AERC      BOARD OF DIRECTORS August: 29-30 1989

Sheraton Airport Hotel Bloomington, Minnesota


The September 29, 1989 meeting of the AERC board of directors was called to order by President Taliaferro at 8:00 A.M.,


Directors in attendance: Ansorge, Beason, Nebeker, Pruitt, Zontelli, Riedel, Taliaferro, Baxter, Mitchell, "Warren, Lewis, Price, Morris, Long, McCrary, Carr. There being a quorum the following business ,.was conducted.


PRESIDENT: President Tallaferro discussed the need to formulate a philosophy for the future of this organization and stated that he felt that this may be one of the most important meetings in AERC history.


TREASURER: Treasurer Jeri Scott submitted a letter stating that a complete report will be forthcoming with the completed audit report.


SECTRETARY:  Jackie Mitchell announced that the minutes of the March meeting had been approved  by mail


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Executive Director Toni Fonseca presented a report and asked for board approval of a revised personnel policy. This policy has been rewritten to comply with California state law. After a vote the policy was accepted. Ms. Fonseca also asked for permission to publish a membership direc­tory and the '"Introduction to Endurance Riding" manual which has been written by Arlene Morris. After discussion it was decided that the manuscript for the manual be submitted to the entire board for review prior to publication. President Taliaferro, instructed the Executive Director to submit these requests to the National Office Committee for a recommendation prior to board vote.


INTERNATIONAL: President Taliaferro reported that the North American Championship ride held in Flesherton, Canada was a great success. The US was represented ,with teams from the Pacific, Mountain, Central and Eastern time zones. Canada was represented with teams from Canada East and Canada West. Team Gold  went to the Canada East team, US Central took the Silver and US Mountain the Bronze. Individual Gold was won by Jeff Benjamin, US East team.


President Taliaferro discussed the European Championship ride which is to be held in Portugal in September. He reported that the US will be represented with a team of five. As no funding is available to send these riders all costs will be paid by the individual team members with the exception of the ceremonial uniforms which have been donated by Millers.


A discussion was held with a lawyer, Art Priesz, about our insurance and liabil­ity. There were many good points brought out and at a later time, the entire discussion will be sent to you. Some important points of this discussion were;

1) Notice of no insurance needs to be put on pertinent papers such as newsletter, other literature that we give out.


2) Recommend for safety reasons that helmets., breakaway stirrups, etc. be used during a ride.


3)  Strengthen our general entry form to be sure that there is everything included that we need, knowing that we don't have insurance, knowing.we may be more liable than we were two years ago, and given changes in our legal interpre­tations. Legal committee and executive director to look at this and come back with a recommended change if needed.


4) Peter will confer with Legal and clean up the disclaimer and send to us.



Protest, Section 15


Violations and Penalties, Section 18


Please see attached for complete approved procedures and rules


After several rewrites and changes, the motion was made by the Rules Com­mittee to accept Section 15, and 16, as ,written and amended. Motion passed.


Motion By rules Committee, Proximity of Junior and Sponsor. Change fall 1989 printing of the rule Book,


Motion to amend proposal by Long seconded by Zontelli. Add back to motion, must finish within one minute of sponsor. yes 11 No 4


Vote on original motion as amended. yes 13 no 2


Residency Requirement:


Motion to amend proposal by Pruitt, seconded by Price. Rule 8.6, Rules and Regulations book. change the word to, to the word from. Amendment passed. Motion to accept Rule as amended. Motion passed.


Fractious Horse Rule: addendum to rules committee report by Nina Warren. Amendment to change the words the head to a ride, by Warren, sec­onded by Ansorge. Motion passed as amended.


Editorial Changes: Regarding weight rule. Motion passed.




Guidelines for the judging of Best Condition.. It was the consensus of the board that ,we make this resolution. That the AERC board supports the actions of the veterinary committee with regards to the .guidelines for judging of best con­dition and thanks the committee for their work. Enactment as soon as possible.


Completion Criteria: Motion by Veterinary Committee failed. Roll call vote as follows: Yes, Beason, Warren, Mitchell. No, Carr, Lewis, Morris, Nebeker, Zontelli, Price, McCrary Baxter, Long, Riedel, .Ansorge.


Motion to incorporate #4 into rule made by Long. Seconded by Warren. Yes 1, No 12, Abstain 2.



Motion from  committee to establish a multi-day ride championship, (to be named by committee). Award.-. will be given Top three each weight division, one junior. Motion passed. Motion by Lewis.. seconded by Morris, the same horse and rider must complete the entire event to qualify for this award. Motion passed. Ride results will still be counted in regional and national program:.


Regional Point Calculation: After discussion, it was suggested that the committee publish in the newsletter, that there is a motion from the committee to eliminate the overall point divisions in the regions in favor of the weight divisions.


National Championship: Suggested that the championship system stay the same for 1990.

Motion by Lewis, seconded by Price. For the 1989 championship rides, junior riders must stay with stated sponsor for entire ride unless the current sponsor is pulled. Roll call vote. Yes 6, Lewis, Zontelli, Price, Baxter, Beason, McCrary No, 8, Nebeker, Warren, Long Riedel, Ansorge, Mitchell, Carr, Mor­ris. Abstain, Pruitt.

Motion by Carr, seconded by Morris. For the 1989 championship rides, junior riders can change sponsors one time other than current sponsor being pulled. Roll call vote. Yes, Carr, Morris, Nebeker, Price, ]Baxter, Pruitt, 6 No, Lewis, Warren, Long Riedel, Ansorge, Mitchell, 6 Abstain, Zontelli, McCrary. President Taliaferro voted yes to break the tie. Motion carried.

Weight Divisions: Motion by Zontelli, seconded by Lewis. Change the weight divisions- riders to be weighed without tack. Weight divisions will be Lightweight-under 130- Middleweight 131-174. Heavyweight 175 and over. After discussion was held, motion was withdrawn by Zentelli.


Recessed August 29 at 9:30 p.m.