February 6, 1994


A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 7:15 a.m.. Responding to roll call were Crockett Dumas, Louise Riedel, Jeri Ayers-Scott, Barbara McCrary, Dave Clinton, Steve Johnson, Randy Eiland, Lynn Golemon, Susan Kasemeyer, Amy Wallace-Whelan, Jim Ba|dwin, Courtney Hart, Terry Dye, Stagg Newman, Vonita Bower, and Miki Morrison, executive director. Arriving during the meeting were Robert Morris, Dean Jackson, Heidi Smith Winger, Joe Long and Ron Waltenspiel.


AD HOC COMMITI'EE - Non-member fee. Lynn Goleman presented the recommendations of the ad hoc committee as follows: 1) Roll back the $15 non -member fee to $5.00 2) not allow recovery of past mileage and (3) not assess a penalty to ride managers if listed riders turn out not to be members. She moved on behalf of the committee to repeal the $15 non-member fee enacted at the midyear board meeting and to enact instead a $5.00 temporary membership for non-members, with rider points and mileage to accrue from the day the annual membership is paid. A member's horse ridden by a non-member may accrue mileage. Passed 13-3. Lynn Golemon moved to replace Rule 8.3 with the following "A new member will be able to obtain credit for mileage ridden prior to joining by payment of an appropriate fee as established by the AERC office." Passed 20 - 0.


VETERINARY COMMITEE - Dr. Beecher moved the following to become part of the veterinary committee charter: Drug Testing Procedures: A member of the veterinary committee in each region will be contacted to test at least one ride in his/her region. There will be no fees or remuneration for this. The committee member may select any ride in his/her region.

2. The horses to be tested will be picked by a "luck of the draw" procedure. However, the tester has the right to also select any other horse at his/her discretion.

3. The chain of evidence will be established under DeLore Labs procedures. This is also outlined in AHSA procedures, EXCEPTION: At least one witness, not the owner, will be utilized. (AHSA allows in some cases for the owner to be sole witness.)

4. DeLore will report positive teats to the AERC Executive Director, who will then notify the Veterinary and Protest and Grievance Committees within 48 hours.

5. A review committee consisting of four veterinary members of the  veterinary committee and the lay board member (5 total) will be established to review positive drug samples. This will involve evaluating the type and quantity of drugs) specifically to ensure that there wilt be no variation in AERC's drug policy, i.e."There shall be no drugs that enhance or alter the performance of the horse."

6, The recommendations of this review committee shall then be passed on to the Protest and Grievance committee. This procedure shall take no more than 14 days from notification by the AERC executive director to a positive drug test. Motion carried 20 - O.


Joe Long moved to add Rule  3. 1. "AERC sanctioned rides are subject to drug testing by the AERC or government agency, Riders and owners of equines entered in AERC sanctioned events grant authority for their equines to be tested by virtue of their entering a ride." Heidi Winger-Smith seconded. Motion carried 20-0.


Jan Worthington has missed three meetings. According to the by-laws, Article IX. Section 3, the Board can act to excuse such absences as cause for removal. Lynn Golemon moved to do so. Susan Kasemeyer seconded. Motion  carried 20 - 0.


The meeting was closed with the exception of Vanessa Waters, Mark Dees and Dr. Beecher, the purpose being an informal hearing concerning the protest which had been filed against Ms. Waters. An appeal had been received from the protester, Tim Serviss, for an extension of time in which to file an appeal against the action of the Protest and Grievance committee, Ms Waters reviewed the circumstances leading to the protest. Mark Dees was asked to send a letter to Mr. Serviss explaining our position.


The next Item of business was committee assignments. When it is completed a list of committees will be appended to these minutes.


RULES COMMITEE - Joe Long moved the following rule changes on behalf of committee:

(1) to revise Rule 5.2 to read "...calculated according to the chart in the Appendix." (This would delete the phrase "calculated at 4.167 MPH"). Motion carried 17 -0.

(2) To add Rule 1.2.4 (concerning elevator rides) " If the starting times are not the same, elevating riders must have the time limits of rule 5 applied to their original ride's starting time.," Motion carried 17-0.

(3) Delete Rule 8.4 and substitute the following -"Career mileage credit only for AERC members and horses who participate in FEI rides or rides in foreign countries at least 50 miles in length and sanctioned by AERC-recognized organizations. Passed 17 - 0.


A proposal from Joe Long concerning the computer system was referred to the Office Committee.


A question was asked concerning the status of the 2-veterinarian per ride requirement. It had not been referred to the rules committee. The sanctioning and ride managers committees jointly recommended this be treated as a Guideline. Motion carried ]7 - 0.

Joe Long suggested that at the time of reprinting of the Rules, all references to "'Horses and/or Mules" be changed to "Equines"


Mark Dees suggested that our By-Laws be incorporated into the Rules Booklet, with the statement that in any case where there is a conflict between Rules and By-laws the By-laws prevail. Referred to the Rules Committee.


Robert Morris mentioned the importance of furnishing new board member with a packet of information including committee charters, by-laws, etc. He is coordinating the production of a Procedures Manual,


Planning for future conventions was discussed. The next three years ('95, '96, '97) will be held In Reno, Most

facilities are discussing 5 - 10 year commitments. The Nugget refuses to negotiate. The tentative dates for 1995 are February 2 - 5 at the Reno Hilton.

The sites of San Antonio, Nashville, Atlanta, or Louisville were mentioned for 1998. Stagg Newman moved that Miki, based on the input from the board, choose a convention site in the eastern half of the country for 1998, that we return to Reno in the years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and that Miki choose a site east of the

Mississippi for the year 2003. Terry Dye seconded. The motion carried 15 - 0.


Stagg Newman remanded a letter from Maggy Price concerning a code of conduct to Robert Morris for consideration in the proposed Policies and Procedures manual.

In the matter of selection of material chosen for publication in Endurance News, Stagg Newman proposed that our policy should be that EN should be for information and education, and that communications addressed to EN that are a matter of dispute be returned to the sender saying it was inappropriate for EN and suggesting that the letter should be sent to one or more of the directors. This policy should be printed in Endurance News.

Stagg Newman stated that the Competitions Committee is considering a statement of protocol regarding how Best Condition is to be administered at each ride, to be printed in EN for riders' consideration. This statement then would be incorporated as a set of guidelines to be included in riders' packets.


The date for the midyear meeting was discussed. Stagg Newman moved that we meet in Nashville on the weekend of November 4, 5, 6. Motion seconded and carried unanimously. Miki was appointed to make arrangements.


The meeting was adjourned.


Louise Riedel, Secretary.