AERC BOARD MEETING February 20, 1997
The meeting as called to order at 1:00 pm by President Vonita Bowers at
the Atlantis Hotel, Reno, Nevada. Answering to roll ca|l were Lynn Golemon.
Terry Huff, Jim Baldwin, Dane Frazier, Jan Worthington, Mike Tomlinson, Barbara
McCrary, Louise Riedel, Earle Baxter, Susan Kasemeycr, Stagg Newman, Maggy
Price, Dave Clinton. Courtney Hart, Randy Eiland, Maryben Stover, Amy Whelan.
Steve Johnson, Crockett Dutnas, Dean Jackson, Brad Patterson. Larry Kanavy and
Executive Director Miki Cohen.
Brad Patterson moved from the awards committee that a Rookie Award
be.added, with the following criteria;‑ one award, per region, a
new rider to have had 250 or fewer miles, one horse/rider
team, may ride out of region. The award to be based on the highest
number of consecutive completions . 'l'he tie breaker to be the greatest
number of miles. Brad Patterson offered to donate the awards for the first
three years, cost to be not over $40. S. Newman moved, S. Johnson seconded to
table the motion until we discover what the costs of administration would be.
V. Bowers reported that the Executive Committee had considered the
method of approving International Zone Representatives in regions where no one
was nominated. The committee voted to have the current zone representative
appoint the person to fill the vacancy, to be approved by the Executive
The International Committee will be asked for their opinion on this
Ruth Waltonspiel reported that 53 consumer horse
magazines in the U.S. and Canada have been identified. Each quarter a press
release and photo go to each magazine. Five weeks before each ride a press
release, photo and brochure explaining endurance riding are sent to each ride
managerr in an envelope addressed to the newspaper closest to the ride. A new
program is a poster sent to the ride manager which can be copied and posted in
various places to promote the ride. A video is being planned on young people
riding which can be distributed to 4H groups, pony clubs etc. Board members
were asked to send Ruth pictures to be used for public relations purposes.
TREASURER'S REPORT . Larry Kanavy reviewed the last financial
statement item by item, and explained that while conditions have improved there
is still reason for concern. He will have a proposed 1997 budget ready for the
Sunday meeting.
Mike Tomlinson moved from committee that the charter and Mission
statement be approved. Motion carried with 2 abstention and 1 absent. He
also circulated a report covering the past, present and fulure of the AERC
record keeping systems. He pointed out the importance of including a line item
in the budget to prepare for future improvements in the computer systems.
B. Patterson
reported that the rule changes concerning Limited Distance which were passed at
the midyear meeting are being reviewed by the Rules Committee, and will be
presented at the Sunday meeting.
S. Johnson stated that a
proposal for a new award for mileage accomplishments for horse/rider teams is
tabled until the Sunday meeting. The Junior point structure proposed at the
last midyear board meeting has not been enacted due to projected costs. The
standings will he computed as in the past. The committee agreed unanimously to
allow the two-day 100 mile concept to continue.
Stewards - The committee will draw up a set of guidelines for stewards,
B. Patterson, M. Price, and C. Hart will meet to formulate recommendations to
be presented to the Sunday meeting
Cash Awards - The committee voted to gather opinions from the general
membership at the open meeting Saturday before any action is taken at the
Sunday meeting. L. Golemon and J. Baldwin presented their viewpoints on the
R. Eiland reported on the committee meeting. The sanctioning directors
agreed that they do not want the responsibility for determining the cash value
of awards. They also discussed the role of the sanctioning directors in Quality
Control of rides.
Jackie Bumgardner presented a request from riders in the Southwest
region that this region be divided, with Southern California and southern
Nevada becoming one region and Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas being the
other. R.Eiland moved that a Pacific region be established as of 1998
with regional directors being elected
in October 1997. B. McCrary moved to amend to delete the name Pacific
for the time being, S. Newman seconded. Amendment carried with 1
abstention. The motion as amended carried with 1 opposed. The
Bumgardners will contact the riders in this region and will propose a different name.
Brehob reported on the committee meeting. They had discussed action to be taken
the case of poor rides. It was suggested that a questionnaire be included in
the ride
managers' packet to be filled out and returned by riders. A different AERC rule
will be explained every month in Endurance News. The committee plans to rewrite
the Ride Managers manual.
V. Bowers reported for Jim Rogan, chairman of the Protest Committee, on
an appeal concerning a protest that had been denied. The appeal was filed by
Eric Thompson, who was involved in the protested incident, and whose money was
refunded on tile grounds that he was not on the original protest. C. Hart,
Rules Committee chairman, agreed that the wording in the rules was indefinite,
and that Eric Thompson was eligible to appeal. E. Thompson pointed out that if
the appeal is upheld, regional and possibly national standings may be affected.
The president ruled that this matter shall be tabled until information from the
other side is received.
M. Price
reviewed our connection with USET.
Chuck Gray
reported on the International Committee meeting. The subject of Marathon racing
was discussed. The committee will meet separately to further consider this
subject and will report at the Sunday meeting.
l'he meeting was adjourned at 9:51
Louise Riedel, Secretary