American Endurance Ride Conference


held via telephone conference call

December 9, 2003


President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.  Also on the line for the call:  Vice President Mike Maul, Secretary Jan Jeffers, Treasurer Terry Woolley Howe, Vonita Bowers, Margie Burton, Louise Riedel, Connie Caudill, Dean Jackson, Jan Stevens, Stan Eichelberger, Patti Pizzo, Stephanie Teeter, Gail Williams, John H. Parke, Susan Kasemeyer, Duane Barnett, Randy Eiland, Roger W. Taylor, Maryben Stover, Jim Baldwin, Barney Fleming, Dane Frazier, Stagg Newman, Robert Ribley, and Executive Director Kathleen A. Henkel.  Absent:  Maggy Price.


John Parke moved and Dean Jackson seconded that the minutes pertaining to the Welfare of the Horse Committee from the midyear BOD meeting be approved with corrections.  Motion passed.


Maryben Stover moved to amend the minutes to include the Junior Committee motions in their entirety as presented at the midyear meeting.  Motion passed.


Jan Jeffers moved to amend the minutes regarding the Limited Distance award description to change the wording to reflect an amount “up to”, rather than fund the award.  Motion passed.


Moved by Susan Kasemeyer and seconded by Margie Burton to approve the minutes from the midyear meeting as amended.  Motion passed.


It was moved and seconded to accept the committee reports as written.  Motion passed.  Committee reports received:                          



                                                 Limited Distance

                                                 National Championship

                                                 Ride Managers





            The American Horse Council is organizing an Equine Identification Task Force to explore the value of a national identification system to the horse industry. Barney Fleming volunteered to be AERC’s delegate on the task force, with Stan Eichelberger serving as alternate.  Roger Taylor moved to accept Barney Fleming as the primary and Stan Eichelberger as the alternate members of the task force, seconded by Jan Stevens.  Motion passed.


            Roger Taylor addressed the insurance issue, discussing the previous insurance bid and the fact that insurance is not currently available through the Creelman Agency for rides beginning January 1, 2004.  President Tomlinson reiterated there is an immediate need for insurance for upcoming rides, and it is time to check on the possibility of obtaining an insurance policy to encompass all of AERC’s rides.  Roger will check the alternatives available and report to the Board at a later meeting.


            John Parke advised the matter relating to Debi Sanger is ongoing and he will report to the Board during a future meeting.


            The proposal presented by the Adam’s Mark Hotel in San Antonio, TX was discussed.  Jan Jeffers moved that in 2006 the AERC convention be held in San Antonio, TX at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in February 2006, motion seconded by Stan Eichelberger.  Motion passed.



Connie Caudill, co-chair of the National Championship Committee, advised the site of the 2004 ride had to be changed from Red Rock, Nevada, due to a homeowners association conflict.  The national championship ride for 2004 will be hosted by Terry Woolley Howe in San Diego, California, with the 100 miler taking place on Friday, October 1st and the 50 miler on Sunday, October 3, 2004.  It was moved from committee to accept the new ride site in San Diego, CA for the 2004 national championship ride.  Motion passed.  Terry advised she has asked Barney Fleming to serve as head veterinarian.


Barney Fleming, chair of the Past Presidents Committee, advised the committee is working on a long range plan for AERC and has met via telephone conference call twice and is planning a face to face meeting at the convention and will report to the board during one of the board meetings scheduled during the convention.


Connie Caudill, chair of the Ride Managers Committee, reported that the video is ready to be mailed and will go out on December 10th.  Connie advised she is pleased with the tape and stated there are a few items she would like to change - the video contains vetting procedures only and the video is suitable for both riders and veterinarians and should be ready for distribution at the convention.


Jim Baldwin, chair of the Veterinary Committee, reported the veterinary audio tape was mailed today, December 9th, to members of the vet committee.  The tape is straight forward and will be under budget at approximately $500.  The tape should be available for distribution at the convention.


Kathleen advised the riders handbook has been reprinted.  The office was directed to send all Board members a copy of the handbook.


The rules have been printed and are being distributed to new members that are joining for 2004.  The rules will be forwarded to the membership as part of the February issue of the magazine.


John Parke, chair of the Welfare of the Horse Committee, advised he will file a written report with the Board.  Mike Maul and Jim Mitchell have prepared spreadsheets summarizing the equine fatalities and Jim Mitchell has volunteered to assist in preparation of an article from the committee for publication in Endurance News.  John advised he had a conversation with President Tomlinson regarding the many unsolicited proposals regarding equine welfare and how to process the proposals.  Two workshop sessions are slated for the convention, one Friday and one Saturday with the focus on horse welfare and at that time people will be afforded the opportunity to discuss these proposals.


Gail Williams, chair of the Limited Distance Committee, presented motions from committee regarding a change regarding Best Conditions offered for Limited Distance rides and also for the addition of a new national award similar to the Bill Stuckey award currently given out for the endurance rider 65 years of age with the most endurance miles in a season.  The award proposed is entitled the Limited Distance Masters Award.  The committee would like both motions to be effective for the 2004 season. 


Stagg Newman moved that the motion pertaining to best conditions being offered on Limited Distance rides be tabled until the Thursday convention meeting in February 2004.  This will afford time for the Limited Distance Committee to prepare and publish an article in the Endurance News soliciting feedback from the membership regarding the change.

Motion passed to table the motion until the convention meeting.


The second motion from the Limited Distance Committee regarding the addition of a National Limited Distance award to the individual 65 years or older as of the first day of the ride season, riding strictly limited distance miles, the award will be entitled Limited Distance Masters Award.  The award is patterned after the Bill Stuckey Award regarding endurance miles.  It is proposed the award become effective 12/1/2004 for the 2005 ride season, with Jene Moseley funding an amount up to $150 for the perpetual trophy.  Motion passed.  Maryben Stover abstained.


Maryben Stover, chair of the Junior Committee, advised the committee is continuing in its efforts to rework the motion relative to the 100-mile award proposal as presented to the Board in the September 16, 2003 meeting.


Mike Maul, chair of the Technical Committee, advised a proposal will be presented to the BOD at the Reno, NV meeting regarding purchase of the Doublejoy software.


Barney Fleming, chair of the Research Grants Committee, advised an announcement is being prepared for the magazine by the researchers selected and more proposals will be presented to the Board before the Reno meeting.


Roger Taylor, chair of the Trails Grants Committee, advised the Harrison-Crawford project is currently on standby, the Wolf Creek project has been published in Endurance News, and the Lake Sonoma project has the backing of the Army Corps of Engineers and Back Country Horsemen.  At the midyear meeting $27,000 was set aside for trails grants and out of those funds, $15,000 has been allotted to Wolf Creek, and $5000 for the Lake Sonoma project.  Connie Caudill advised she prefers to have the trails grants projects before the Board published in the magazine before they are voted upon.  Stagg Newman called for the question.


Roger Taylor moves the Wolf Creek Trailhead project be funded immediately, that the project coordinator be informed by the Executive Director that funding is available for distribution upon receipt of the proper paperwork. The funding for the project not to exceed $15,000 to be funded from the trails line item 2004 general fund.  Motion passed. 

Jan Stevens, Connie Caudill, and  Patti Pizzo abstained.


Roger Taylor moves that the Sonoma Lake Trails Improvement Project have AERC tentative approval for $5000.  The project be published in Endurance News, any negative comments reviewed.  With any negative comments resolved, the project should move forward.  The funds should come the trails set aside funds and advertised in a manner that other Northern California riders can volunteer to help and these trails can be reopened.  Motion passed.  Jan Stevens, Connie Caudill, and Patti Pizzo abstained.


Pertaining to protocol with respect to postmortems, Jim Baldwin, chair of the Veterinary Committee, advised the CEU course for veterinarians to be held in conjunction with the convention in Reno, is being set up to assist in finding state diagnostic labs across the nation with discussion expected regarding the funding of standardized postmortems and partial posts, etc.  Review and discussion will also take place regarding drug testing procedures and procedures for reporting equine deaths.


Kathleen advised the office is proceeding with the printing of the new sanction form.


Stan Eichelberger, advised a report regarding production of a survey pertinent to AERC demographics will be presented at a future meeting.


John Parke advised it appears the best place for a blanket liability release would be on the membership form that is signed each year at the time of membership renewal.  Discussion tabled until the Reno convention meetings in 2004.


Dane Frazier reported on the death of DJB Rockin Adios as reflected by the FEI.


Dean Jackson, Sanctioning Director for the Mountain Region, asked for Board approval on a mileage change pertaining to the recently held Outlaw Trail Ride due to a last minute problem with a landowner.  The ride was originally set up for 25 miles for the first two days of the ride and 35 miles for the last day.  Motion to approve the mileage change passed.


Mike Maul advised he would like unofficial draft minutes typed and sent to the Board list within 2 weeks for review by the Board.  Members of the Board will have 2 weeks for review before posting as unofficial draft minutes on the website.


Vonita Bowers advised the Old Glory Pioneer ride requires special sanctioning as it was previously held as a 2-day ride.  John Parke moved to accept Vonita’s recommendation for approval of the ride, seconded by Stagg Newman.  Motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Jan Jeffers, Secretary


Committee Reports


Education Committee Report

December 09, 2003


I.  Update since July Report

The following summarizes Education Committee actions since the last BOD Conference call.


New Activities:

1.        Dr. Jeannie Waldron and Dr. Susan Garfield have agreed to do an “Ask a Vet Column” for EN and Troy Smith has agreed work with them.   AERC members can submit questions and selected questions will be answered monthly in EN.

2.        Dr. Jim Baldwin has agreed with the EC to jointly sponsor a follow-up letter to the spring letter on welfare of the horse.  We plan to have the draft of this letter ready shortly.  This letter will reemphasize the responsibility of the rider and emphasize three key steps to protect the horse:  partnering with the ride vets to assess how the horse is doing; keeping the horse properly hydrated; and proper pacing.  Attachments will address these areas in more detail.

3.        Jan Jeffers is working on an updated  bibliography of recommended reading material which will then be placed on-line and sent to new members.

4.         Ann Coffield of the EC will take the lead in working to revise the EC page on the AERC web site to make new information is accessible to the membership.  The EC web page should either have directly on it or easily link to EC columns printed in EN, information for protection of the horse, information for new members as well as additional material.


Continuing Activity

1.        The Education Committee continues to supply a monthly column for Endurance News.  The current emphasis of the columns in on the health and welfare of the horse..

2.        The Education Committee continues to work with the AERC office to review educational articles before publication in EN.  Jan Jeffers leads this effort. 

3.       The Education Committee will develop a Education Committee business plan for presentation at the BOD meeting held in conjunction with the National Convention. 

4.        The EC  revised the AERC Rider’s handbook.  It has now been published and is being sent to new members.  It is also available on-line.

5.        Dr. Susan Garlinghouse has modified her proposal for a nutrition seminar as follows:

In 2004, Dr. Garlinghouse will again do a one hour nutrition seminar as part of the AERC regular seminar program (repeat by popular request) with the same fees as previously of $250.

In 2005, Dr. Garlinghouse is proposing to conduct a one day seminar the day after the convention that would be sponsored by Purina.  She is in discussions with Purina and they appear to be willing to pick up many of the major expenses with minimal conditions.  Dr. Garlinghouse will present a proposal to the EC which will then make a motion to the BOD as appropriate when more details are worked out.

6.        The EC proposes to develop clinic materials that could be presented at rides and other venues; to develop a list of speakers who would be willing to present the material; and to develop and facilitate the offering of a series of clinics.   Where local organizations exist (e.g. SERA, PNER, ECTRA), we would with those organizations.  Potential topics include:

ź       New Riders Clinic (to be given at ride sites before the ride similar to what SERA does at SE rides to educate new riders about the sport)

ź       Yes, You Can Do a 100 (intended to get more people to start and complete 100s)

ź       This Is Endurance Riding (intended for presentations at horse fairs, etc. to attract more people to the sport)

ź       From Riding to Racing (intended to give the people who wish to race the knowledge to do so safely and well)

ź       Preventing Treatment in Endurance Horses.  (based on material in the “one pager” we developed earlier this year).

The first part of the plan would be to get a small group for each topic to develop the material with a member of the education committee on each group.  We will start by soliciting already available material from the membership thru the AERC list serve, etc.

7.        The Education Committee will liaison with the vet committee, the media committee, the ride management committee, and the Ad Hoc Committee on the Welfare of the horse to implement the above

8.        Continued the dissemination of the information developed in the Program to Prevent Treatment Program of horses.


Proposed Budget for 2004

1.  $3000 for general expenses (same as 2003)

This may be used for any

general mailings to the membership (I anticipate one next year like we did this year as a good way to get a critical issue before the members)

conference calls among the EC

possible inserts in EN of important info

sponsorships of seminars


2.  Approximately $2500 - 1/3 of the costs of the eductional video tape on vetting horses that will be co-sponsored by the Vet Committee, the Ride Managers, Committee, and the Education Committee.

President Mike Tomlinson has asked our three committees to jointly sponsor the production and distribution of the video.  I believe this tape will be distributed to vets to educate them on our sport and be available for purchase by members.

3.  The Education Committee may develop more specific proposals for aiding in the funding of seminars.  We have not yet worked out the details.


Submitted from the 2003 Education Committee

Maggie Price - co-chair, 1-570-992-4900

Stagg Newman - co-chair, 1-828-665-1531

Jan Jeffers –, 1-408-779-4722

Connie Caudill –, 1-812-967-5973

Steph Teeter –, 1-208-875-1206

Barbara McCrary –, 1-831-423-4572

Susan Garlinghouse – , 1-970-568-9124

Stan Eichelberger, DVM –, 1-540-343-0194

Ann Cofield,,



Elections Committee Report

presented by Michael Maul, Chair


Results of the Regional Directors Election

The results of the 2 regions where a ballot was required follow:

Central Region

Vonita Bowers          152
Mike Jaffe             148
Margie Burton           85

Mountain Region

Jan Stevens            155
Howard Kent            134
Bob Steller             52

Ballots received on Dec 1 were not counted.  All ballots
received were able to be counted.

All candidates have been notified of the results of the


presented by Gail Williams, Chair


LD Best Condition Proposal:

The committee was charged with the task of making the Limited Distance riders feel that they were as valuable to AERC as any endurance distance.  One way to do this was exploring a Limited Distance Best Condition criteria that all regions would use to judge those horses presented for Best Condition.  The committee explored a number of options.  Proposals were made by Bryan Gran and Terry Woolley-Howe that involved a number of changes to the current AERC BC form.  The committee looked at every aspect of the current form and what the impact of change virtually every category would have on the LD riders.  The committee used several different formulas on several previous rides and on Terry’s October 4 ride to see the impact of potential changes.  The changes were not significant enough to warrant a complete overhaul of the current form.  


The LD Committee had a conference call on October 7th; the committee discussed these results and the likely options they could choose.  The results of this conference call were as follows:


1.       The Northwest, Central and Southeast regions already use the current LD Best Condition form and are well satisfied with it.  So 5 of 7 regions are currently using one form.  We did not feel it would be in the best interest of the sport to promote two (2) separate forms and therefore agreed to propose the current AERC B.C. form as the best option for LD rider with the least amount of changes necessary.

2.       A national BC form gives Ride Managers the opportunity to promote horse welfare by discussing BC issues.  The LD committee wants to promote horse welfare and we feel the national BC form is a TOOL that will assist ride managers.

3.       The LD riders are the fastest growing group of riders within AERC.  We want to promote consistency between LD and the longer distance rides and a consistent BC form does just that.  Plus, the LD riders want the BC to be offered at each ride as it is for other distances.

4.       The National LD BC form is needed to have consistency between all groups of riders.  


The Limited Distance Committee proposes the following rule change:


Change Rule L9 to read:  An award will be available for the horse judged to be in the Best Condition, effective immediately.


Current L9 reads:  An award may be available for the horse judged to be in Best Condition.


We believe this puts the Best Condition judging on the same basis in Limited Distance as in any other distance.


We are running this by the Ride Manager’s Committee and the Rules Committee.




presented by Gail Williams, Chair



Limited Distance Rider Award for rider over 65 with most LD miles: 


Based on the Bill Stuckey Award)  Honoring the rider 65 years of age or older who completed the greatest number of Limited Distance miles (any number of horses).  One placing acknowledged.  Keepsake plaque awarded and engraved onto perpetual trophy.


Cost:  Cost of keepsake plaque each year if perpetual trophy is sponsored and donated.


Jene Moseley has offered to sponsor this award in the amount of $150 per year.


We are running this by the Awards Committee.


National Championship Committee report

presented by Connie Caudill, Robert Ribley, co-chairs


Carol Hoeft, who did a fantastic job in hosting this years NC rides has ran into some trouble with her homeowners association. They do not want the National Championship ride again next year so we will be using our alternate site that Terry Woolley Howe has offered in the Pacific South region. This has been our alternative just in case any problems would come up. The 100 mile ride will be held on Friday, October 1st and the 50 mile will be held on Sunday, October 3rd.


The following tells about the ride:  Challenging trail starting in the desert and climbing to the pines in the Laguna Mountains. Course starts at the Manzanita Horse Camp which has full hookups, corrals, bathrooms, showers and large oak trees. The trail is on desert trails overlooking the Corrizo Valley and the Salton Sea before climbing through the pines on the Pacific Crest Trail to the Laguna Mountains. The trail head west down the historic Noble Canyon before heading east over Pine Mountain before returning back to basecamp.

Directions: From San Diego go east on Interstate 8 (approximately 60 miles) to the Live Oak Springs offramp (same offramp as the Golden Acorn Casino). Go south on Old Highway 80 for one a a half mile to Royal. Turn left at the store (open 24 hours with gasoline and diesel) and go 6 miles to the Manzanita Horse camp. This ride can be pre-ridden on May 1st, 2004.

We have the Montana ride, Ft. Howes, with ride managers Bill and Jan Stevens for 2005. For 2006, we voted in the Wolverine site in Michigan, with Maggie Mieske. We are still in the talking stages regarding this ride.


Technical Committee Report: Dec 2, 2003

presented by Michael Maul, Chair

The new site continues to run well and is being accessed at
an annual rate of about 4 M per year. This may be due to the
novelty of a new site.  After several more months we will
have an idea of the steady state access rate.

The BLM sponsorship logo has been added and the writeup for
them is on the sponsors page.

A number of new pages has been added to the site including
the Decade Teams.

Still working on setting a date to visit the office to
transfer much of the maintenance to the staff.

After several initial glitches for hotmail users - the email
lists seem to be working OK now.

Trails Committee Report

presented by Jerry Fruth

Chairman AERC Trails Committee


When I took over the helm of the trails committee my first objective was to secure representation in Washington D.C. through the American Horse Council.  I did just that.  Trail riders across the United States are now being represented in our Capital.  The AHC has a full time staff dedicated to working on just trail related issues.


The second objective was to establish trail advocates in each state to be our eyes and ears when it comes to trail access issues.  At the same time those trail advocates were given the responsibility to know their land manages and to put together work crews to work on trail maintenance.  Some of our trail advocates have been outstanding and others have done average or below average work.


To augment our "Trails Grants" more emphasis in the next couple of years will be to build a stronger trail advocate group.  I don't want to be giving out money without our riders actually working on the trails project if possible. We will see that they become educated in trail preservation.  At the same time we will expect them to organize work days and to get the endurance riders off their horses and on the ground actually doing hands on work.


To accomplish all of this I'm going to begin to delegate more of what I do in the way of hands on preservation efforts and concentrate on those national issues that need attention.  Finding those dedicated souls with the time, energy and talent to handle some of the day to day trail preservation work will be another challenge.


Between now and the convention I will be working on a new structure for the trails

committee and will have it to present at the convention.


Veterinary Committee Report

presented by Jim Baldwin, Chair


The audio tape has been completed and copies have been forwarded to the vet committee members for review and comment.  Copies will be forwarded to the board after review and changes by the vet committee members.


Work continues on the continuing education program of the convention for the veterinarians attending the convention.