The meeting was called to order by newly elected president Randy Eiland
at 7:15 a.m. Also responding to roll call were Mike Tomlinson, Susan Kasemeyer,
Jan Worthington, Jim Baldwin, Len Beason, Courtney Hart, Dean Jackson, Linda
VanCeylon, Dave Clinton, Barney Fleming, Roger Blalock, Maggy Price, Brenda
Baird, Maryben Stover, Becky Hart, Frank Farmer, Dane Frazier, Stephanie
Teeter, Earle Baxter, Ramey Peticolas Stroud, Barbara McCrary, Terry Woolley
Howe, Crockett Dumas, Louise Riedel, Vonita Bowers, and Executive Director
Doyle Patrick.
The President stated that for rule changes to be made in a more orderly
fashion, they will be presented to the Board in writing thirty days pre-vote.
He appointed R. Peticolas-Stroud to update the Procedures Manual to include
present policies.
1999 BUDGET - Treasurer M. Tomlinson presented an abbreviated proposed
budget. Questions were asked concerning line items. Approval of the budget as
presented was tabled pending the printing of a more specific version. He stated
that a budget for the year 2000 would be presented before the beginning of the
next fiscal year.
NEW BUSINESS. the President suggested that a printed insert of new rules
be included in Endurance News twice, and that the rule book on line be updated.
RULES - Vonita Bowers for the rules committee presented a draft of
proposed rule changes.
She moved for committee that the following be added to rule 4.1 (under
refusal of entries)
Any equine determined to be unruly or dangerous may be denied entry
1. Any equine that has been disqualified from a ride under Rule 3.3 more
than once may be declared to be "AN UNRULY OR DANGEROUS EQUINE."
2. Any equine that has caused injury to another equine or person,
before, during or after an endurance ride may be declared an unruly or
dangerous equine upon submittal of the supporting facts to the Protest and
Grievance Committee.
The President instructed the Executive Director to disseminate the above
to the Board and publish in Endurance News, with a vote to be taken within 30
V. Bowers recommended that the draft of proposed rule changes should be
published. A "straw vote" resulted in unanimous approval.
In regard to the motion passed at the February 25th Board meeting
concerning "stand alone" Limited Distance rides(and in accordance
with Roberts Rules of Order Article 6, section 4) M. Stover moved that the
motion allowing Limited Distance rides to stand alone be rescinded, and that we
revert to the former rule allowing Limited Distance rides only in conjunction
with or within an adjacent 24-hour time period of an AERC sanctioned endurance
ride. F. Farmer seconded. L. Riedel moved for a roll call vote, V. Bowers
seconded. The roll call resulted in unanimous approval of the motion.
In regard to rule changes concerning Limited Distance rides, V. Bowers
stated that in the proposed draft the LD and Endurance rules had been divided
into separate sections. The LD rules are to be renumbered to coincide with
Endurance rules, the number to be prefaced by an "L."
Rule 5.2 in the proposed Limited Distance Rules should be changed from
"Total competition time" to "Maximum competition time".
Dr. Beecher questioned the lack of veterinary supervision for rides 15
miles or less according to proposed LD rule Suggested solutions were a
minimum time or full vet check during the ride. The minimum time proposal will
be remanded to committee.
M. Price moved to give the committee guidance in removing the following
sentence from Endurance rule for the Limited Distance section "It
must be recognized that we are dealing with a risk
the last veterinary check point and the finish line." Motion seconded and
L. Riedel questioned the fact that while Endurance Rule uses the
phrase "fit to continue" as it refers to metabolic criteria,
this phrase is not mentioned referring to soundness in rule The
committee is charged to apply this phrase to all criteria. Also the phrase
"or equivalent gait" should be inserted after "will be conducted
at a trot."
Proposed Limited Distance Rule 8 should be changed to read "The
AERC will record Best Condition points and Mileage for members in Limited
Distance rides, but all BC points and miles remain in the Limited Distance
program and are not transferable. Best conditions will be published
R. Peticolas Stroud moved that under proposed LD rules the reporting
requirement for rides of less than 25 miles be deleted. Motion carried 17-6.
Any wording in the rules that say "race" shall be changed to
V. Bowers moved for committee to
accept these rules with changes. R. Peticolas moved to amend as follows: that
the rules being proposed to us
and as discussed and approved so far by
the Board for rides less than 25 miles be adopted as an interim policy for
immediate and retroactive implementation to the beginning of this ride season
and that the balance of this document and all of the changes that have been
discussed be finalized for the Board to vote on at the midyear meeting. Motion to
amend seconded. Carried 21-0 with 2 abstentions. Original motion as amended
carried 21-1 with one abstention. The final draft to be in the hands of the
Board 30 days before the midyear meeting. The rules for LD rides over 25 miles
will remain the same.
V. Bowers pointed out that language dealing with refusal of entries
needs to be incorporated into the new Ride Managers manual.
R. Peticolas Stroud circulated a diagram describing the process for adopting rules and a proposal form for new rules. He moved that the permanent rule process be amended as follows: 1.) No permanent rule will be adopted without first being published in EN and member comment solicited; and 2) no permanent rule will be adopted without a staff cost analysis having
first been prepared; and 3) all permanent rule proposals will be
submitted and processed as per the attached process sheet (2 pages); and 4)
nothing will prevent the adoption of temporary rules immediately and without
prior publication in the event of a bona fide emergency. L.Riedel seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
RIDE MANAGERS - P. Brehob reported that the committee had met. There is
concern about the $10 nonmember fees for LD Juniors. They also perceived a
problem with ride managers who are not following the rules pertaining to trails
that are under the direction of government agencies.
PROTEST AND GRIEVANCE. J. Rogan asked for board approval of their action
taken in a drug test case where the rider had given the horse 2 gr of bute in
the middle of a multi day ride.A six-month suspension from October through
March 1 was assigned. R. Peticolas Stroud moved that if in the opinion of the
P/G committee the violation is so egregious as to warrant the person being
suspended from membership you would cite rule 15.4 and refer the matter to the
Board for hearing. On the other hand if it is a lesser penalty that the P/G
committee wishes to apply and that penalty is to be suspended from competition
in your opinion, you would cite rule 6.2.c and the only way then that the matter
would come to the Board is if that person appealed as per our protest process.
Motion carried.
INTERNATIONAL. Mike Foss introduced Dr. Tony Pavord, representing
ELDRIC. He offered a plea that AERC become involved directly with world
endurance. AERC is an associate member of ELDRIC, and Dr. Pavord would like us
to become a full member. M. Price questioned ELDRIC's one-vote per country
In response to a request from the Board at the midyear meeting for an
expense policy, M. Foss presented the following: AERC International agrees to
generate its own funds via membership, donations and sponsors and to pay for
publication and distribution of International procedures; committee conference
calls; postage and phone related to administration of committee duties;
donations to USET and FEI Championships Events in North America; administrative
costs of election of zone representatives; special mailings to International
membership; support of US team of volunteers for world championship; production
of educational materials; cost of products for resale; cost of one membership
list per zone representative. Projected income for 1999-membership - $3500,
proceeds from sale of products -$2500; for a total of $6000; projected expenses
Administrative - $3500, donation to PAC - $1,000 to $2,000. Balance in
International fund - $22,182~
The committee approved Art Priesz as selection chair and Rick Stewart as
chef d'equipe. Following approval by Board these appointments to be forwarded
to USET. The committee approvaed sending 6 or up to 12 horses per zone to PAC
depending on the wishes of the zone.
Lori Stewart resigned as chair and will serve instead as secretary. Toni
Benedetti was appointed as chair, Mike Foss as vice chair. These names were
presented to the Board for approval.
The national federation, AHSA, wants rules refined for AHSA purposes, to
be sent to FEI. A joint AHSA -AERC committee will implement this request. The
president appointed V. Bowers, M. Foss, M. Price, and J. Gillespie to this
committee. There shall be no rules contrary to AERC rules.
TRAILS Crockett Dumas reported that the balance in trails funds has
improved. The internet has been helpful in promoting and preserving trails. It
is important to cooperate with other interested trail users. He requested board
members to write letters urging the preservation of the Grand Escalante trails
for equine use. The committee has requested a check box on membership
applications for donations to the trail fund.
COMPETITIONS - M. Price moved for committee to recommend that a policy
be instituted to
recognize existing competitive
trail ride organizations (i.e. ECTRA, SEDRA, OCTRA, UMECRA, NATRC, IAHA, RIDE
AND TIE, PNER, etc) in order to allow ride managers to run competitive trail
rides in conjunction with a sanctioned
endurance ride. Any new such groups must be approved by the AERC Board. Motion
carried unanimously.
TECHNICAL S. Teeter moved for committee that the Board approve the
publication of AERC
intellectual property at the AERC web page to include handbooks, rules and
regulations, forms such as membership, sanctioning, new horse, and the
information that is published inside the EN news jacket with the understanding
that it would be accepted by the office before publication. The office and the
technical committee to work together to ensure that the information published
is correct and current. A friendly amendment was offered to the effect that the
information will contain an appropriate disclaimer and copyright language.
Motion as amended carried with one abstention.
S Teeter stated that it would be possible to establish closed lists for
certain groups such as the Veterinary and International committees. A report on
the impact of Y2K will be available at the midyear board meeting
has had a request to list the XP 2001 ride listed on the EN calendar. This is
not practical, but it can be added to the web page. She stated that the Lost
Wagon Train Multi day ride on October 11 - 16 has applied for sanctioning. R.
Peticolas-Stroud moved that it be accepted. C. Hart stated that we have
unfinished business that may impact this decision. It was moved, and seconded
to table this motion.
OFFICE COMMITTEE R. Peticolas Stroud distributed copies of two
documents: AERC Process for Delinquent Accounts Receivable Collections and an
AERC Process for Administrative Sanction of a Ride Manager for Alleged Rule
Violations. These are proposed board procedures that would go into the policy
book and would provide guidance for the office and regional sanctioning
directors. Charts depicted the chain of events to be followed in both
In the first document the following statement was added: "no ride
results will be published or posted until the bill is satisfied." R.
Peticolas Stroud moved to adopt this procedure for inclusion in our po1icy
manual. Motion carried.
M. Tomlinson moved to remand the second document to committee. Motion
seconded and carried unanimously.
A proposed contract for the 2000 and 2001 conventions at the Silver
Legacy was presented. We can give tentative approval with finalized approval
later. M. Price, chairman of the Education Committee which oversees convention,
will appoint a committee to review the contract. R. Peticolas Stroud suggested
that we give a letter of intent for next year with the ability of the committee
to negotiate. Chairman of the legal committee and the executive director are to
confer with hotel management. Issue to be decided within 30 days.
M. Tomlinson moved to approve the budget. Carried unanimously.
The president announced the following committee chairmen: Awards-D.
Jackson; Competitions-T. Woolley-Howe; Education-M. Price; Election-M.
Tomlinson; International-Tony Benedetti; Junior-M. Stover; Legal, Rich Maxwell;
Limited Distance-D. Clinton; Sponsorship-R. Eiland; National Office-M.
Tomlinson; Protest & Grievance-Jim Rogan; Ride Managers-B. McCrary;
Rules-V. Bowers; Sanctioning-E. Baxter; TechnicaI-S. Teeter; Trails-Connie
Berto; Veterinary-Duane Barnett; Special Sanctioning-S. Kasemeyer; Media-D.
Snyder Smith; Convention-S. Kasemeyer; Strategic Planning-B. Baird;
Umbrella-C.Hart; By Laws-R. Peticolas Stroud; Finance-V. Rutter; Executive
Comm. Representative-R. Peticolas- Stroud
C. Hart explained the function of the new Umbrella committee as it deals
with rides in Canada. A meeting with some Canadian members was held where their
concerns were discussed. They would like to be set up as a region with their
own identity. There is also a problem with the rate of exchange. A motion will
be forthcoming within 30 days.
R. Blalock moved to accept the committee list. B. Baird seconded. Motion
B. Baird moved for the executive committee to have a non-board
parliamentarian present at meetings. Motion seconded. Carried unanimously.
D. Jackson moved to initiate an annual mare award (named the War Mare
award) to begin December 1999, based on points. Bazy Tankersley has offered to
donate this award. M. Price seconded. Motion carried unanimously
C. Dumas moved to appoint R. Peticolas-Stroud to the executive committee.
S. Kasemeyer seconded. Motion carried
The meeting was closed to go into executive session and reopened at 1:00
The issue of the special sanctioning of the Lost Wagon Train was removed
from the table. R. Peticolas-Stroud moved to approve, subject to the approval
of the region sanctioning director. M. Price seconded. M.Stover moved for a
roll call vote. Motion seconded and carried. Voted
Dumas, Riedel, Bowers. Voted No--Baldwin, Beason, C.Hart, Jackson, Price,
Stover, B.Hart. Abstain--Fleming, Baird, Excused -Tomlinson, McCrary,
Woolley-Howe. Motion carried 13-7 with 2 abstentions.
VETERINARY COMMITTEE - Dr. Beecher reported that the committee's plans
include a focus on education, rewriting the handbook, sending flyers and
handbooks to veterinarians, accelerating drug testing, with testers in place
across the country, and coordinating with sanctioning directors. He mentioned a
problem of liability for veterinarians doing emergency treatment. R.
Peticolas-Stroud moved that the legal and veterinary committees work together
to create a report on this subject to come back with a report at the midyear
meeting. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
The date and location of the midyear meeting are to be announced. R.
Peticolas moved to pass resolutions thanking the past year's officers. Motion
seconded and carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 1:25.
Louise Riedel, secretary