AERC Board Meeting Minutes

3/16/03, Sunday, 7:00 a.m., Chattanooga, TN

Marriott Hotel/Convention Center



            President C. Mike Tomlinson called the meeting to order at 7:12 a.m.  Also present:  Directors Randy Eiland, Louise Riedel, Connie Caudill, Robert Ribley, Patti Pizzo, Margie Burton, Vonita Bowers, Dane Frazier, Stan Eichelberger, Barney Fleming, John H. Parke, Jan Stevens, Dean Jackson, Stephanie Teeter, Roger Taylor, Terry Woolley Howe, Stagg Newman, Susan Kasemeyer, Duane Barnett, Jan Jeffers, Michael Maul, and Executive Director Kathleen Henkel.  Absent:  Maggy Price, Maryben Stover, Jim Baldwin. and Gail Williams.


            Opening remarks by President Tomlinson indicated his three objectives for AERC during the 2003 season as welfare of the equine, fairness of competition, and fun for all involved.  President Tomlinson further stated all committees will meet at the AERC Convention in Reno next year.


            Proposed Chairs for the new committees presented and Barney Fleming moved to accept the committee chairs as presented, seconded by Roger Taylor.  Motion carries.  A copy of the chair list is appended to these minutes marked as “2003 Committee Chair List”.


            Committee Reports: 


            Education Committee:  Co-Chairman Stagg Newman presented a written report containing in part, the following motions:


Motion A, page 2 of the report, “The AERC budget for 2003 shall be $2500” was presented to the Board and carried. 


Motion B, page 2 of the report, from committee “Whereas to protect the welfare of the horse, AERC members should have knowledge of physiology and nutrition of the horse, particularly from the standpoint of how they effect endurance riding.  Whereas most AERC members have a thirst for more information, the Education Committee moves that AERC sponsor a one-day clinic by Susan Garlinghouse on nutrition and physiology of the horse, contingent on an acceptable detailed plan being presented and approved by the BOD”, was remanded to the Convention Committee.


The Board accepted Mr. Newman’s Education Committee report and it is appended to these minutes.


            International Committee:  Chairman Russell Broussard presented a written report, advising no motions will be presented to the BOD from committee. 


            The Board accepted Mr. Broussard’s International Committee report and it is appended to these minutes.


            The question was raised regarding AERC’s relationship with our national federation.  A straw pole was taken and indicated the Board would like to normalize relations with the national federation.  It was requested by President Tomlinson that the International Committee work in conjunction with the Veterinary Committee toward that end.


            Veterinary Committee:  Barney Fleming presented a written request and letter from committee pertaining to equine fatalities to be sent to all current members and also to include in an upcoming issue of Endurance News. 


            Stagg Newman moved to amend the motion presented by the Veterinary Committee to include an educational data sheet from the Education Committee with the veterinary letter regarding “preventing treatment of horses”.  Seconded by Susan Kasemeyer.


            Question was called:  All in favor of limiting debate and voting on Mr. Newman’s amended motion.  The amended motion is to mail out the one page notice “Preventing the Treatment of Horses” with the Veterinary Committee equine fatality information letter:


            Ayes – 7

            Nays – 14


            Barney Fleming advised the Veterinary Committee moves that the Board send the equine fatality information letter to members via U. S. Mail, publish in an upcoming issue of Endurance News, provide accessibility to the letter on the AERC website, and include the letter in all new member packets for the future.  Motion seconded by Margie Burton.


            Motion carries unanimously.


            The Veterinary Committee written request and letter is accepted by the BOD and appended to these minutes.


            Technical Committee:  Chairman Mike Maul presented the following motion from committee for Randy Eiland:


           Since the AERC provides educational services to its members and the dissemination of notices and educational information may be enhanced by using electronic mail, Randy Eiland moves that:

           The Technical Committee of the AERC be directed to review and propose
establishment of an email based information distribution mechanism for use by AERC members for communications between the AERC office, Directors, and member to member.

          Further the Technical Committee is directed to prepare a budget for the setup and ongoing support of these services. Further that the Technical Committee and the Legal and Bylaws committee be directed to prepare and document Guidelines of Usage for these services and that all proposals, budgets and documents be presented to the AERC Board at the mid year 2003 meeting for approval of Budget and initiation of service.


            In favor:  8

            Opposed:  10

            Abstention:  1

            Motion fails.

        Second motion presented by Chairman Maul as follows:  Since the AERC has a charter for membership education and the world wide web is a cost effective educational tool, Randy Eiland moves that:


The AERC Board of Directors establish an Ad Hoc Committee to:

1) Write the specifications for a Official AERC Website.
2) Prepare a budget for the development and continuing cost of said website.
3) Procure bids from at least three professional web site development

       The committee is to be chaired by Mike Maul and be composed of two or more additional qualified members of his choosing.

      Further, the committee is directed to prepare and present to the Board at its mid year 2003 meeting a report to contain budget and such motions as may be required to initiate the development of said website.

Comments:  1) Committee members should not be also related to entities which are
bidding to develop services or facilities for the site.

       2) Committee members should not own or work for entities that may be perceived to be in competition with the proposed AERC Official Website.

      3) The Board is expected to provide Mr. Maul with its views as to the kind of website it wishes to be portrayed as an AERC Official website.  This may include development of sponsorships, revenue generation, and other topics that will support future growth of the AERC.

Effective Date:  Immediately
Impact on Office:  Clerical and Logistical Support
Financial Impact:  Depends on type of website offered
Benefit to AERC:  Fulfillment of obligation to support education, member communication, and business  purposes.        


            Motion seconded by Barney Fleming.  Motion passed with one abstention.


            Sanctioning Committee:  Committee Chair Vonita Bowers presented her report.  The report was accepted by the Board and is appended to these minutes.


            Media Committee:  Committee Chair Genie Stewart-Spears presented her report and said report is appended to these minutes.


            Convention Committee:  Committee Chair Susan Kasemeyer advised the next meeting will take place at the next convention.


            Old business:  The matter of  Debi Sanger Randy Eiland, Jan Stevens, and Jutta Schmidt, AERC Members in good standing, move that:


Devorah Sanger, aka Deborah Anderson, Debi Anderson, Debi Sanger, etc, a former AERC Member, have all rights to join AERC suspended for the 2003 AERC Season, whether as a full member or day member.  We further move that neither Ms Sanger nor any equine owned by Ms Sanger be allowed to attend or enter any AERC Sanctioned Event of any kind during the suspension period.


Upon full restitution of all verified funds owed by Ms Sanger to the above AERC Members and other funds owed by Ms Sanger to other ride personnel or AERC Members for AERC events, as verified by this Board, she may be allowed to make application to rejoin AERC at the termination of this suspension period.  Her suspension is extended for a period of 3 years if she does not make restitution.


            Seconded by  Roger Taylor.  19 for, 1 abstains, 1 against.  Motion passes.


            Ride insurance:  Motions presented by Roger Taylor, “Whereas:  The AERC Board passed a motion that all sanctioned AERC rides must have insurance; Whereas:  The Board of Directors requested the office look into insurance options and options are now available; Therefore:  I move that West Coast option be accepted by the board. The acceptance should be conditional on review by knowledgeable insurance people that the insurance is adequate and proper. The insurance should take affect within 30 days of February 26, 2003. Those that don’t desire AERC insurance must show adequate insurance ($1,000,000/$2,000,000) that names AERC as an extra insured by providing the office a Certificate of Insurance”, and his second motion, “Whereas: AERC requires that all ride managers have ride insurance; Therefore:  AERC will purchase insurance for all AERC events with an annual premium. AERC will then recover the funds by having ride managers pay $64/ride day with the submission of ride results. Sanction forms will need modification to include information necessary for extra insured when ride is sanctioned. Those that desire not to purchase AERC insurance must submit their policy for review with ride sanction form, then send certificates to AERC when insurance is purchased before ride date.”  Both motions withdrawn by Mr. Taylor.


            Roger Taylor presented the following motion:  “I move that AERC require AERC additional insured certificate be received in the office 7 days before the first pre-ride day. If this certificate has not been received by the deadline, then insurance for AERC shall be purchased from the AERC insurance agent (currently Creelman). Funds spent to purchase this insurance shall be charged to the ride manager and must be paid with the ride result fees.  Ride results will not be published until all fees have been paid.  This motion is effective immediately.”  Seconded by Margie Burton.  Vote to defer voting on Mr. Taylor’s motion to 11 a.m. – 16 in favor, 5 nay.  Vote will take place at 11 a.m.


            John Parke presented the following motion:  “I, John Parke, move to:  1) Defer JHP Motion #4 for consideration by the Board at a subsequent meeting; and   2) Create an Ad Hoc Committee for Welfare of the Horse.  Mission: Foster peer pressure and culture of protection of horses through non-coercive means; Composition: Chaired by board member, John H. Parke for now, non-board members from various regions; Purposes: Act as sounding board for informal complaints by members of horse abuse.  Earlier and easier than formal protest.  Contact overzealous riders to warn and educate of potential problems.  Intercede before horse deaths or injuries occur.  Non-coercive review of fatalities and other incidents; alternate resource for information processing than Vet Committee. Relieve pressure on vets as regulators/enforcers.  Provide policy recommendations t Board; promote education focused on horse welfare, disseminate information for educational purposes.  Motion 2nd by Terry Woolley Howe.  Unanimous vote – motion carries.


            Convention Committee:  Chair Susan Kasemeyer advised proposed sites are Kansas City, St. Louis, Orlando and San Antonio.  A description of what is necessary to set up the convention site will be developed and available to those interested in seeking a host city.


            NATRC has expressed interest in combining their annual convention with AERC’s convention in Reno in 2004.  Stephanie Teeter moved we combine the two organizations’ conventions.  Roger Taylor 2nd.  Motion carries.


            Terry Woolley Howe withdrew her Motion #2.


Break taken at 10:48 a.m, meeting resumed at 11:05 a.m.:


            Roger Taylor’s motion, as written above, was revisited for a vote – unanimous vote – motion passes.


            Old business:  Recommended by Barney Fleming that no terrorism insurance is needed.


            Barney Fleming presented a report re AERC Equine Identification Program; said report is appended to these minutes.


            Barney Fleming asked if AERC were interested in adopting a policy requiring positive identification of horses based on the plan presented in the above-mention report. 


            John Parke moved to remand the positive identification plan to the appropriate committee for further study.  Motion 2nd by Roger Taylor.  Motion to remand – unanimous.


            The meeting was adjourned at 11:19 a.m.


            Respectfully submitted: 


                                                            Kathleen A. Henkel, Executive Director


Minutes approved as amended 5/6/03 during Board Conference Call.