of Directors Meeting
3, 2002
NOTE: the Board has not yet approved these minutes. Any
corrections and additions will be published in a subsequent issue of Endurance
meeting was called to order by President Barney Fleming at 7:30 a.m. Also
present were Roger Rittenhouse, Dane Frazier, Stephanie Teeter, Louise Riedel,
Susan Kasemeyer, Maryben Stover, Becky Hart, Vonita Bowers, Maggy Price, Dean
Jackson, Stan Eichelberger, Duane Barnett, Margie Burton, Randy Eiland, Jan
Jeffers, Mike Maul, Connie Caudill, Patti Pizzo, Jim Baldwin, Jan Stevens, Gail
Williams, Terry Woolley Howe, Roger Taylor, Louise Riedel, John Parke and
Executive Director Kathleen Henkel. Absent was Mike Tomlinson.
Remarks: The president thanked all for being at the convention and for all the
effort that the board members have put in over the last year.
ground rules were reviewed again. Let’s do the best job we can and have some
real good planning and suggestions and discussions in our committees.
midyear meeting was discussed with possible dates B. Fleming was available. A
site for the meeting will be decided later.
Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report was
given on Thursday. Sunday’s minutes will be available for BOD for approval
of Committee Appointments. B. Fleming passed out a list of selections for
committee chairs. Awards Š D. Jackson; Competitions Š T. Woolley Howe;
Convention Š S. Kasemeyer; Education and Safety Š M. Price; Executive Committee
Š L. Riedel; Elections Š M. Maul; Finance Š V. Rutter; International Š M. Foss.
DVM; Junior Š M. Stover; Legal and Bylaws Š J. Parke; Limited Distance Š G.
Williams; Media Š G. Stewart Spears; National Awards Sponsorship Š D. Jackson;
National Championship Š D. Fruth; National Office; T. Woolley Howe; Protest and
Grievance Š J. Parke; Ride Managers Š C. Caudill; Rules Š R. Eiland;
Sanctioning Š V. Bowers; Special Sanctioning Š V. Bowers; Technical Š M. Maul;
Trails Š J. Fruth; and Veterinary Š J. Kerr, DVM.
Burton moved and T. Woolley Howe seconded that ‘the nominations for committee
chairs be accepted.’ Motion passed unanimously.
in Endurance 2000-2001. M. Maul presented a spreadsheet showing rider starts
between 1996 and 2000 broken down by region. There was a 2-3% increase per
year. Rider starts did not increase from 2000 to 2002 indicating we had a ‘flat
year.’ Rider starts were spread over more rides in 2001, meaning fewer riders
per ride. LDs, multi-days and 50s are the only growing part of our sport;
100-mile rides continue to be a smaller part of our members’ activities each
year. LDs/50s are driving the growth in most regions.
Region Funding Request. S. Kasemeyer requested $1,000 from the AERC to put up a
booth at the Georgia Horse Fair. The money would be used for booth space,
updating material in booth, and stalls for horses for the weekend. Ann
Schofield has made up a packet that will be put in the national office of ‘How
to put on a clinic’ that can be sent out to groups needing material for
clinics. An article will be written for the Endurance News on how to put on an
endurance clinic.
made by S. Kasemeyer and seconded by R. Taylor ‘to make available to the
Georgia Endurance Riders and SE Endurance Riders Association $1000 for the
Georgia Horse Fair.Ó’
Eiland stated that this is a timely request after M. Maul’s presentation
because in 1999 when we did the Sundowner discount, we also at that time were
going out to the stock sale shows and various other expos and the office had a
booth that they would send out to promote AERC and endurance riding along with
discount programs, and we saw a big jump in membership, and I believe that it
does relate with an increase in starting riders. This should be coordinated
from a central location such as the national office and they in turn would work
with the regional groups.
Jackson: I think we have two big issues, the education and marketing. I think
we continually have to be marketing. We are getting two benefits Š education
and marketing.
B. Fleming stated that this would not be a
check for $1000 sent to the SE Endurance Riders. It will be $1000 credit and
the office will disburse funds on invoices and bills. It will be tracked and we
will know exactly what it goes for. Passed 23-2.
Championship Committee. Diane Fruth presented recommended guidelines for the
National Championship Committee, duties of the National Championship Committee
and makeup of the National Championship Committee as well as eligibility requirements
to be adopted for the National Championship Ride for the year 2002; year 2003
and 2004.
point of order was called by J. Parke that we should treat these motions one at
a time. The motion for year 2002 and 2003-2004 are really two motions.
Parke moved, seconded by R. Taylor that ‘For the year 2002, a minimum of 200
endurance miles of rider and horse team and top five in the rider’s weight
division at a sanctioned ride during the qualification period* or 1,000 career
miles of ride and horse team. *The qualification period is between the 13th and
the 1st month preceding the date of the National Championship Ride. ‘
discussion, V. Bowers made an amendment to the motion as follows: ‘Year 2002
minimum of 200 endurance miles of rider and horse team and top five in the
rider’s weight division at a 50 mile
sanctioned ride during the qualification period for the 50 mile ride, and top
five in the rider’s weight division at a 100 mile sanctioned ride during the
qualification period* for the 100 mile ride or 1,000 career miles of rider and
horse team. (*The qualification period is between the 13th and 1st month
preceding the date of the national championship ride.)’
Š 23 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain. Original motion by J. Parke was withdrawn.
by J. Parke, seconded by R. Taylor to have ‘For the years 2003 and 2004 a
minimum of 300 endurance miles of rider and horse team and top five in the
rider’s weight division at a 50 mile sanctioned ride or 100 mile sanctioned
ride during the qualification period* or 1,000 career miles of rider and horse
team. (*The qualification period is between the 13th and 1st month preceding
the date of the national championship ride.)’ Passed.
Burton moved and seconded by M. Price ‘that funds be allocated from the annual
budget for the year-end awards for the National Championship Ride, in an amount
not to exceed $3,000. This would be an ongoing budgeted item regardless of
whether a national champion sponsor was obtained.’’ Motion failed.
Eiland moved and seconded by C. Caudill that ‘the AERC National Championship 50
and 100 mile will be one of the standardized AERC national award categories.’
Motion passed.
Committee. Jerry Fruth gave a presentation on trail preservation and how it
works. AERC has trail advocates in almost every state and they work with land
managers. The AERC Trails Committee member shares its knowledge with other
trail users on a regional basis, is the sounding board for trail initiatives
within the committee, work as trail advocates within their state and are trail
preservationists with a long history of working on trail issues. The AERC
Trails Chairman acts as a clearinghouse for all types of equine trail
information and issues on the national level; promotes the implementation of
regional equine trail symposiums. The chairman of the AERC Trails Committee’’s
time is devoted to daily contact via internet, sharing information with
endurance riders and other trail rider organizations; attend equine trail
symposiums; seek ways to improve relations with other trail user groups; give
presentations on trail preservation, testimony before state legislatures and
provide information at hearings dealing with new land management objectives as
well as serving on the American Horse Council Recreation and Land Use
Moved by J. Fruth ‘to direct the AERC office
to make a 501h election and file the appropriate form no later than March 15,
2002.’ J. Parke pointed out that we are voting to give ourselves the ability to
lobby without endangering our tax status.
J. Taylor called for the question.
Kasemeyer called for a roll call vote. M. Price yes; M. Stover yes, B. Hart
yes; D. Jackson yes, S. Eichelberger yes; D. Barnett yes, S. Kasemeyer yes; D.
Frazier yes, L. Riedel yes, M. Burton yes, V. Bowers yes, R. Eiland yes, J.
Jeffers yes, S. Teeter yes, R. Rittenhouse, yes, M. Maul yes, C. Caudill yes,
J. Baldwin yes, J. Stevens yes, G. Williams yes, T. Woolley Howe yes, R. Taylor
yes, L. Riedel yes, J. Parke yes. Passed.
Fruth moved and seconded by M. Burton ‘to add to the 2002 trails budget the
amount of $5,000 for payment to the American Horse Council as membership dues
with the check to be written no later than March 30, 2002.’ Passed unanimously.
J. Fruth moved ‘to waive full compliance with
the qualification requirements for grants to other organizations funded by the
AERC dealing with the $5,000 payment to the American Horse Council.’ Passed :
one abstain.
Fruth stated that in the trails budget for this year $1,500 was set aside for
Enviro-Horse to underwrite research on the weed-free hay issue. The Trails
Committee is requesting that the $1,500 be used for the purpose of a biological
study in the Spenceville Wildlife Preserve/Camp Far West site.
Fruth moved ‘’to authorize the payment to Enviro-Horse of $1,500 for a
biological study to be conducted in the Spencerville Wildlife Preserve/Camp Far
West site in lieu of payment in the same amount to Enviro-Horse previously
authorized by the Board for a study on the weed-free hay issue.’ Passed Š
Committee. T. Woolley Howe reported that the Competitions Committee met with
the National Championship Committee. The guidelines were straightened out.
There are no more motions from the Competitions Committee. A possible name
change for the National Championship Ride was discussed, but will be handled by
that committee at a future time. We discussed what is on RideCamp now where
some people are talking about the issue of de-elevator rides where you sign up
for 100 miler, you do not finish and maybe you should get part of the points.
There is a concern that in the National Championship this year there was a
feeling that some ringers were brought in. The horses that were supposedly
qualified were not the ones that were brought in instead of ringers and the
possibility at some future date there will be chips inserted in our horses so
that we will know exactly who is there.
Committee. D. Jackson reported that he had two new breed awards. They were
awarded at convention this year. The Foxtrotter Association sponsored an award
as well as the BLM from Nevada. There is no cost to the AERC.
Eiland moved and R. Taylor seconded Ņto remand any consideration of additional
awards from other organizations to the appropriate committee, the competitions
or awards committee to reconsider and bring back to the board.’ Passed.
Committee. J. Stewart-Spears reported the Media Committee consists of six
members; three of which were present at the meeting. The committee met with
Troy who does the graphics and layout for Endurance News. It was a very
productive on how the committee can work closely with the EN. Highlights from
the convention will appear in the April issue of EN. This will be followed with
an article in the following edition. This year the Media Committee will be
focusing on rides that have not been covered previously including more rides
west of the Mississippi. The Media Committee will also provide the AERC office
with a format for ride managers to make coverage of their rides possible.
Magazines that have had endurance articles done by the committee are: Practical
Horseman, Chronicle of the Horse,, Horse Sports Canada, Ride,
Arabian Horse World, Horse Illustrated, Quarter Horse USA, Western Horseman,
Equus, Arabian International, USET Equestrian, Trail Blazer, and Endurance
Committee. D. Barnett reported that the FEI needs something in writing from the
AERC to support them better concerning the no drug rule. D. Barnett moved ŅThe
AERC on the recommendation of the AERC International Committee and the AERC
Veterinary Committee request a repeal for the discipline of endurance riding of
the recently passed rule of FEI allowing the use of anti-ulcer medications.’
some discussion it was decided to take out the word ‘repeal’ and use ‘variance’
instead. The maker of the motion amended it to read ‘The AERC BOD, on advice
from the AERC Veterinary Committee and the AERC International Committee,
request a variance for the discipline of Endurance Riding to the recently
passed FEI rule allowing the anti-ulcer medication during competition. The AERC
BOD, on advice from the AERC Veterinary Committee and the AERC International
Committee, is in favor of endurance remaining a Ōno foreign substance category sport.’
Passed unanimously.
Veterinarian Committee proposed at midyear to change the wording of the AERC
rules to include that the control veterinarian’s job was also to look out for
the welfare of the horse. At midyear that was remanded to the Rules Committee.
It has been through the Rules Committee and the Rules Committee proposes it as
a rule change of Rule 2.1.2.
Barnett moved that ‘Control veterinarians are all veterinarians employed by
ride management to monitor the equines and counsel riders and ride management
on equine welfare as well as to uphold the AERC rules. A control veterinarian
must be an AERC member, either as a regular member of as a veterinary member. A
veterinarian supplying treatment only is not required to be an AERC member.’
some discussion it was decided to take out the word ‘all.’
Barnett made an amendment to the motion that, ‘Control veterinarians are
veterinarians employed by ride management to monitor the equines and counsel
riders and ride management on equine welfare as well as to uphold the AERC
rules. A control veterinarian must be an AERC member, either as a regular
member of as a veterinary member. A veterinarian supplying treatment only is
not required to be an AERC member.’ Passed unanimously.
Committee. Mark Dial reported that the committee met on Friday. The 2003 Pan
American Championship site was discussed. Two sites were known to be
interested. The Mt. Adams Endurance Ride in Trout Lake, Washington made a
presentation to the committee. This group has put on FEI rides in the past and
they have an established trail and they have a good management team in place.
The committee felt like at this time that this was the best group to put on the
ride. During the discussion it was recognized that there needs to be published
guidelines for people desiring to nominate their ride for a Pan Am
Championship. The committee will work with USA Equestrian to make
recommendations to include in the next revision of the international
committee feels there needs to be a higher standards or ‘leased horses’
competing in high level rides. The committee would like to propose a higher
mileage requirement for the horses that are going to be leased to either other
countries or other riders. The committee will develop guidelines for approval.
The committee also recommended that all zones form their own 503c non-profit
corporations for the purpose of fund-raising and managing finances for the
Price moved and M. Burton seconded that ‘The International Committee wishes to
donate $5,000 to the USET, specifically designated for use by Endurance.’
Passed unanimously.
Frazier explained that it takes $250,000 for USET to fund a team and they have
an ability to earmark funds directly to a discipline. All we have to do is make
a notation with the check that this is to go strictly for endurance. It does
not go into the general fund. What it will be used for is directly to support
our International team.
Fleming: As a point of order, I would like for a director from this table to
make that motion to that effect for Mark. He is representing the chair of the
committee, but he is not the chair of the committee.
Fraizer moved and seconded by V. Bowers that ‘The International Committee
wishes to spend up to $1,000 for shirts that will be donated to volunteers who
will attend the 2002 WEC in Spain.’ Passed unanimous.
committee discussed the liability exposure for veterinarians at International
and FEI rides. Most vets working these rides are from out of state. In many
cases, they are practicing illegally and are not covered by any liability
insurance. As a start in addressing this issue, the International Committee
requests the Board to consider changing the AERC rules to require that the
diagnosing and treating veterinarian be licensed in the state in which the ride
is being held. This motion should be presented jointly with the Veterinary
Frazier stated we have had a rule change, it has not been through The Rules
Committee. D. Frazier moved that this be remanded to the Rules Committee for
further solidification so when it comes back to the board, we need to have it
come back as an addition to or substitution of rule number so forth, how it is
going to fit in our rule book.
Barnett stated that the Veterinary Committee, the Legal Committee and the Rules
Committee can work together on this.
above was remanded to one or two committees. B. Fleming instructed that the
three committees consult and see if they can come up with something for us to
discuss at midyear.
International Committee discussed the recently passed FEI exception to the ‘no
drug policy.’ The committee requests that the board approve and forward to USA
Equestrian and FEI the above motion was already passed.
Dial said the committee was presented with the New Masters Series. It was
discussed and no action at this time was taken.
Eiland stated that it would be good if the National Championship Committee and
International could work together to try to coordinate ride dates that do not
Committee. M. Maul: We have a motion from the Elections Committee to change the
procedures. The only thing that this change does is to change the nomination
date for directors from October 1st back to September 15th. This gives the
office more time to get the nomination statements together, to get the mailing
together and get it out to the membership in a timely manner.
Maul moved and G. Williams seconded to ‘Change the date for nomination from
October 1 to September 15.’
discussion it was pointed out it was in the bylaws. Motion withdrawn.
Motions: S. Teeter moved that, ‘No later than three weeks after a meeting of
the BOD, the executive director shall summarize all action items or motions
which were approved by the BOD and shall provide this summary to the BOD along
with: 1) effective date and 2) any individuals or committees to which the
action item has been delegated; and 3) an estimate of the cost to the AERC of
carrying out the proposed item.’ Passed unanimously.
of this policy will be effective immediately. My intent is to have in three
weeks a summary of everything that we did this week.
Sanction Issue: M. Maul reported that 16 out of 768 AERC rides are held in
Canada. It cost more to put on rides in Canada than the United States due to
the exchange rate. M. Maul moved and seconded by R. Taylor that, ‘In the
interest of addressing the Canadian member request for relief from the high
conversion rate, there will be a one year trial (2003 ride season) where the
difference between the ride manager fees in current USD and the Canadian rate
will be refunded after all fees are paid in USD. If the 2003 fees collected
from Canadian rides is not equal to or greater than those of the 2002 ride
season, the trial will not be continued.’ Passed unanimously.
Brochure: R. Taylor reported that the junior brochure is ready to be printed
and sent out. Four committee members did not see it for approval, nor did the
new board members. Moved by R. Taylor and seconded by J. Parke ‘to accept the junior brochure as it has
been presented to the board.’ In favor 4. Against 16. Abstain 5.
Convention Committee. S. Kasemeyer reported
on the Chattanooga site for the convention next year. Prices are about the same
as here in Reno. There was a question that the site has never been approved by
this board. Motion by S. Kasemeyer and seconded by S. Teeter ‘that we accept
Chattanooga as our 2003 site for the 2002 convention.’
It was
decided that a motion was not needed. S. Kasemeyer withdrew motion.
Equestrian: J. Parke reported that he met with Alan Balch on Saturday morning
regarding affiliation with USAE. The USAE wishes to be the national governing
body. They want to govern all equestrian sports. J. Parked read a letter that
he drafted to be sent to the USAE.
J. Parke moved and R. Taylor seconded that
‘The AERC BOD approve this letter to be sent to the USAE.’
Frazier pointed out that if the document is sent as it stands with the word
‘national’ left in that the organization is going to view that as calling under
purview of an international discipline that has world championships, whether we
agree with it or not. R. Rittenhouse asked if the letter had an escape clause.
Parke then amended his motion to read, ‘The AERC BOD approve this letter with
an escape clause to be sent to the USAE.’ Yes 24. Abstain 1.
Revision: J. Parke reported that it is a good idea to have a small group of us
write a couple of letters or articles in the EN regarding revisions to the
bylaws and drum up some support for voting on the bylaws. M. Maul will make a
public URL for members to look at old and new bylaws side by side. There was
discussion regarding new bylaws having a one-third quorum for an amendment to
be approved.
Maul moved and R. Taylor seconded that ‘The quorum of one-third in the new
bylaws is to be reduced to 20% of the eligible voting membership.’ Passed
bylaws will be published in the Endurance News two to three times as well as
articles relating to the bylaws. Then the ballot will be mailed separately.
Amendment to Articles: J. Parke reported that
in 1997 or 1998 the words ‘in the USA’ were taken out because we sanctioned
rides in Canada. J. Parke cannot find reference in writing that says what that
vote was about. He needs a copy of the ballot or something in writing. L.
Riedel stated it was in the minutes. J. Parke also stated that the third
article was left out and the numbering is incorrect.
and Grievance Committee. There were two protests. First involved a junior who
had no release. The junior did get completion points. The second involved large
group of riders who missed the turn and a large group did not miss the turn.
The group that missed the turn came back to camp. Protest denied; they missed
part of the trail.
adjourned at 12:35 p.m., March 3, 2002.
Jan Jeffers,