QUORUM The 21 February, 1985, meeting of .the American Endurance Ride
Conference was called to order at 7:10 pm. by President Joe Long. There being a quorum present the following business was conducted.
Ann-Therese Ronan presented the Administrative Office Report to the Board, as printed.
Limited mileage committee report was given by chairman Jackie Mitchell. The committee made one recommendation that the Best Condition award be changed to Top Ten riders. Moved and seconded that we have no competitive speed awards for the limited distance rides. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the committee report be accepted as amended. Motion carried. Limited mileage program to continue.
Junior Program committee report was given by special committee chairman Joanna Hanson, as printed.
Moved and seconded that the junior proposal be tabled until Sunday morning. Motion carried.
Ride Sanction committee report was given by chairman Arlene Morris. The committee proposed that the AERC amend the scope of Rule 2. The horses must be under the control of veterinarians experienced with horses or endurance rides. At least one ride veterinarian must be at the ride site for at least one (1) hour after the last horse
crosses the finish line or has returned to ride camp,
Moved and seconded that the proposal be amended to change this from a rule to a guideline, motion carried.
Committee report accepted as amended.
The National Office Committee report was given by chairman Jim Remillard, as printed.
Section one: Moved and seconded that the recommendation of the committee be accepted. Motion carried. 1986 Convention to be in Reno.
Section two: Moved and seconded to accept the committee recommendation to increase the annual dues. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded that we increase the Canadian and foreign memberships to offset the additional cost of mailing. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded that membership dues for foreign members be raised $15.00 annually. Motion carried.
section three: Recommendations for ride sanction fees: Moved and seconded that report be amended to replace the fixed application fee with a non-refundable application fee equal to the sanction fee for five starting riders, and this to become a portion of the sanction fee due after the ride. Motion defeated.
The committee recommendation for application fee for new rides is a non-refundable fee of $25.00 be assessed to each new ride requesting AERC sanction, effective June1, 1985. Motion carried.
Committee recommendation is that all existing rides be assessed a renewal fee of $10.00, effective Dec l, 1985. Notion carried.
Moved and seconded to amend the committee report to increase the ride sanction fees to $2. per starting horse for the first 10 horses and $3.00 per starting horse for each horse thereafter, effective l June 1985.
Moved and seconded to amend the amendment for sanction fees to be raised to $3. per starting horse, effective 1 June 1985 Moved and seconded to table the amendments. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded to amend the amendment that the effective date of the sanction fee increase to 1 Dec.1985. Motion carried.
Question called on motion to amend raising sanction fees to$5.00. Motion defeated.
Question called on original motion. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded that sanction fees be increased to $2.50 per starting rider effective I Dec. 1985. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that we accept the committee recommendations to charge for the yearbook.
Moved and seconded that we table the motion until the Sunday Board meeting. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that committee recommendations on salary and benefits be tabled until the end of tonight's agenda. Motion carried.
President Joe Long made the report on the recall election of George Behee without cause as specified in the by-laws. The results of the recall election is that George Behee is retained as a director from the Northwest region.
Ted Jeary reported on the IAHA sweepstakes awards for purebred and partbred Arabs. Approximately $20,000. is available in prizes to qualified animals who are registered in the Sweepstakes program. His report noted that these prizes are not available to all Arabs, only for those whose entry fee is paid to the Sweepstakes program.
Sharon Saare reported on the current status of BLM and trails program, and the wild horse adoption program.
Matthew Mackay-Smith presented his report on international championship competition. The next European championship will be held in Austria 31 August, 1985. Those interested in competing and leasing a horse in Europe should contact Matthew~ Mackay-Smith.
Moved and seconded that Matthew Mackay-Smith be appointed liaison with AERC and AHSA. Motion carried.
Rick Bingham asks AERC to run a "name contest" to name the winner of this ride. The consensus of the Board was that we would take it under advisement and discuss it Sunday.
President Joe Long asked the Board what do we do about vacancies? Death? Family memberships split by divorce? Board's answer: Nothing.
Moved and seconded that the secretary draw up a proposal for reopening the Lifetime Membership and present it to the Board on Sunday. Motion carried. Committee appointed by consent of the Board, Jim Remillard, Joanne Hanson, and Barbara McCrary to form the committee.
Moved and seconded that all AERC raffle prizes be full transferrable. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that Ride Managers Handbook wording be changed as follows:
Delete Sec. 2.7.2.(3): a horse not meeting stated criteria for recovering to a specified P&R in a specified time after finishing can be pulled from Top Ten but allowed a completion.
Delete Sec 2.6 Page 4 There may be a distinction between successful completion for purposes of winning and placing in the Top Ten and successful completion.
Delete Sec 4.4 page 15 a ride can use a two level set of criteria at the post ride check. The horses must pass the more stringent criteria which may include a set P&R recovery within a set time after finishing and being sound up to a defined degree of lameness to qualify for Top Ten placing.
Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that AERC adopt-the rule that at the end of one hour from the time of crossing the finish line, without medication, a horse must have a pulse of 72 or less and must be sound at the walk in order to complete the ride.
Moved and seconded that this motion be tabled until Sunday. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the Best Condition system be changed to allow the first Top Ten horses be eligible to be judged for best condition. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the veterinarian get a blank best condition form with no additional information of names, weights or times. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the proposed best condition championship system be accepted as printed, effective 1 Dec. 1985. Motion carried.
The AERC National and Regional Best Condition Champions shall be determined by the following method;
1. Each member-owned or leased horse receiving a Best Condition by the AERC Best Condition Judging System in an AERC sanctioned endurance ride shall receive one point per mile of sanctioned ride length. If there are fewer than ten starting horses, the points shall be reduced by 10% for each starter fewer than ten; that is, if there are nine starters, the points are reduced by 10%, for eight starters by 20%, and so forth. However, if there is only one starting horse, no Best Condition points shall be awarded.
2. At the end of the ride season, the member-owned or leased horse in each region with the highest number of points in this system, irrespective of the number of different riders which may have ridden the horse, shall be the Regional Best Condition Champion. The
member-owned or leased horse with-the highest number of points nationally shall be the National Best Condition Champion.
Moved and seconded that the requirement be dropped off that ride management request elevator sanctioning from Regional Director. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the words "and riders" be added to Rule 3 on the sanction form. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded that we have an executive session of the Board to discuss the salary and benefits of the office staff. Motion carried.
Tabled portion of Office Committee recommendation brought before the Board.
Moved and seconded that the salaries for Executive Director and Point Recorder/Statistician be increased by 10% and the. Part time secretary's hourly rate be increased to $5.00 per hour. Motion carried . Moved and seconded that the recommended increase in Health insurance be adopted. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the recommended sick leave be adopted Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the subject of an IRA for the full-time employees of AERC be tabled. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned, 12:30am.
Respectively submitted;
Joanne Hanson. Secretary
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Endurance Ride
at the Nugget Convention Center~ in Reno, Nevada.
With 21 Directors present and President Lindsay Taliaferro presiding a quorum being present, the following business was conducted.
Minutes of the 21 February Board of Directors meeting were read. To the motion on Limited Distance Events, the word "speed" was added so that the Motion read "There will be no competitive speed awards for the Limited Distance Rides." Minutes approved as amended.
Arlene Morris was appointed Convention Chairman.
Jackie Mitchell was appointed Raffle Chairman.
The Junior committee presented the proposed Junior Policy. Moved and seconded to add National in 4 places of para.1. Motion defeated.
Moved and seconded to have Rule 1 read: "Junior riders shall have their own division with the AERC point system. Motion carried.
Rule 3. Moved and seconded the words "with their sponsor" be added. Deleting the words "within one minute of their sponsor" Motion carried.
Rule 5. Moved and seconded that the words "under 14" be deleted from para. b. Rule 5 and Paras. c, d, e be deleted. Motion carried.
Rule 7. Moved and seconded to add the sentence: "Ride management may allow non-competitor sponsor, when necessary, and junior shall then receive completion only." Motion carried.
Rule 8: Moved and seconded to delete last sentence: Junior may change sponsors only if sponsor is pulled or cannot continue the ride. Motion carried
Moved and seconded to add the sentence: "A junior may change sponsor between check points only in the event that his sponsor or his sponsor's horse becomes unable to continue on the trail to a check point." Motion carried.
Moved and seconded to delete the word "vet" from the first sentence. Motion carried.
Rule9. Moved and seconded to delete all of Rule 9. Motion carried,
Rule 1. Junior Riders shall have their own division within the AERC point system.
Rule 2. There shall be a Junior Best Condition judged and recognition made if two or more juniors are competing on the ride.This shall be without regard to the availability of an actual award.
Rule 3. Juniors may compete for AERC points and awards within their own division on rides 50 miles or over when riding at all times with their sponsor.
Rule 4. Junior riders may participate in AERC competition only with written consent of parent or guardian.
Rule 5.1. A junior is any young person, age 17 and under as of 1 December of the new ride year. (ie. age 18 with birthday of Dec. 2 is for competition purposes aged 17 for the ensuing year)
Rule 5.2 Any junior is required to ride with a sponsor, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Rule 6. National standings shall show Top Ten Juniors./ Regional standings for West, Northwest, and Southwest Regions shall show Top Five Juniors, and all other Regions shall show Top Two.
When Junior participation in any region increases to a level where there are four (4) or more juniors competing/participating for each placing in the standings, then standings will increase one position for each four (4) competitors to a maximum level of Top Ten. When two regions have reached a level of junior participation to have Regional Top Ten Standings, then the National Standings for juniors shall increase to Top Twenty.
Number of placings in individual rides shall be the decision of ride management except, there shall be no fewer than Top Two for juniors providing there are two or more juniors competing in that ride.
Rule 7. Sponsorship is required for juniors and sponsor must be an adult over the age of 18 and duly entered as a competitor/ participant in the ride. Ride management may allow non-competitor sponsor, when necessary, and junior shall then receive completion only.
Rule 8. A sponsor must be registered by name with ride management before the start of a ride and a junior may not change sponsors except at regular stated checks and then only with knowledge and consent of ride management. The new sponsor must be registered by name and name written on junior rider's vet card or record at the time of change. A
junior may change sponsor between check points only in the event that his sponsor or his sponsor's horse becomes unable to continue on the trail to a check point.
Moved and seconded that the Junior Policy be accepted as amended. Motion carried.
Rod Meier, DVM, West Region, was appointed as chairman of the vet committee.
Committee chairman reported that the committee's decision was to presenting any policy until proper financial planning can be done.
Discussion of the request by ride management of the North American International Ride concluded that the request would in effect promote the ride and therefore was not within the scope of AERC, but the province of ride management.
Jeri Scott was appointed chairman, with Barbara McCrary and Jeff Briscoe as members. Chair may add members if she decides it is necessary.
Moved and seconded that this motion be referred to vet committee. Motion defeated. Moved and seconded that we adopt the new rule for minimum criteria for successful completion. Rule 14. "At the end of one hour from the time of crossing the finish line, without medication, a horse must have a pulse of 72 or less and must be sound at the walk in order to complete the ride." Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that this rule to take effect in 90 days providing the information gets out to ride management. Motion carried.
The new ride sanction committee was appointed, with members from. each region. NW- George Behee; W-Barbara McCrary; SW- Jim Baumgartner; MT-HolIy Ulyate; MW-Louise Riedel; C-Pat French; SE-Jackie Mitchell; NE-Earle Baxter.
A fund’s raising committee was appointed. Pat French, Jeff Briscoe and Lindsay Taliaferro. Moved and seconded that the AERC hold an AERC sponsored and managed fund raising ride. Motion carried.
Jeff Briscoe to come up with recommendations for Board approval.
Pat French proposed that AERC sell or rent ride tapes. No action taken.
Penny Behee presented a .plan for an historical trail ride in Oregon. Moved and seconded that the Board approve sanction of "The Lost Wagon Train Ride". Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the Cross Michigan Ride be approved Sanctioning. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the words "or distance" be added following the words "actual conditions" in para.l. Motion carried.
Para.3.1 Moved and seconded that the three days be increased to "five days". Motion Carried.
Para. 3.8. Moved and seconded that $50 amount be changed to $25 Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the Board accept the protest procedure as amended. Motion carried.
Rod Meier DVM, West Region asked to be removed from heading the vet committee.
It was agreed that this should be a topic for future discussion.
No action taken.
Moved and seconded that we replace the old point system with the proposed point system, effective 1 December, 1985 Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that we establish a middle weight division with light weights being under 135 lbs., mid-weights, 136 lbs to 179 lbs., heavy weights 180 lbs and up. , effective 1 December, 1985 Motion carried
Moved and seconded that the three weight divisions have 7 positions motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the new point system also applies to all weight divisions. Motion carried.
A mid-year Board of Directors meeting was scheduled for Denver June 29-30th, 1985. '
Moved and seconded that we reopen discussion on the successful completion question Motion defeated (9-10)
Moved and seconded that AERC become an associate member of the European Long Distance Ride Committee. (nominal cost of approx. $100. or less) Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that we-amend our point system for the 100 mile Horse and Rider Award to have only one division. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the 1986 convention will be in Reno, Feb 15-16, with AI Beaupre to check on other locations and report. to the Board. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded to table the yearbook fee. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded to table further discussion on the budget until Annie-T and Jeri Scott can review it. Motion carried.
Moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at
2:35 pm.