AMERICAN ENDURANCE RIDE CONFERENCE Board of Directors Meeting July 29, 1977
Squaw Valley, CA
President Sam Arnold called the meeting to order at
8:00 p.m. Those individuals present at the meeting were as follows: Sam Arnold President Newark, CA, Dave Clagett Director at Large Auburn, CA, Terry Hecker, representing Fred Hecker, Director at Large Rancho Cordova, CA, Bernice Kalland Director at Large San Luis Oblspo, CA, Todd Nelson, D.V.M. Director at Large Fair Oaks, CA, Pat Fitzgerald, Vice President, West Regional Director S. Lake Tahoe, CA, Louise Riedel Midwest Regional Director, Dubuque, IA, Jo Anne Young Points Secretary Roseville, CA
Each of the following issues was discussed, put to a vote, and passed in the order here presented.
In the interest of fairness to all A.E.R.C. members, rides of a distance of odd miles shall, for the purpose of point tabulation, be rounded off to the lower last digit zero or five. For example, a ride of 58 miles shall be tabulated as a ride of 55 miles. Thus, no rider will be credited with more points than he or she actually earns.
At present, ride management must request A.E.R.C. sanctioning 90 days prior to the date of the ride. President Arnold suggested that A.E.R.C. assume rides sanctioned in the past would wish to be sanctioned in the future and proceed with that assumption. This suggestion was discussed and accepted.
President Arnold presented to the Board a Financial Statement, featuring a breakdown on income and expenditures. The Financial Statement does not reflect the cost of producing and mailing the recent newsletter.
President Arnold informed the Board that his office is sending copies of the 1974 Yearbook, along with membership application forms, information on the Permanent Record Rider Mileage Program, and the A.E.R.C. News (our recent newsletter) to individuals expressing interest in A.E.R.C. and the sport of endurance riding. The Board approved this action.
It was agreed that such information should be sent to interested individuals and that the 1974 Yearbook should be included until the supply is depleted.
President Arnold explained the purpose of the program is to generate and retain interest in A.E.R.C. among new riders by providing recognition for cumulative mileage. The Board agreed that the program is excellent in that it provides recognition of both the members who participate in one or two rides per year and the new members who have recently begun participating in the sport, as well as the very active members.
President Arnold informed the Board his office is sending Permanent Record forms and membership applications along with sanction forms to each A.E.R.C. sanctioned ride. Ride Management is being instructed to include these forms in their rider packets. The forms were also included in the A.E.R.C.News. Thus far, 280 members have sent their Permanent Records to our administrative offices.
Samples of the mileage patches were shown to the Board. It was agreed that the patches should be ordered as soon as possible.
Elections for Regional Directors are to be held this year. The Board agreed that the administrative offices will inform the national membership of the electoral procedure. Nominations from national membership will be sent to the administrative offices.
The President suggested a change in the By-Laws to avoid yearly elections, which are both time-consuming and expensive. The Board will consider this suggestion and make a decision at the convention in January.
Pat Fitzgerald and President Arnold expressed concern about the progress of arrangements for the convention. It was agreed that Pat Fitzgerald would meet with Shirley Wheeler, Chairperson of the Convention Committee, for an up-to-date report on her progress.
The Board agreed that all directors, both Regional and at Large, should have input in future newsletters. Such input should be in the form of brief articles.
Members of the 1977 Yearbook Committee are as follows: Dave Clagett,~ Harold Cassen, and Kathie Perry.
Dave Clagett reported to the Board on the progress of his committee. The format of the 1977 Yearbook, as suggested by the Yearbook Committee and approved by the Board, is as follows:
I. Panel of Experts: The Committee will devise questions relating to the problems endurance riders encounter in caring for their horses. One question concerning shoeing will be sent to three professional shoers the question and the responses to be presented together in the Yearbook.
The veterinarians will also respond to an appropriate question from the committee, following the procedure outlined above. Disparate views are expected and welcomed.
2 Fixed Articles: The Committee is soliciting articles on the following subjects:
a. account of a specific ride
b. parasite control
c. crewing and timing
d. Hall of Fame
e. A.E.R.C. Championship
3. President's message and short messages from each Director.
4. Ride List, featuring mileage, number of riders starting, number of riders finishing, Junior and Senior Winner, and Best Condition for each ride.
5. Rider Mileage List
6. List of 1,000 Mile Horses
7. Ride Management may purchase advertising for a specific ride at reduced cost.
The Board agreed that the 1977 Yearbooks will be free only to A.E.R.C. members. Non-members may purchase the Yearbook, the proceeds to be applied toward compensation of the cost of production. The Board agreed to wait until the Committee could estimate the cost of production before deciding upon a specific price for purchase copies.
President Arnold adjourned the meeting at approximately l0:00 p.m.