The Board meeting was called to order by newly elected president Dane Frazier at 7:10 a.m. Answering to roll call were Stagg Newman, vice president; Louise Riedel, secretary; Lynn Golemon, treasurer; Miki Cohen, executive director; Randy Eiland, Dean Jackson, Crockett Dumas, David Clinton, Jim Baldwin, Steve Johnson, Maggy Price, Earle Baxter, Maryben Stovcr, Triiby Pederson, Courtney Hart, Jan Worthington, Donna Snyder-Smith, Susan Kasemeyer, Vonita Bowers, Susan Schomburg, Terry Huff, Barbara McCrary and Brad Patterson.


TRAILS COMMITTEE: Connie Berto, chairman, reported that a liability act concerning equine-related activities in the State of California had been defeated. AERC had not been on the list of petitioners. She feels that this act will be reconsidered and asked for AERC support. She stated that $500 had been received during the Members Forum and there has been a pledge for another $1000. This fund is earmarked to help pay expenses for members attending meetings concerning trails throughout the country. She will submit a proposal setting up qualifications for these representatives. S. Newman moved to include a checkout box on the membership form for donations to this fund. Motion carried.

NATIONAL OFFICE: M. Cohen submitted a proposal for insurance from the carrier for AHSA. She distributed copies of the new procedures manual. L. Riedel moved, M. Price seconded that Board approval Is necessary for the president and or treasurer and or executive director to transfer funds between AERC bank accounts, Motion carried.

COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: The president presented the following list of committee chairperson~:

Competitions                        Steve Johnson                        Trails                        Connie Berto
Edncation                        Courtaey Hart                        Veterinary                        Dr. R. A. Beecher
International                        Chuck Gray                        Juniors                        Maryben Stover
Legal                        Richard Maxwell                        Sanctioning                        Randy Eiland
Limited Distance                        Sue Grahl                        Technical                        Dr. Mike Tomlinson
National Office                        Lynn Golemon                        Awards                        Dean Jackson
Protest & Grievance                        Jim Rogan                        Hall of Fame                        Stagg Newman
Ride Managers                        Paulette Brehob                        AHSA Rep.                        Dr. Jerry Gillespie
Rules                        Courtney Hart                        USET End. Comm. Chair                        Maggy Price


Board members were asked to sign up for committees and the president asked committee chairpersons to send lists of committee members to him and the executive director as soon as possible.

L. Golemon asked about the procedure for having audits every year. This will be included in the procedures manual as passed out at the last board meeting. M. Cohen and her staff were given a vote of thanks for producing the procedures manual.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE: C. Hart asked for comments concerning the convention speakers. They seem to have been well-received. A project is the possibility of veterinary schools having clinics for endurance riders.

SANCTIONING COMMITTEE: B. McCrary moved that the Shore to Shore 5-day ride in Michigan be approved. Motion carried with one opposed.

HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE: S. Newman reported that the system is working well. He plans to get the Hall of Fame on the Internet. B. Patterson offered to develop a form for nominations.

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE: C. Gray reported that all entities involved with International riding, including AHSA, USET, and Active Riders Committee have been included in the International Committee as non-voting members, with the aim of developing a cohesive flow of information. Several joint meetings have been held this weekend. The committee considered the future of international riding including a new-member packet explaining features of international riding, the procedures manual, an article on how to get started, and an organizational chart. Zone representatives need to take a more pro-active stance with the members in their zones. Lori Stewart, vice-chairman of the committee, will be working with the national office in publicizing international riding.

Dr. Jerry Gillespie, chairman of the AHSA endurance committee, presented an overview of

the present situation on some very important rule changes passed by the FEI committee composed of European representatives and one representative from Australia, but no one from the U.S. A letter to the FEI has been prepared arid signed by M. Price, chair of the USET endurance committee, C. Gray, chair of the AERC International Cott~rn, itte.~and with the ~ approval of the Board, D. Frazier. The cover letter is asking AHSA to seek the concurrence of other National Federations.

The recommendations to the FEI include:

To delete some rules that were passed hastily after the World Equestrian Games in Kansas concerning finishing procedures that do not concur with AERC rules.

Concerning the so-called marathon concepts (races less than 80 kin.), the letter states our objection to the term "marathon", and asks that FEI classify these races as 4-star (180 km only, can be world and continental championships). 3-star (80-159 km) and 2-star (20-79 km).

The international body should have shorter races under their control but not until they get

their rules in order. A commission should be formed to develop rules, with a representative

from the U.S.

A parallel document will be sent to the AHSA asking for a more democratic process. L.

Golemon moved that we approve this letter, Motion carried unanimously. There is a

question as to the participation of U.S. riders in this type of ride. Dr. Gillespie stated that we

will not approve rides of less than 160 km without assurance that sound rules are in place.

C. Gray continued with the International Committee report. Some procedural changes have

been made to the manual, and the position of vice chairman was added. He stated that for the

1998 World Championship, Rick Stewart had been elected by the Committee as Chef

d'Equipe and Tony Benedetti as Selection Chairman. He thanked Lori Stewart for her

coverage of International affairs. C. Hart thanked C. Gray and Dr. Gillespie for their work.

C. Gray pointed out that there had been a failure to recognize the world championship

winners and workers at the awards ceremony. S. Johnson moved to include In future awards ceremonies the records of riders and horses at the World or Continental championships and any other appropriate awards. D. Snyder-Smith seconded. Motion carried unanimously. BUDGET: L. Kanavy presented the 1997 budget, reflecting a projected income of $447.287 mad projected expenses of $418,979. There was a 6.7% decrease in membership in 1996.

There is a need to increase membership and not increase expenses. He suggested that depreciation and liabilities on contracts and leases be adjusted every month. He also made the following recommendations: that the executive director not enter into any contract without the approval of the treasurer or president; that the treasurer receive the accounts payable report, the executive director to disperse funds as scheduled unless questioned by the treasurer; that any non-budgeted expense be communicated to the treasurer or president; that no employee loans or payroll advancements be made; that all accounts receivable must be kept under 90 days in order to remain open. L Golemon moved to approve the budget and incorporate the suggested recommendations in the Procedures Manual. Motion carried unanimously. C. Dumas and D. Frazier thanked L. Kanavy for his work as treasurer.

VETERINARIAN COMMITTEE: Dr, Beecher reviewed the status of and procedure for drug testing. In the issue of cash awards, the committee made the following recommendations: that they be designated as "Special events"  rides and that this would require: (1) a special sanctioning body in AERC which would appoint a Ride Steward, inspect and approve the ride site and trail, approve the Ride Manager, approve the control and treatment veterinarians  for the ride, and that horses and riders be required to meet qualifications for entry. It was also suggested that a member of the Veterinary Committee be appointed to the Special Sanctioning Board.

A letter from the Veterinary Committee has been sent to Dr. Gillespie regarding FEI matters to be presented to AHSA. The veterinary continuing education program which took place on Friday at this convention was well attended and will be planned for in the future.

LIMITED DISTANCE COMMITTEE: B. Patterson, chairman, stated that the number of participants in limited distance rides is growing faster than in other distances. The committee is proposing a number of rule changes; C. Hart, rules committee chairman, recommended that any decision be postponed until board members have had time to consider them and time for publishing in Endurance News; therefore the proposed changes will remain in committee. Whenever the changes are in effect a letter explaining them will be included in the ride managers packets and the riders, ride managers, and veterinarians handbooks. An article will be prepared for Endurance News. More recognition is desired by limited distance participants. B. Patterson asked the rules committee for a ruling concerning the time allowed for meeting criteria on 50 and 100 mile rides. A. Whelan asked for clarification of the problem of short distance rides that are not sanctioned as Limited Distance Rides. AERC rides require sanctioning of all such rides. Sanctioning directors are reminded to enforce these rules.

COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE: in regard to the National Series, he asked that nominations for the 1998 season be sent to him before the midyear board meeting. M. Price stated that the National Sport Horse Organization is providing all the awards for the National Series.

The report of the subcommittee formed to prepare changes to rule 11.8 -concerning Stewards was presented. Appropriate changes in rule numbers to be made.

11.8.2 shall read: Said steward shall not be a rider in the event; have a familial relationship with any rider, ride management, or veterinary staff; have had any financial interest in any equine entered in the event within two years prior to the event; have any additional responsibilities within the event.

11.8.3 shall read: Said steward shall be selected at the time of sanctioning by the ride manager from a list of thrree nominees prepared by the regional directors of the region of the event and approved by the Executive committee of the Boarrd.

S. Johnson moved for committee that the above recommendations become effective 30 days after publication in Endurance News, Motion carried unanimously,

Cash Awards: The committee has proposed the following recommendations for the Board's consideration, to be printed in Endurance News, with affirmation to be made at the midyear board meeting.

The following to be added to rule 11.8.1: "However any ride not meeting the previously mentioned exception must adhere to the following additional conditions."

1) If a cash prize of $1000 or more is offered the ride must be sanctioned through special events sanctioning.

2) Cash or prize of $1000 or more can only be given for a ride at least 50 miles in length.

3) The cash or prize award will be given out in accordance with the sponsor's wishes.

4) The head veterinarian will be approved by the veterinary committee.

5) If cash is offered over $1000, then 20% of the cash is given to AERC


Horse -- the horse must have completed five or more rides of equal or greater length than the ride that is being entered. 1000 miles of completion will be required to qualify for a multi-day event.

Rider--1000 miles of completed competition.

Investigation should be made to ensure that no complications with insurance programs or trail regulations exist.

L. Golemon asked whether these rides are considered open rides or whether all entries must be qualified. The committee had recommended that the rides be open.

B. Patterson asked that recommendations from the veterinary committee be incorporated into this statement.

S. Kasemeyer suggested that cash awards be given on the basis of completion rather than placing.

S. Newman asked that the veterinary committee come up with stricter veterinary control criteria.

D. Jackson suggested that criteria be established for ride management in regard to experience and trail.

D. Frazier asked that an article of explanation of the rationale of these recommendations be written by the chairma~ and printed in Endurance News.

S. Johnson asked how to integrate the veterinary committee suggestions into these proposals. Dr. Beecher agreed to abide by the Competitions Committee action regarding Stewards.

T. Huff asked if there is a formal recognition policy for other organizations that would exempt them from these criteria. Referred to committee.

13. Patterson questioned whether the time frame for sanctioning should be extended.

S. Johnson moved for committee that the above recommendations be published in Endurance News for comments by the memberships. Motion carried.

RULES COMMITTEE: C. Hart moved for committee to change rule 11.2.1 to read: "A petition for such approval must be sent to the AERC Executive Director for distribution to the Special Events chairperson and all regional sanctioning directors where the event is to be held at least 180 days prior to the ride. Upon approval the petition will be distributed to the Board for comments- To be implemented immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

C. Had moved for committee to add to Rule 15.5 (a)(with subsequent items renumbered.) This appeal may only be filed by the original protestor or the personn protested against. To be implemented immediately, Motion carried unanimously.

C. Hart moved for committee to change rule 3.1 to read "Equines in a one-day 100 mile or longer distances must be at least 72 months old at the time of the ride. Equines entered in distances less than 100 miles but equal to or greater titan 50 miles must be at lease 60 months old at the time of the ride, and at least 48 months of age for Limited Distance." Brad Patterson asked for the recommendation of the Veterinary committee. To be published in Endurance News and to become effective in 1998. Motion carried.

C. Hart announced that the appeal which had been considered at the Thursday Board meeting had been withdrawn.

A midyear board meeting will be held, time to be announced.

M. Price moved to adjourn at 11:20 a,m. Motion carried.

Louise Riedel, Secretary.