 and Motion #2 to afford time for publication in the magazine.  Motion passed.


Motion #3:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the issues raised in the Past Presidents’ Committee Report be assigned to committee as follows:


          Financial Planning Issues and Finance Component – Finance Committee

          Fairness and Safety Issues


                    Rides and competition–the “Level Playing Field”-Competitions Committee

                    Veterinary Control and Treatment – Veterinary Committee

               Consistent enforcement of rules-Rules Committee

               Education as means to achieve consistency-Education Committee

          Research Component – Research Committee

          Trails Component – Trails and Trails Grant Committees

          Education Component – Education Committee

          Veterinary Control and Treatment Component – Veterinary Committee

          Growth Issues and Membership Component – Ad Hoc Committee”

The first line of Motion #3 amended to read:  “The Past Presidents Committee moves that the issues raised in the Past Presidents’ Committee Report be assigned to committees and such other committees as choose to pick up the issues as follows:


Financial Planning Issues and Finance Component – Finance Committee

          Fairness and Safety Issues


                    Rides and competition–the “Level Playing Field”-Competitions Committee

                    Veterinary Control and Treatment – Veterinary Committee

              Consistent enforcement of rules-Rules Committee

              Education as means to achieve consistency-Education Committee

          Research Component – Research Committee

          Trails Component – Trails and Trails Grant Committees

          Education Component – Education Committee

          Veterinary Control and Treatment Component – Veterinary Committee

          Growth Issues and Membership Component – Ad Hoc Committee”


Barney Fleming, Chair of the Past Presidents Committee accepted the suggested amendment to the motion.  Motion passed.


Future role of the Past Presidents Committee was discussed.  President Tomlinson asked the BOD if it is their desire that the Committee continue their work with goals of the future for AERC in mind?  The Board desires the Committee to continue their work.


Jim Remillard was thanked for his presentation by President Tomlinson and the meeting resumed.  Roll call commenced with those present: Vice President Susan Kasemeyer, Secretary Jan Jeffers, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Mike Jaffe, Roberta Harms, Connie Caudill, Jan Stevens, Howard Kent, Stan Eichelberger, Patti Pizzo, Gail Williams, Bob Morris, John H. Parke, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland (via telephone conference line), Roger W. Taylor, Nick Warhol, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Mike Maul, Stagg Newman, Maggy Price, Robert Ribley, and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.


It is the intent of President Tomlinson to have the midyear meeting on the east coast at a major hub at a hotel located within or very close to the airport.


Conference calls will be slated for the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm Pacific/ 9:00 pm Eastern time.   All motions must be presented in writing before the meeting. 


Committee chairs presented for 2004 as follows:


          AERC Sponsorship                  Randy Eiland

          Awards                           Jan Jeffers

          Competitions                            Gail Williams

          Convention                     Robert Ribley

          Drug Testing                             Stan Eichelberger

          Education                       Maggy Price/Stagg Newman

          Elections                         Bob Morris

          Executive Committee                Mike Tomlinson w/Mike Jaffe added as 5th member

          Finance                           Terry Woolley Howe

          Insurance                        Roger Taylor

          International                    Russell Broussard/Mark Dial

          Junior                             Jan Stevens

          Legal and Bylaws            John H. Parke

          Limited Distance             Terry Woolley Howe

          Media                             Genie Stewart-Spears

          National Championship    Robert Ribley/Connie Caudill

          National Office                Terry Woolley Howe

          Past Presidents/Long Range      Stagg Newman/Jim Remillard

          Protest & Grievance                 John H. Parke

          Questionnaire                            Stan Eichelberger

          Research Grants              Bob Morris

          Ride Managers                Connie Caudill

          Rules                              Vonita Bowers

          Sanctioning                     Vonita Bowers

          Technical                        Mike Maul

          Trails Advocacy              Jerry Fruth

          Trails Grants                             Mike Jaffe

          Veterinary                       Jim Baldwin


A vote relative to the slate of committee chairs was taken and the chairs accepted.


Old business: 


Roger Taylor advised the Insurance Committee has been very active and anticipates the use of some advisory people and upcoming conference calls.  Moved from committee the

Insurance Committee requests a line item be added to the budget for $2000 to cover expenses.  Motion passed.


Barney Fleming, AERC’s representative on the American Horse Council Task Force for Equine Identification, advised that the Task Force will hold a meeting in Dallas, TX on the 18th and 19th of March and Barney will represent AERC at this meeting.  Board members encouraged to dialogue with Barney if they have issues they would like discussed during the Texas meeting.


John Parke, Legal Committee, advised the blanket liability issue remains open.  Discussions during the weekend of the convention have assisted to clarify the issue and

John will write up a blanket liability waiver, including a blanket release regarding AERC advertising, indicating when you join AERC you give your authority to use your images for advertising by AERC.  The committee will consider all liability issues and will furnish a written example at a future meeting.


John proposed a “Super Volunteer Award” to be presented during the convention.  He requested the awards committee consider this proposal to be given out during the next convention.


John Parke moves “The Thursday meeting vote regarding the Limited Distance rule change with respect to Best Condition, be deferred and the vote be finalized during the midyear meeting now that the issue has been stated in the Endurance News and the membership will have a chance to express their concerns to the Board of Directors.”

Motion passed with Duane Barnett and Susan Kasemeyer voting no.


Jerry Fruth, Chair of the Trails Advocacy Committee addressed the Board regarding the National Forest Service attempts over the past 2 years to develop a new trail designation program.  They are designating trails with number 1 through 5, with those numbered 4 and 5 to receive little or no maintenance.  If the trail designation program goes into effect, Jerry advised there would be automatic closure of trails down the line on National Forest Service land.  Jerry will do further research in this area and will give a report at a future meeting.


Jerry advised he is in the process of reorganizing the trails committee.  He is searching for a person within each AERC region a person that has dedicated herself/himself to trails and trail preservation, horses and endurance riding and will take on the new job of being a regional trail director.  Within a region that person will be able to handle a lot of the issues Jerry now handles.  This will assist in organizing trail advocates in each state and keep them focused on their responsibilities and duties and will allow Jerry to spend more time in Washington D.C. or more time in forest regional offices than he is able to at present.


Scientific research should be a top goal for the trails advocacy committee, to work in concert with the BLM and the American Horse Council.  We must be proactive with respect to environmental and ecological issues.


Barney Fleming, Research Grants Committee advised their committee motion presented on Thursday regarding approval of the $17,000 grant for Dr. Harold Schott and his team at the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, entitled “Why Do Endurance Horses Fail to Finish” was tabled until Sunday to afford additional time for discussion. This is a pilot study to determine the cause of our equines failing to finish ride.  Motion passed.


Robert Ribley, co-chair of the National Championship Committee, advised the 2003 NC ride went well – no major problems.  Terry Woolley Howe will host the 2004 NC ride in California and Jan Stevens will host the ride in Montana in 2005.  Robert advised AERC has been approached by the FEI officials to add an FEI division to the NC ride during 2005.  There is some urgency involved with the approval of the addition of the FEI portion of the ride, as the application must be in the hands of the U.S. Equestrian Federation by March 24, 2004. The following motion is presented from committee:  “It is recommended the AERC National Championship Committee facilitate the sanctioning of the FEI division to those riders that choose to cross-enter at the 2005 AERC National Championship ride 100 miler for this one ride, to be reviewed yearly.  Motion passed with Bob Morris, Barney Fleming, and Roger Taylor voting no.


The site for the 2006 ride has not been finalized as yet and the committee is soliciting rides for the 2007 site and the committee will report their progress at a future meeting.


Stan Eichelberger reported the Trails Grants Committee presented the following motion from committee:  “We publish the Fort Stanton Phase IV project in the Endurance News to obtain membership comments.  This involves no funding but would like a sidebar in the magazine to notify people so they can comment.  This phase will finish the Fort Stanton project.”  Motion passed. 


Awards Committee:  No report


Terry Woolley Howe advised the Competitions Committee has requested the Rule Committee to look into the Best Condition issue and come up with a rule that the Board can present to the membership.  The proposed change involves Rule 9 and 9L and will be reviewed by the proper committees and will be discussed at a future board meeting. Proposed rule change is as follows:


Rule 9:  An AERC BC award will be available for the equine judged to be in the Best Condition.  


9.1 The award does not have to be given if the veterinarian(s) feel that none of the equines in contention for the award deserves to receive it.


9.2 (was 9.2.2) Rides have the option of giving other Best Conditions in addition to the AERC Best Condition if they wish.


9.3 (was 9.2.1) Only equines selected as Best Condition using this system (with Best Condition forms returned along with the ride results) are recognized by the AERC.


9.4 (was 9.2.3) The AERC recognizes only one Best condition equine at any one ride.


9.2 is deleted as it currently reads


L9. An AERC BC award will be available for the equine judged to be in the Best Condition.


L9.1 The award does not have to be given if the veterinarian(s) feel that none of the equines in contention for the award deserves to receive it.


L9.2 (was L9.2.2) Rides have the option of giving other Best Conditions in addition to the AERC Best Condition if they wish.


L9.3 (was L9.2.1) Only equines selected as Best Condition using this system (with Best Condition forms returned along with the ride results) are recognized by the AERC.


L9.4 (was L9.2.3) The AERC recognizes only the Best Condition equine at any one ride.


L9.2 is deleted as it currently reads.


Stagg Newman advised the Education Committee would submit a written report to the board in the near future.


Elections Committee – no report


Terry Woolley Howe, Finance Committee chair, advised the committee, including Betty Kane Baker and Sue Taylor met and will be reviewing several issues in the coming months and will report at a future meeting.


Russell Broussard, chair of the International Committee, presented a written report to the Board from the committee and that report has been appended to these minutes.


Two motions from the committee are before the Board:  Motion #1 – Approve the revised budget for 2004 for AERC International.  Motion passed.


Motion #2:  The International Committee requests a change to zone boundaries between Pacific North and Mountain zones.  This will change AERC procedures to match the boundaries voted on about 8 years ago.  Changes to include all of Oregon in the Pacific North and all of Idaho in the Mountain zone.   Motion passed.


The Media Committee report was presented by Connie Caudill.  The committee requests an increase in their budget for 2004.  The budget currently stands at $4000 and they request an increase of $1000 to bring the budget to $5000.  Motion passed.


It was moved and seconded that discussion be deferred on the request by the Media Committee to increase their 2005 budget to $6000 to be handled by the Finance Committee during preparation of the 2005 budget.  Motion passed.


Gail Williams presented the following proposal from the Limited Distance Committee for future consideration by the board:  “To award top ten seniors and top five juniors from each region for mileage only beginning with the 2005 season.”  Limited distance currently receives 4.4% of the total amount of awards currently given and the proposal will increase the numbers to 18.5% of the total.  


National Office Committee – no report.


Protest and Grievance Committee – no report


Questionnaire Committee – no report


The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Jan Jeffers, Secretary