American Endurance
Ride Conference Board of Directors meeting January 30, 1977
8:30 a.m. Las Vegas,
The meeting was
called to order by President Sam Arnold. Present were vice-president Pat
Fitzgerald, secretary Julie Suhr and directors Dan Heath, Kathv Perry, Harry
Eastlake, Shirley Wheeler, Roger Taylor, Neel Glass, Lew Hollander, Hanne
Hollander, Bernice Kalland, Louise Riedel, Dave Clagett, Todd Nelson and Fred
Hecker. Also present was Jackie Grace in place of director Doug Madsen from the
Copies of the
financial report were distributed to all present showing a balance of
$4,731.31. The 1977 proposed budget was discussed as was the necessity for paid
clerical help as the job has become too large for volunteers.
The secretary was
instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Sam Arnold for president and Pat
Fitzgerald for vice-president following their nominations for the offices they
had held last year.
Director Dan Heath
discussed our contract with Saddle Action magazine. He reported that the
magazine was now being published monthly and that the $4 fee paid by the AERC
to S/a did not cover the cost of printing and milling the magazine which now
sold for a yearly subscription of $12.00. He figures his cost at $6 to $7 to
print and mail-out. The members present voted to increase our fee to S/A to $6
for the next year. The secretary was instructed to send $1280 as the balance of
the Yearbook costs to Dan Heath.
It was moved and
passed that all AERC memberships should have the common expiration date of
January I in order to simplify the bookkeeping.
It was moved and
seconded and voted to accept the 1977 budget.
A general discussion
took place concerning the membership dues. It was moved and seconded that they
be increased to $12 for an individual membership and $17 for a family
membership. The motion passed with three opposing votes.
Jackie Grape made a
motion that all rides must sanction ninety days prior to the date of the ride.
She then amended the motion to sixty days. The motion carried.
Lew Hollander moved
that all rides end in multiples of five. The motion passed. Lew then moved that
once a ride was sanctioned by the AERC, the mileage cannot be changed and the
points awarded will be awarded according to the mileage for which that ride was
sanctioned. The motion passed.
After a discussion,
Dave Clagget moved that Rule No. 7 (a ride must be a minimum of 50 miles in
length) be amended to read that the first day of a ride must be a minimum of 40
miles. The motion passed with three opposed.
Pat Fitzgerald moved
that we incorporate an 8th rule which would require that a horse be five years
old at the time of the ride in order to participate. The motion passed
A lengthy discussion
followed on the subject of the point system and its application within regions
of varying sizes and number of rides. Neel Glass moved that the regional
boundaries remain as they are at present, but that regional points can he
accumulated in any region in which you ride, but counted in the region of your
residency. The motion passed with two opposed. President Arnold did not feel
that this required a ByLaws change.
New Business
Sam Arnold explained a program he envisioned in which riders would garner points on any horse ridden. The purpose would be to recognize those riders who never necessarily expected to be in the Top Ten, but who were ardent supporters and followers of endurance rides. Recognition of miles ridden would be indicated by patches for hats, certificates or some other suitable item. Sam would further like to see the Top Five Riders chosen on the basis of miles covered on any horse. His ideas met with the approval of the group.
Sam requested that
the group accept Reno, Nevada as the site of the 1978 National Convention. It
was put in the form of a motion by Pat Fitzgerald and was passed.
Lew Hollander moved
that the AERC "shall not hold, sanction or condone any closed
meetings". The motion passed.
Todd Nelson gave a
report of the veterinarian committee meeting. He announced that he had a
committee working on recommendations that will be made to AERC and which AERC
will in turn pass on to the rides. One proposal was that the Best Condition
horse be selected from those horses that finish within 10% of the winning
horse's time. They feel that time must be considered in choosing Best
Condition. He also said that his committee recommended that horses in AERC
sanctioned rides should be required to have Negative Coggins tests. Louise
Riedel moved that we have veterinarian guidelines where necessary, but withdrew
the motion after further discussion.
Sam Arnold asked the
Board of Directors to approve his appointment of Roger Taylor as Executive
Secretary. The Board gave its unanimous approval.
The meeting was
adjourned at noon.
Please note...these
are not the official minutes as typed and signed and forwarded the fist week in
February 1977. They are taken from rough notes in November 1977 .