MEETING August 26, 1995
Dallas, Texas
The midyear meeting of the AERC Board of Directors was called to order
at 8:12 p.m., August 26 at the Hyatt East Hotel, Dallas, Texas. Answering to
roll call were Vonita Bowers, president, Barbara McCrary, Terry Dye, Jim
Baldwin, Ronald Waltenspiel. Mike Tomlinson, Earle Baxter, Dane Frazier, Jan
Worthington, Stagg Newman, Lynn Golernon, Steve Johnson, Courtney Hart, Robert
Morris, Randy Eiland, Dave Clinton, Susan Kasemeyer, Larry Kanavy, Louise Riedel,
Maggy Price, and Miki Morrison, Executive Director.
In opening the meeting, President Bowers read the purposes of AERC.
NATIONAL OFFICE - M. Morrison, Executive Director, reported on the
following subjects: AHSA and its relationship to AERC.
Credit Card Proposal - MBNA American Bank has offered a Gold Mastercard
to AERC members; no annual fee; $1.00 with every account opened or renewed and
$.20 per transaction to AERC. L. Golemon moved that we empower Miki to
negotiate a contract with-NBHA, Motion seconded and carried unanimously,
Conventions - will be held in Reno in 1996 and 1997, and will be moved
east in 1998. M. Morrison reported having contacted a number of possible sites
for that year, and recommended Lexington, Kentucky, in January 1998 as the most
attractive. L Golemon moved that Miki be authorized to make appropriate
negotiations and to sign a contract for Lexington for 1998. Motion
seconded and carried 18 - 1. Conventions in 1999 through 2002 will again be
held in Reno, with the 2003 meeting moved to the East.
Trademarks - It has been announced that our logo and the slogan
"To Finish Is to Win" will be trademarked. Attorney Rich Maxwell has
been working to obtain this protection. The phrase "Endurance ride"
is not markable,
Press Releases -The National Office has been sending press releases to
all horse publications quarterly. This has generated a great deal of mail.
Computer - The implementation of the new computer system is nearing
completion. At present the office is still running on both old and new systems.
It was suggested that in order to clear up discrepancies in horse names and
numbers, members be notified of the names and numbers presently on record.
Adoption of International Charter - Two documents were presented
to the Board:
one , the charter prepared by the International Committee and the other
version as revised by R. Morris and C. Hart, who had been appointed by the
Board to review the charter. Chuck Gray commented on the original document from
the International Committee. R. Morris discussed his proposed changes, some of
which are: Board approval; elections committee to handle International zone
elections; restrictions on selection personnel, chefs e'equipe, etc. to avoid
conflict of interest; financial considerations; etc.
L. Riedel moved to accept the charter as presented by the International
committee, with the committee to incorporate the recommended changes, the revised
document to be presented to the Board at the annual meeting. Motion
seconded. A roll call vote resulted in the following members voting in favor:
McCrary, Dye, Baldwin, Waltenspiel, Tomlinson, Baxter, Frazier, Worthington,
Newman, Golemon, Johnson, Hart, Eiland, Clinton, Kasemeyer, Kanavy, Riedel, and
Price. Morris abstained.
C. Gray reported that the International Committee is considering
changing the present four time zones to the eight AERC regions. This proposal
will be studied further.
AWARDS - M. Morrison displayed a sample of the awards jackets, which
have been ordered. She read a proposal for a new award to be presented to one
ride manager per region, to be selected by members from that region. S. Newman
moved that this be tabled. Motion seconded and carried unanimously.
Waltenspiel announced that he had replaced the accountant with
a new firm. Discussion followed concerning the current deficit
($17,027.09 as of July 31 ). L. Golemon offered to prepare an estimate of funds
needed to achieve a positive balance.
M. Morrison agreed to provide an estimate of accounts payable. A
computer committee appointed at the last general meeting was asked to report as
to the amount needed for the computer program. These steps were to be
accomplished over the lunch break. S. Johnson moved to break for lunch. Motion
seconded and carried unanimously.
L. Golemon presented the following report
Accounts Payable:
Computer System -
Printing 10,000
Travel 1,000
Championship series 1,000
CPA 2,000
Cash Loss to Date 17,000
due 34,000
$78,000 - total projected loss
Projected loss for next 4 mos. to change to accrual system whereby 96
dues are not counted as they are received in 95.
L. Golemon moved ~to raise membership dues, making a single or renewal
membership $65, and family membership $75 (with additional children remaining
at $10) to be effective for the 1996 ride year. Motion seconded and caried. 18 in
favor with 1 abstention.
R. Waltenspiel moved that a letter be sent to Joe Long thanking him
for all the work he has done with the computer over the past 13 years. Motion
seconded and carried unanimously.
M. Tomlinson moved to increase the subscription rate for the
Endurance News to
$40, Motion seconded and carded unanimously.
M. Price moved to increase the non-member rider fee to $10~ Motion
seconded. Kasemeyer moved to amend to change the name to an
"event-membership” Amnendment carried 15 -4. Motion as amended carried
17 - 2.
M. Tomlinson moved to raise the non-member veterinarian fee to $25.
Motion seconded and defeated 14- 5.
J. Worthington inquired whether it would be possible to present the
AERC regional awards at the annual meeting of the regional organization (in
this case UMECRA). It was suggested that the regional directors be allowed to
determine if it is appropriate to do so, and to contact the national office.
- S. Johnson reported that
the committee had met Friday evening with the following actions taken:
Old Business
- Best condition on 100-mile rides. C. Hart had surveyed B.C. reports for 61 rides and found that there would have
been only 4 changes if the points were changed to .5 per mile instead of 1
point. The committee voted not to make this change. The committee also
recommended not to change points for weight from 1/2 to 1 point.
Championship - The committee recommended that the old point system for the
national championship not be reinstated.
Championship Series - The committee voted to retain the present system through
1996 with the final ride in the mountain region.
national championship rides - S. Johnson moved for committee that the 50
mile distances be dropped from the championnship series for the 1996 season. Motion
carried uananimously
Veterinarian travel expenses for national series championship series -
S. Johnson moved for committee that there be a limit of $200 paid to
each ride for veterinarian travel expenses, with the head veterinarian to be
chosen by the chairman of the veterinary committee, but not necessarily
to be a member of the committee, Carried unanimously.
Modifications to National Series Championship - S. Johnson moved for
committee that beginning in 1997 a person could ride any number of eight
100-mile regional rides and designate his .or her best three at the end of
the season, based on overall placement m a weight division (rather than
against only NC riders) The rides shall be designated by both regional
directors and recommended to the competitions committee, to be approved by the
Executive committee. There will be no extra fee or veterinarian
requirements; the 400-mile lifetime quafification will still apply. Motion
carried 18 1.
The committee had discussed radio communication to riders from
non-entered persons. They felt that this was covered by rule 6 k; an article
will be written for Endurance News. The committee had also considered extending
ride time in an emergency situation, and had voted not to implement this
proposal, but to follow Rule 1.3.1. An article will be written for Endurance
News on the handling of emergency situations.
The proposal to initiate a separate 50-mile division for the National
Series Championship will be tabled.
There has been no report from the steward at the Race of Champions
where an infraction of the rules (Rule 6 k) occurred; the ride manager informed
the national office that it was being worked on.
RULES - Courtney Hart announced the following proposed rule changes:
Rule 7.1 - Ties: In the case of
ties, the points to be awarded shall be the sum of the positions divided by the
number of people who tied. There would never be more than 10 horses in top 10
unless the last place in top ten would bring the total in excess of 10 horses.
Rule -Add Once a competing horse has passed the post ride
examination it may not be removed from completion for veterinary reasons."
Rule 2.1.2.- Insert "Control Veterinarians are all veterinarians
employed by ride management to uphold the AERC rules. A veterinarian supplying
treatment only does not need to be an AERC member."
Rule 1.4.4 -Add " Best conditions will be published
Rule 8.2- "held between December...Instead of February)
Rule 8.5.4. - delete, "their age, weight, and'
Rule 9.3 - insert “featherweight" following "junior"
Rule 9.3.3 - insert after 'of best condition" after "in the
event of a tie"
Rule 9.4.2. - Delete - renumber subsequent rules
Rule 10- Insert "21 years or older" after
"competent adult sponsor."
Rule 10.4 -Insert “21 years or older” after "competent adult
Rule 12 - Replace “sanction fee" with "current starting rider
fee." Delete "2.50 per starting rider."
Rule 12.1 - Replace "sanction fee " with "starting rider
fee." Delete "$10.00." Change "$10" in parentheses to
"a minimum fee." Add "Fees subject to change. Check with your
AERC office for current rider fees."
BY-LAWS - ARTICLE VII - Should read...first day of December and end on
the last day of November.
ARTICLE XII, SECTION 2 -Insert "and committee elections"
after "all elections of AERC” Directors
ARTICLE XII, SECTION 3 Replace "appointed by the President with
the approval of the Board of
Directors" with "by election of the veterinarian members."
Anyone wishing to submit a rule change must complete the form
"Rule Book Change Order" to include date of order of change, rule
number it affects, date to go into effect, actual change, financial impact,
data system impact, how it affects public perception and riders/members‑
C. Hart moved for committee to accept the above listed items. Motion
carried unanimously.
Discussion followed on Rule It was moved to replace
"This examination should be conducted at a trot" with "This
examination will be conducted at a trot or equivalent gait.") Motion carried
18 in favor, 1 abstention.
SANCTIONING - B. McCrary moved for committee to approve applications
for two multi day rides: The Timberon Ride in New Mexico July 1 - 5; and the
Applegate Lassen ride June 2 - 6. Motions carried unanimously.
EDUCATION - R. Morris commented on the endurance display at the
Kentucky Horse Park. Improvement of the display was remanded to committee. Amy
Whelan will be asked to help. Plans will be presented at the annual meeting,
and funds will be requested.
The Premier Horse Network is looking for endurance material, with AERC
to pick rides to be filmed. The Road to the Championship and Headwaters of the
Rogue were suggested. It was the consensus that AERC cooperate with this group.
R‑ Morris suggested forming a sub-committee on electronic media.
At present misinformation exists.
LIMITED DISTANCE. There still seems to be a problem with racing. C.
Hart moved remove "should" from Rule, to read
"finishing time be recorded”. Motion seconded, carried
unanimously. No changes recommended for the limited distance program.
C. Hart moved that
the subject of expanding limited distance mileage be remanded to
committee to be discussed in Reno. Motion seconded and carried.
PROTEST - L. Golemon reported on a protest against the Race of
Champions for a trail marking mixup. Protest denied--no action possible.
VETERINARY- Discussion of Holistic Treatment and Mechanical Devices
during competition. S. Johnson read an extensive list. of possible alternative
treatments. It was the consensus that there is need of a rule to cover the use
of such modalities during rides, especially mechanical devices. The problem is
one of defining limits. The subject was remanded to the veterinary committee
for discussion at Reno,
The suggested
ride managers' award was discussed. No action was taken
R. Eiland moved for committee that 2nd and r3d placings be added to the
award. Motion carried, 15 in favor- 4 abstentions.
R. Eiland moved for committee to add 3-day and longer tides into the
Pioneer Award competition. Motion defeated 13- 6 with 1 abstention .
M. Morrison
asked for suggestions for a master of ceremonies at the awards banquet. Several
names were proposed.
L. Golemon
requested that directors receive monthly copies of the bookkeeper's report.
DIRECTORY It was decided to include orders on the membership applications for
directories, which would be sold for $10.
The next
Board meeting will be held Thursday, February 29 at 5 p.m. at the Reno
Convention Center.
L. Kanavy
moved to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion seconded and carried.
Louise Riedel, Secretary