AERC Board of Directors Meeting

8:00 a.m. November 3.


   The first item of business was to reconsider the following motion, which had been referred for a legal opinion to add the wording in italics to the following sentence found in our Preamble: Additional measures may be taken by any ride to provide greater safety for equine and rider, provided these do not conflict with nor cancel any AERC rule. J. Parke stated that he felt this wording was a worthwhile addition.

   V. Bowers moved that we postpone this motion until the next Board Meeting. S. Teeter seconded. Motion failed 5 - 17.

   It was moved and seconded for a roll call vote. The motion failed 11 - 12 as follows: IN FAVOR: Fruth, Riedel, Baxter, Howe, Parke, Eiland, McCrary, Stover, Hart, Maul, Rittenhouse. OPPOSED: Rutter, Beason, Bowers, Jackson, Schomburg, Kanavy, Teeter, Williams, Kasemeyer, Barnett, Frazier, and Tomlinson.

   V. Bowers moved that the Rules Committee, along with the Ride Managers Committee and the Legal Committee review the Preamble and advise the Board on its interpretation. This topic should be placed on the agenda for the next BOD meeting. M. Tomlinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


   In regard to the motion concerning a relationship between AERC and AERA which had been referred from the previous day’s meeting, R. Eiland presented the following revised motion: Accept the following mission statement for an alliance with endurance organizations from other countries: The official endurance organization of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other like-minded countries form an alliance with the following aims:

   1) To promote and protect the safety and welfare of horse and rider.

   2) That international riding is conducted on a level playing field.

   3) That international endurance riding is open and available to every member.

   4) To facilitate the acceptance of international riding in a manner which maintains the standards and traditions of endurance riding as it has been developed in the member countries. Motion carried 22 - 1.


NATIONAL OFFICE REPORT: K. Henkel reviewed the functions and routine of the national office. She was given a round of applause for her work as Executive Director.


NATIONAL OFFICE COMMITTEE: V. Rutter reviewed the results of the new member survey. The current membership is approximately 5800. About 15% of ride entries are non-AERC members.

   V. Rutter moved to add Disqualified (DQ) to the list of pull codes. Postponed till discussion of other codes under Rules committee.

   V. Rutter moved at the request of the office All ride sanctioning to be handled by the National Office for repeat rides and new rides that do not require special sanctioning. If a new ride needs special sanctioning approval, the National Office will handle the communication between the parties. V. Bowers moved, M. Tomlinson seconded to refer this motion to the sanctioning committee. J. Parke moved to stop debate. Motion carried. Motion to refer carried unanimously.

   V. Rutter moved to Open the Board List to AERC members to READ ONLY by access from the AERC website. We have open Board meetings so all discussion by the Board between meetings should be open to the members who elected the Board if they want to read what the Board is discussing. Members could not post to the list, just read it. V. Rutter moved, T. Woolley Howe seconded to request a roll call vote. Defeated 10 - 12. Voting on the motion resulted in it being defeated 1 - 21 - 1 abstention.

   V. Rutter moved that AERC sanctions rides and should not participate in income and expenses of any ride. Motion defeated 3 - 19 - 1 abstention.


TREASURERÕS REPORT/BUDGET: V. Rutter reviewed the September 30 balance sheet showing total assets of $370,341, current net income of $139,000. She presented the 2002 budget line by line comparing Dec 1998-Nov 1999; Dec 1999-Nov 2000; Dec 2000-Nov 2001; Dec 2000-Sep 2001 and the budget for Dec 2001-Nov 2002.

   L. Kanavy moved that the 2002 budget for advertising (line item 6040) remain the same as the 2001 budget amount of $6,000 (instead of the proposed reduced amount of $4,715.) Motion carried unanimously.

   J. Parke moved that we increase Kathleen’s salary to $50,000 and Candy’s to $41,500. M. Tomlinson seconded. Motion defeated 1 - 22.

   T. Woolley Howe moved that we raise Kathleen’s salary to $50,000. M. Tomlinson seconded. Motion carried 15-7.

   R. Rittenhouse moved to delete the budget line item 6130-6, bonus to employees of $3100. J. Fruth seconded. Defeated 10-12, 1 abstention.

   T. Woolley Howe moved that the executive committee re-evaluate the function of the media committee and make guidelines. M. Tomlinson seconded. Carried 22 - 0.

   V. Rutter moved that the budget be approved. Motion carried unanimously.

   V. Rutter moved, T. Woolley Howe seconded that the annual budget, in final form, will become part of the minutes of the meeting where the budget was presented and passed. Motion carried 20 - 1 - 2.

   V. Rutter moved to pass the AERC Financial Policies in the condensed version. Motion carried 21 - 1 - 1.

   V. Rutter moved to require that any requests for AERC funds to be given to another organization for either financial support or for a specific project, be accompanied by the following information, prior to any funds being approved:

   a. Mission of the organization

   b. Copy of tax status determination letter from IRS

   c. Geographic focus

   d. Audited financial statements or copies of Form 990 for the previous two years

   e. Most recent annual report

   f. Analysis of expense allocation         

   g. Analysis of administrative expenses as a percent of assets

   h. Determine if the organization receives government grants

   i.  Recent accomplishments (within the past 12 months)

   The party requesting the funds is responsible for obtaining all the above information that is available and presenting it, in written form, to the Board, far enough in advance to be distributed to the entire Board for review and comment prior to the Board meeting. Motion carried 20 - 2 - 1 abstention.


VETERINARY COMMITTEE: D. Barnett reported that drug testing was done at 11 rides on 58 horses, with no positives.

   The committee is working on a veterinary directory with contact information as well as a statement at the front of the book to the effect that the vets listed are reporting that their vet licenses are in good standing, and another statement that ride managers hire at least one vet licensed in the state where the ride is held. Discussion followed concerning these statements.

   D. Barnett moved that the committee produce the veterinary directory with just the contact information, excluding the material described at the front of the book. Motion carried unanimously.

   D. Barnett has requested funds of $500 - $1000 to start an AERC veterinary scholarship to be given to a vet student who has shown interest in endurance and other performance horse disciplines. This concept will be studied further.

   D. Barnett moved to adopt the Equine Fatality Reporting and Investigation Procedures and forms as presented and that they be implemented immediately. Then charge the Veterinary committee to make any necessary changes as become necessary over the course of using such forms in order to improve the system Equine Fatality Reporting and Investigation Procedure.

   A) Two weeks prior to the start of an AERC Sanctioned ride, the office will send a packet that includes a form letter with instructions and suggestions, copies of the AERC Rules and Vet Handbook, a blank Post Ride Statistical Report and a Fatality reporting form, to the Head Veterinarian for the ride. The office will confirm who the Head Vet is and by doing so can update other records.

   B) If there is a fatality on the ride or related to the ride, then the reporting form will be completed by the Head Vet and sent to the office immediately.

   C) The office will start a file on the incident and forward copies of the Head Vets Report to the Veterinary committee members.

   D) The Veterinary Committee will investigate the incident and report its findings in writing to the office within 30 days. The committee will make one of the following recommendations: 1) No irregularities were found and the fatality could not have been avoided. 2) No irregularities were found but the committee suggests preventive measures for the future. 3) Irregularities were found.

   E) If irregularities were found then it is referred to the AERC Executive Director who will file a protest with the Protest and Grievance committee for further investigation and disposition.

   F) The office will be provided with copies of all reports and investigative materials to keep in its files. And will also report the incident and its outcome to the BOD at their next meeting.

   J. Parke moved to postpone for consideration by the Rules Committee. G. Williams seconded. Motion passed unanimously.        D. Barnett made the following motion That the rules be amended to include the following: to state that 50-mile rides or rides of similar distance (example 50-60 miles) which are not classified as a multi-day event be required to have at least two veterinary checks within the ride. D. Barnett withdrew the motion and remanded it to the Rules Committee.


SPONSORSHIP COMMITTEE: R. Eiland reported not having much success obtaining sponsorships this year. He suggested hiring a fund-raiser.


RULES COMMITTEE: Regarding Rule 11.2, B. McCrary moved to clarify the definition of Special Event rides by re-wording the first sentence. Change from Special event rides are series of rides on consecutive days totaling more than 3 days or 150 miles to Special event rides are a series of rides on consecutive days totaling more than 3 days or longer than 150 miles in 3 days. L. Riedel seconded. Motion defeated 3-17 with 3 abstentions.

   B. McCrary moved to Add three more categories to the pull codes: surface factors (SF), to include any chafes, galls or wounds that do not make the horse lame, but prompt the vet or rider to decide to pull: RO-L, and RO-M. These would cover any incident when the rider feels the horse is going lame or is having metabolic concerns. The RO shows that it was riders choice to pull, but the L or M shows why. L. Riedel seconded. Carried 12-9-2.

   V. Rutter moved to add Disqualified to the list of pull codes (to be used for off trail. etc.) Carried 20 - 2 - 1 abstention. This motion transferred from National Office Committee).


AWARDS COMMITTEE: D. Jackson moved to institute a 5000 Mile Horse Award. Starting at the 2001 (Feb. 2002) Awards Banquet, all horses that have 5000 endurance miles or more and have participated in the year 2001 and completed a 50-mile ride or more will be recognized. V. Rutter seconded. Motion carried 22 in favor - 1 abstention.


NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE: J. Fruth moved that the National Championship Committee stand alone as an AERC Committee, not as a sub committee to the Competitions committee. S. Kasemeyer seconded. Motion carried 15 - 6.

   Discussion followed concerning qualifications for the National Championship rides. J. Parke moved, S. Teeter seconded to postpone this issue until after dinner. Motion carried.

   J. Fruth for the NC committee moved to have the weight divisions at the National Championship ride to be a separate ride. The rider would receive full points and miles for this ride. Motion withdrawn.

   Concerning AERC Sponsorships for the NC ride, J. Fruth moved that:

   1) All sponsor/vendor fees secured by ride management will remain with management.

   2) Title Sponsor funds. The first $5,000 of Title Sponsorship money will go to ride management. Title sponsor funds secured by AERC will be split in the following manner:

   The first $5,000 will go to Ride Management and any Title Sponsor funds raised by the AERC over the $5,000 shall be split on a 60/40 basis, with AERC receiving the 60% share.

   If the Title Sponsorship funds are secured by ride management the first $5,000 will go to ride management and any amounts over the $5,000 will be split on a 60/40 basis with the 60% share going to Ride Management. Motion carried 21-1, 1 abstention.

   J. Fruth moved that AERC pay for the cost of the National Championship Awards as presented at the convention. The cost of the awards shall not exceed $2000 and will be paid for out of the AERC General Fund. J. Parke moved, R. Eiland seconded to cut off debate. Motion carried unanimously. Vote on the original motion failed 10-13.

   L. Kanavy moved, J. Parke seconded that AERC pay for the cost of the National championship awards as presented at the convention. The cost of the awards shall not exceed $2700 and will be paid for out of the AERC General Fund and will be awarded to the first three places in each division. J. Parke seconded. Motion carried 15 - 8.


COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE: T. Woolley Howe moved that The Board approve the allocation of up to $500 to pay travel expenses for the next future National Championship ride manager to attend the upcoming NC to acquaint themselves with the workings at the NC. After discussion she withdrew the motion.


INSURANCE REPORT: J. Fruth reviewed AERC’s insurance coverage. Ride managers can obtain coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence through AERC, with the manager being able to add $1,000,000 per event. The cost to the ride manager is $111 for 3-day coverage (one day ride). AERC must be a named insured. Conditions may have changed since the attack on September 11.


   Return to the motion concerning qualifications for the NCR.Ñ J. Fruth moved that the following qualifications be adopted for the National Championship Rides. M. Tomlinson seconded.

   Qualifications - National Championship Ride - 50 Miles

   1) Rider must be a current AERC member in good standing.

   2) Horse must be entered in the AERC horse mileage program

   3) Horse and rider team must have at least 500 lifetime endurance miles.


   A) Horse and rider must place in the top five in their division in two AERC endurance rides between the dates of August 24, 2001 to August 23, 2002

   B) The horse and rider teams winning first place in their weight division in the previous year’s AERC National 50 mile AERC championship.

   C) Any horse and rider team that has 1000 endurance lifetime miles.

   Qualifications - National Championship Ride - 100 Miles

   1) Rider must be a current AERC member in good standing.

   2) Horse must be entered in the AERC horse mileage program

   3) Horse and rider team must have at least 500 endurance lifetime miles.

   4) The horse and rider team must have completed two one-day 100-mile endurance rides


   A) Horse and rider team must place in the top five in their weight division in one 100-mile AERC endurance ride between the dates of August 24, 2001 to August 23, 2002.

   B) The horse and rider teams winning in their division in the previous year’s AERC National Championship

   C) Any horse and rider team that has 1000 endurance lifetime miles.

   To be re-worded and voted on later.


OLD BUSINESS: J. Fruth asked if the Board wished to make the proposed, authorized $5000 contribution to the American Horse Council for trail preservation. V. Rutter moved to withdraw the $5000. M. Tomlinson seconded. Motion carried 13-6 with 4 abstentions.

   J. Fruth moved that the $5000 just withdrawn be moved to an accountant fund to effect a 501H election. and also to put $5000 back into the budget for 2003 to go to the AHC. J. Parke seconded. J. Fruth withdrew the motion.

   L. Kanavy moved that the $5000 previously set aside for the AHC, be now used, if sufficient funds are available and approved by the Executive Committee, to make an IRS 501h election and implement the necessary accounting controls corresponding to the election. S. Teeter seconded. Motion carried 17-2 with 4 abstentions.


AWARDS: D. Jackson moved from committee to rename the husband/wife award to the Julie and Bob Suhr award for 2002. Motion carried unanimously.

   S. Teeter moved that K. Henkel be authorized to investigate other sites than Chattanooga for the Eastern convention in 2003.

 Motion concerning qualifications for the National Championship Ride was re-read as printed above. Motion carried unanimously.


BY-LAWS REVISION: J. Parke presented two alternatives in considering the By-laws revision: to adopt them as a whole or to consider them individually. The second option will be used.

   S. Teeter moved to address this issue tonight. R. Eiland seconded. Motion carried 16-7.


   Changes in the document presented to the Board by J. Parke are listed below.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by replacing current Articles I-VI with Articles I-IV of the proposed revised By-laws. Motion carried unanimously.

   Article 4.01 (a) 60 months of age determined from foaling date to the date of the Ride to as determined by the AERC rules.

   Article 4.01 (b) 48 months of age determined from foaling date to the date of the ride to as determined by the AERC rules.

   Delete the following sentence: The winner of the Ride is the equine and rider who’s equine reaches the pulse criteria first at the finish, not necessarily the first to reach the finish.

   Article 4.01 (c) (a) 60 months of age determined from foaling date to the date of the Ride to as determined by the AERC rules.

   Delete the following sentence: No points or miles are recorded and no rider fees are assessed by the Conference. Riders may not elevate from an Introductory Ride to a limited distance or Endurance Ride.

   Article 4.02 Change 11.02 to 12.02.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by replacing current Articles VIII, XIII and XIV with Articles V & VI of the proposed revised By-laws. Motion carried unanimously.

   Article 5.02 (c) replace ‘Shall include’ with ‘have historically included’.

   Article 5.02(c)(1). Insert the following as sentence two. Lifetime members shall have all rights and privileges of active regular adult members.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by replacing Article IX with Article VII. Motion carried unanimously.

   Article 7.05. Insert by between ‘Members’ and ‘the’ in the second sentence.

   Article 7.07. Delete the sentence ‘The agenda items for these meetings, as known at the time, shall be published in the Publication at least fifteen days prior to the meeting.’

   Article 7.08. Change first 2 sentences to read. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or any three Directors. Special meetings shall be held on twenty-five days’ notice by first-class mail, postage prepaid, or on twenty days’ notice....

   V. Rutter moved, R. Eiland seconded to amend 7.03 to read. The directors shall be Active Regular Adult Members of the conference and residents of the geographic area that they are elected by and represent. Regional Directors shall have their legal residence within the Region represented and Directors-at-Large shall have their legal residence within one of the Regions. No person shall be eligible to be a Director for a continuous period in excess of three consecutive terms (six years) provided, however, this limitation shall not preclude a person from serving the remainder of an unexpired term and thereafter being elected and re-elected twice to serve three consecutive terms. This limitation on terms may be waived if the number of qualified nominations are insufficient to fill the vacancies. Motion failed 3-20.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By -laws by replacing Articles X and XI with Articles VII-X of the proposed revised By laws, subject to insertion after third sentence of proposed 8.05 of sentence reading: The President is not charged with executive or administrative responsibilities in the management and continuing conduct of the conference’s affairs. Motion carried 21-2.

   8.04 delete ‘or appointment’

   8.05 add ‘with right to vote’ at end of sentence ‘The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.’

   Insert Article 8.07. Renumber existing 8.08 to 8.09

   Article 8.07 The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of other proceedings of the annual Board of Directors meetings and any other meeting of the full Board and of the Executive Committee including the names of all Directors present.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by replacing current Article XII with Article XI (11.01 and 11.01a) of proposed revised By-laws, subject to addition of current Article XII, 2.5 as 11.01 (b-c). Motion carried 21-1 - 1 abstention.

   Article 11.01 (a) Delete everything following Òshall be promptly publicized to all DirectorsÓ

   Article 11.01 (b) Delete (f) (g) (h) (i) (j).

   J. Parke moved to amend By-laws by replacing Article VII of the current by-laws with Article XII of the proposed revised By-laws. Carried unanimously.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by replacing current Article XVI with the second alternative of Article XIII of the proposed revised By-laws. Carried unanimously.

   J. Parke moved to amend the By-laws by adding Articles XIV, XV, and XVI of proposed revised By-laws, subject to renumbering 15.02 as 15.01, deleting 15.01 ÒAttorneyÕs Fees.Ó and renumbering 15.03 as 15.02. Motion carried unanimously.

   J. Parke moved to assemble all amendments to the By-laws approved at this meeting as a single set of revised By-laws to be conformed in section numbers and presented to the members as a single set of revised By-laws. Motion carried unanimously.

   T. Woolley Howe moved that Limited Distance riders must receive two Best Conditions during the calendar year to be in contention for a year-end award, effective 12/1/01. Seconded by M. Tomlinson. Motion carried 19-1.

   Meeting adjourned at 1:00 a.m., November 4, 2001

--Louise Riedel, Secretary