American Endurance Ride Conference, Executive Committee Meeting, November 18, 2002


The meeting was called to order by President Barney Fleming at 5:35 p.m. via a telephone conference call.  Executive Committee members present were:  Barney Fleming, Steph Teeter, Louise Riedel, Jan Jeffers, and Terry Woolley-Howe.


The Executive Committee is voting on the following resolution which was confirmed as being read by each member.


“Whereas timeliness requires an emergency action in the approval of the following Special Event rides, the AERC Executive Committee on behalf of the AERC BOD agrees to waive the following procedural requirements for Special Event sanctioning as defined in rule 11.2.1:  ‘A petition for such approval must be sent to the AERC Executive Director for distribution to the Special Events Chairperson and all Regional Sanctioning Directors where the event is to be held at least 180 days before the ride date.  Upon approval the petition will be distributed to the Board for comments.  Such petition must include clear rationale for the qualifications and justification for this specialty ride.  The Board will render its decision within 60 days.’


And subsequently, the AERC Board of Directors approves the sanctioning for the 2003 ride season of the following Special Event rides:





High Roller Ride


CT Region

Gator Run Ride


SE Region

Cuyama Oaks Ride


PS Region

Color Country Ride


MT Region

Wild West Ride


W Region

Oregon Outback 5-day


NW Region

Shamrock Pioneer


MT Region

Owyhee High Country Ride


NW Region

Camp Far West Ride


W Region

Owyhee Canyonlands


NW Region


President Fleming called for the vote:  The vote was unanimously in favor of the above resolution.  The minutes will be ratified by the BOD at the March 2003 meeting.


President Fleming moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Louise Riedel.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Jan Jeffers, Secretary