February 21, 1988


The Board meeting was convened at 8:05 a.m. by newly elected president Tom Goton. Also present were Louise Riedel, Cliff Lewis, Tom Bowling, Frank Bennett, Boyd ZonteIli, Robbi Pruitt, Kathy Ray, Maggy Price, Lindsay Taliaferro, Earle Baxter, Matthew Mackay Smith, Arlene Morris, Nina Warren, Heidi Smith, Karen Paulo, Jackie Mitchell, Jeri Scott, Karen Beason, Peter Ansorge, Joe Long, John DiPietra, Smokey Killen


Steve Shaw, representing Ride and Tie, spoke to the possibility of establishing some form of relationship with AERC. Matthew moved that possible sanctioning of Ride and Tie be remanded to committee. Joe Long seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Tom Bowling was appointed to head the committee to investigate.


OLD BUSINESS - Heidi Smith moved that the old point system be re-named a "Cumulative Point System" and be run in concurrence with the National Championship Rides system. Karen Paulo seconded. Motion defeated as follows: Yes - Scott, Paulo, Smith, Warren, Mitchell, Pruitt. No - Bowling, DiPietra, Long, Mackay Smith, Morris, Price, Ansorge, Beason, Riedel, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Lewis, Killen, Zontelli, Bennett.


Joe Long moved to count the first five starts in each division of the national ride system instead of the best five. Boyd Zontelli seconded. Peter Ansorge moved to close debate. Heidi seconded. Motion to close debate defeated. Original motion defeated as follows: Yes - DiPietra, Long, Warren, Zontelli, Pruitt. No - Bowling, Killen, Mackay Smith, Morris, Price, Scott, Ansorge, Beason, Riedel, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Paulo,    Smith,   Bennett,  Lewis. Abstain-Mitchell


Heidi Smith moved to revise the weight system as follows, to be effective December 1, 1988: Lightweight - 0-130; Middleweight – 131 - 170.; Heavyweight 171 - 210; Super heavyweight -210-over, without tack. Arlene seconded. Arlene moved to table the matter and remand to committee. Joe seconded. Carried with Paulo opposed and Smith abstaining.


Arlene Morris moved that the mileage championship be changed to allow three horses. Bennett seconded. Motion defeated as follows: in favor - Morris, Ray, Paulo, Smith, Pruitt, Bennett, Lewis. opposed -Bowling, Killen, Long, Mackay Smith, Price, Scott, Ansorge, Beason, Riedei, Taliaferro, Baxter, Warren, Mitchell, Zontelli.


Kerry Ridgway representing the Veterinary Committee moved that the following be added to Rule 2.1: "A minimum of two veterinarians is strongly recommended. Ride management shall assure that adequate veterinary supervision is provided post-ride." Peter Ansorge moved and Lindsay Taliaferro seconded to table these items and remand to rules committee. Heidi Smith moved to amend the above by considering the items separately. Motion to amend died for lack of a second. The motion to table passed unanimously.


Heidi Smith moved to add Rule 2.1.4 1 as follows: The setting of veterinary parameters, including but not limited to p/r's, shall be determined by the head veterinarian. Since the ambient conditions are of prime concern in the setting of parameters, these parameters shall not be finalized or published more than 24 hours prior" to ride start. Lindsay seconded. Lindsay moved to amend by adding the phrase to go into effect April 1 ~ Kathy Ray seconded. Motion carried with Bowling, Killen, Mackay Smith, Ansorge, Riedel, Mitchell, Lewis opposing. Matthew moved to amend the original motion by striking the word published. Motion to amend carried with Smith opposing. The motion as amended carried as follows: Yes .- DiPietra, Long, Price, Beason, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Paulo, Smith, Zontelli, Pruitt, Bennett. Opposed - Bowling, Killen, Mackay Smith, Morris, Ansorge, Riedel, Lewis. Abstain Scott, Warren, Mitchell.


Dr. Ridgway moved (for the veterinary committee) to strike Rule 5.3 (placing riders "under restraint"). Motion carried unanimously.


Dr. Ridgway discussed various aspects of drug abuse and testing. It was the sense of the board that a committee be appointed (or the matter be assigned to an existing committee) to adjudicate drug penalties.


The veterinary committee is strongly opposed to the Bonanza Race because of the lack of veterinary control, and recommends a letter from AERC to the promoter of this event stating our position. It was also suggested that it would be beneficial to contact humane societies stating our position in events of this type. Lindsay offered a resolution dealing with our contacting and working with humane societies in regard to events considered detrimental to the welfare of horses. There was unanimous consensus of the board.


Rules committee moved the following: Rule 11.3 to be renumbered 11.4 and to read as follows:"The ride manager must be an AERC member.

11.4.1. An alternate manager must be appointed in the event of incapacity or in the event the manager chooses to ride his or her ride. An alternate ride manager must be an AERC member. The ride results must report the name of the alternate manager. This will result in Rule 11.3.!. being renumbered to 11.4.2.    Maggie Price seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Lewis abstaining.


Rules 11.4 through 11.7 will now be renumbered to become 11.5 through 11.8.


Rules committee moved that the section in italics be added to Rule 10.2 to read junior riders may participate in AERC competition only with the consent of parent or guardian. This consent shall  imply:

a. acceptance of all AERC rules, particularly the ability of a junior to substitute a sponsor during a ride as allowed by AERC rules and regulations.

b. prior consent to any emergency medical treatment or aid.

Motion passed unanimously.


Rules committee moved Rule be changed to read "In the event of an emergency, in order to remain in competition the sponsor and junior must stay together until a pre-registered substitute sponsor or ad hoc sponsor is secured." Motion carried unanimously.


Peter Ansorge moved to add Rule 11.3: "Special qualification rides are rides with entry qualifications other than those contained in Rule No. 3. Such rides require special approval of the board for sanctioning. The Board has the option to modify sanctioning as appropriate at their discretion.

11.3.1. Petition for such approval must be sent to the AERC president at least 180 days before the ride date, and must include clear rationale for the qualification and justification for this ride. The board will render its decision within 60 days." Jackie Mitchell seconded. Motion carried as follows: Yes - DiPietra, Long, Mackay Smith, Morris, Price, Ansorge, Beason, Riedel, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Paulo, Warren, Mitchell, Zontelli, Lewis. Opposed -Bowling, Killen, Scott, Smith, Pruitt, Bennett.


Matthew moved that the above rule be implemented at the beginning of the 1989 season. Heidi seconded. Motion defeated as follows: Yes -Mackay Smith, Morris, Scott, Paulo, Smith, Pruitt, Bennett. Opposed - Bowling, DiPietra, Killen, Long, Price, Ansorge, Beason, Riedel, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Warren, Mitchell, Zontelli, Lewis.

Matthew moved to re-open the question. Lindsay seconded. Carried.          


Lindsay moved that Rule 11.3 be retroactive to the start of the 1988 ride season and there be a special exception -For those rides that apply for sanctioning within 30 days. Maggie Price seconded. The motion passed as follows: Yes - DePietra, Killen, Long, Morris, Price, Ansorge, Beason, Riedel, Taliaferro, Ray, Baxter, Warren, Mitchell, Zontelli, Lewis. Opposed - Bowling, Mackay Smith, Scott, Paulo, Smith, Pruitt, Bennett.


Arlene Morris moved to add rule 5.4 "There must be a pre-designated marked finish line perpendicular across the trail. Joe Long seconded Motion carried unanimously.


Peter Ansorge recommended that no action be taken on the matter of ride managers and family riding their own rides. There was no motion.


Pat French reporting for the Protest and Grievance committee recommended that the report as printed be accepted. The proposed charter and procedures are being revised with consultation with the legal committee. These will be finalized writhing a month and circulated to the Board for approval.


Tom Bowling opened the question of a dispute concerning the National Championship rides in the Northwest region.    Maggie Price moved and Boyd Zontelli seconded to accept the rides as published on the list of championship ride~.     Motion carried as follows:    Yes - Bowling, DiPietra, Killen, Long, Price, Morris, Ansorge, Taliaferro, Baxter, Zontelli, Lewis. Opposed - Scott, Paulo, Smith, Warren, Pruitt. Abstain - Mackay Smith, Beason, Riedel, Ray, Mitchell, Bennett.


Joe Long moved that Article IX, Section 8 of the by-laws be amended. (concerning rule changes, amendments and rescissions). Tom Bowling seconded. This proposal was remanded to the rules committee.


Lindsay Taliaferro moved, Jackie Mitchell seconded to accept the 1988 budget. Motion carried unanimously.


Boyd Zontelli moved that we eliminate the 50-mile rides from the Championship Series. Motion died for lack of a second.


In the matter of controversial letters in the Endurance News, the opposing side should be given a chance to respond, and both sides of the question should be printed in the same issue.


The Governor's Cup ride shall be given the opportunity to resubmit its application.


Matthew moved that AERC go on record as disapproving the Desert Arab Classic. Heidi seconded. Carried unanimously.


Karen Paulo moved that the l00-mile team championship shall include rides of 100 miles that are ridden in 24 consecutive hours, and 150 mile rides that are ridden in 36 consecutive hours; and that this award be expanded to include top 10. Joe Long seconded. Motion carried 13-5.


Tom Bowling moved and Cliff Lewis seconded that we do not have a mid year board meeting. Defeated 17-3. The date was set as September 10 in Denver, with John DiPietra to make arrangements.


Kenn Layne appeared before the board with a plan to establish a Grand Jury. No action was taken.


The meeting adjourned at 1:25


Louise Riedel, Secretary.